Suprahyoids+Cervical plexus + Symp chain Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“وأوتينا العلم من قبلها وكنا مسلمين”
Mention suprahyoids
Describe Digastric according to ?
Nerve supply
Origin :
Anterior belly from digastric fossa of inner suface of mandible
Posterior belly from The digastric notch in mastoid pocess of Temporal lobe
insertion : the two bellies joined at central intermediate tendon attaced to hyoid by? a fiborus loop
Action : Elevation of hyoid + depression and Retratcion of Mandible
Nerve supply
Anterior belly :CN5 nereve to Mylohyoid
Posterior belly : CN7
Nerve to mylohyoid also supplies ?
Anterior belly of digastric
It is a branch of CN5
describe relations of The diagsttic muscle
Anterior belly :
Superficila : skin superficial fascial platysma + deep fascia
Deep : Myolhyoid nerve and vessels and muscle
Posterior belly of Digastric :
superficial : Skin superfical fascia platysma deep fascia
bone gland bone gland
Mastoid process and muscles attaced Sternomastoid spleinucapitis
Parotid gland
Angle of Mandilbe Submanidublar Salivary gland
deep : Last 3cranial nerves
Carotid sheath : ICA +IJV +Vagus
ECA and Facial+lingual b
upper : post auricular art + stylohyoid
lower : Occipital art
Ant belly of digastric relations
Anterior belly :
Superficila : skin superficial fascial platysma + deep fascia
Deep : Myolhyoid nerve and vessels and muscle
post belly of diagtirc relations
Posterior belly of Digastric :
superficial : Skin superfical fascia platysma deep fascia
bone gland bone gland
Mastoid process and muscles attaced Sternomastoid spleinucapitis
Parotid gland
Angle of Mandilbe Submanidublar Salivary gland
deep : Last 3cranial nerves
Carotid sheath : ICA +IJV +Vagus
ECA and Facial+lingual b
Upper and lower borderes of digastric relations mention
Upper post auricular art + stylohyoid muscle
lower : Occipital artery
Describe stylohyoid muscle
From sytloid procecss to hyoid bone
for elevation of hyoid bone
Supplied by CN7 :Facial Nerve
anterior belly of diagstic
From the mylohyoid line in the inner surface of mandilbe which forms the floor of mouth
anterior and middle fibers inserted in mylohyoid raphe and the posterior direct to hyoid bone
Action : elevation of Hyoid and depression of Mandible
Supplied by CN5 Nerve to mylohyoid
Mention superficial relations to Myolohyoid
Skin superficial fascia deep fascia
superifical submanidublar salivary gland
boundaries and contents of submental triangles
=three group of sructures:
-Anterior belly of digastric
superficial to mylohyoid in diagastic tiagnle :–Submental nerve and vessels
-Mylohyoid nerve and vessels
Mention deep relation to mylohyoid
styloglossus - genioglossus - genihyoid
sublingual salivary glands
describe genihyoid muscles
from inferior genial tubecle of inner mandible surface to the body of hyooid action : casuing hyoid elevation
nerve supply C1 via hypoglossal nerve
Mention site and construction of cervical pleux
Between anterior and posterior tubercle of cervical transverse processes
construction Ventral rami of upper four cervical Nerves
Relations and formation of Cevical pleux mention
scalenus medius posteiroly
and Prevertebral Fascia anterorly
Each nerve divide into upper and lower division uniting forming 3 loooops
Branhces of Cervical pleux
Communicating :
Gray rami fom superior cervical ganglion to all roots
From c1 to hypoglossal froming superior limb of ansa cervicalis
Suprclacvilar c34
Transverse cervicalc23
Greater auricularea c23
lesser occipital c2
=Infrahyoid via ansa cerivclais
=Prevertebral, salneus meidus, levator scpaulae
= Proptioceptive to trapezius c23, sternomastoid c3
Phrenic c345 to diapharam
Cervical part of sympathtic trunk position
Between Prevertebral layre anterior and Carotid sheath posteior
there is superior and middle and inferior cerical ganglia
Preganglioninc of cervical ganglila from …… the post forms ?
T1-T4 1234
Froms medial and lateral branches
Compare between sup and middle and inferor cervical gaglion at size and hape
Superior : Largest Spindle
Middle : Smallest pin head
Inferior : Midway :- MAY FUSE WITH T1 to form star shape
Mention branhces of superior cervical ganglion
Commmunocating :
to last 4 CNs
grey rami comm to upper 4 cervical
Vascular to ICA pleux
To ECA pleux
Visceral :
superior cervical cadrdicl for superficial caridacl pleux
Thyroid Nerves
Compare between sup and middle and inferor cervical gaglion at site
Superior : between ECA and Longus capitis at C2.,3 Level
middle related to inferor thyorid artery behind carotid sheath at level c6,7
inferior : Opposite transverse process of c7 and neck of first rib
superior cervical ganglion vascular pleuxes fate
ICA pleux to ciliary ganglion
ECA Pleux to Otic and Submandiublar ganglion
Middle cervical gagnlion brahces list them
Communicating to c5,6
Visceral around inferor thyorid artery
Ansa Sublcavia around subclavian artery
Visceral :
Middle Cervical cardiac
Mention branhces of the inferior cervical ganglion
Commmnucating to c7,8
Vascular pleux around vertebrarl and subclavian arety
inferior cerival cardiac to deep cardiac pleux
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