Brainstem+ 4th ventricle +reticular formation Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
the brains stem contents?
White matter :
Longitudinal fibers :
Ascending tracts : lemisci
Descending tracts : pyramidal and extrapyramidal
Asscocaiton fivers
Horizontal fibers :
Deucssations : Sensory motor in medulaa
Arcuate fibers
Grey matter
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
Other Nuclei :
1-Red Nucels midbrain
2-ponitine pons
3-Olivary in medulla
Reticular formation :
Mixed grey and whie connecfting parts of brains stem
mid brain radriates whic nereves?
Occulmotr CN3
Trochelar CN4
Only cranial nerve from dorsal surface of Brainstem ?
Trochlear CN4
sTRUCTUE Winding around the cerebral peduncle :?
Optic tract
Trochlear nerce
posterior cerevral artery basalilar veimn
Interpenducle fossa belong to ?
boundaries ?
contents ?
Anterior optic chiasma
anterolateral otpic tract
posteriolateral cerebral peduncle
posterio upper pons
Tuber cinerum
Mammilary bodies
posterior perforated substance by central branches of posteroip cerebral atrtery
Occullllllllumotorrrrrrrrr NEERVE
posterior perforated substance by?
By central branches posterior cerebral artery that winds aroung the cerebral peduncle
Anterior perforated substance by?
CENTRAL BRANCHES FO anterior and middle cerebral aretrires
sulcus of basailart aretery appeain in ?
Transvers ponitine fibers corss the ?
The middle cerebral peduncle
divding bundles of corticospinal tracts
CN in the pons ?
5678 middle 4 cranial nerves !
Trigimnal roots ?
Facial mianly/ ?
motor root large medial
sensory inverse intermidus small lateral
Vestibular medially
choclear laterally
CerebelloPontine angle tumor cause?
Facial palys
deafness vertigo CN8
Pyramid olive ICP
CNs in Medulla
bet pyramid and olive cn12 Hypoglossal
bet olive and icp
Rhomoid fossa
floor of 4th ventricle form midbrain and upper pons
dorsal midbrain contaings
4 colliculi
superior to lateral geniculat body
inferior to medial geniculate of hypothalamus
pineal body
Pons dorsal
median sulcus
suclus limitan
medial eminice
facial colliculis
sup fovea
sup vestibular area
Locus cereules seceting NE
dORsal medulla
INF fovea containing ??
Vagal hypoglossal vestibular trigones
Closed Medulla containg:
Gracile and cunate tracts and ICP
the cavit of ehomencephalon is ?
4th ventricel in hind brain
lying between cerebellum and brainstem
Communitcations of 4th ventrcle
It commuinates
Superiorly: with the third ventricle through cerebral aqudect of sylivus Inferiorly: to the central canal of medulla oblongattttta
Subaracnois space : by 3 foramina one medial +2 lateral
Ventriucluar system explain
2 lateral ventricles in the cerebral hemispheres connected throgh foramen of Monro to the third ventricle that is connected to fourth through cerebral aqudect of sylivus then to cental canal in mdulla
Describe Roof and Floor of the 4th ventricle
the Roof :
The Superior medullaRY valum + superior cerebellar pednucles
The inferior medullary valum conatingin the Foramen Of Magendi that connects the interior of 4th ventricle to the subarachnoid space
The Floor :
Pons and upper medulla separated my stria medullaris
The dorsal Pons :
medial emincine and facial colliculs and Suclus limitans with locus cereules and superior fovea and superior vestibular area
Upper medulla the
open medulla : Inferior Fovea
The Vagal +Hypoglossal + Vestibular Trigone
+Area Postreama of CTZ
Lateral boundaries of 4th ventricle
Supeior : superiocereberal peduncels
inferior : ICP + Gracile+ cunate
laterall: recess of cavity over ICP connected to the subarachnoid space through formane of Luscka
Reticular formation ?
White and grey matter in extending thorugh brainstem superioly to hypothalamus and thalamus
inferioly to spinal cord
3 columns
medial median lateal
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