Thalamus + 3rd Ventricle Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“ويا قوم مالي أدعوكم إلي النجاة وتدعونني إلي النار “
Dienceplalon Includes everthimg with name thalamus as
Right and left halves of diencephalon are symmetircla separated by?
Third ventricle
The diencephalon is divided by ? extending between ?
to ?
Hypothalamic sulcus between Interventricular foramen to cerebral aqueduct
Ventral :
met talamus
dorsal :
thalamus is ?
OVAL mass of Grey Matter share in motor sensory limbic functions
the gateway to cerebral cortex
The thalamus is condiered as brain realy station
As motor and sensory and limibc impulses pass through it before cortex
except Olfaction
Mention relations of thalamus
Superiorly Related to Choroid pluex and forming part of floor of lateral Ventricle
Inferiorly: Separated by the hypothalamic sulcus from hypothalamus and subthalamus and its posteiror site has mettahlamus for medial and lateral geniculae body
Medial surface forming wall of third ventricle and there is interthalamic adhesion
Lateral surface separated from Lentifrom Nucleus by? Internal Capsule
Mention thalamic nuclei
It is separated and divided into partitions by y shape white matter called Intramedullay lamina
to ?
1- Anterior
3-lateral Nuceli
Other Nuclei ?
Medial and lateral genicular bodies
Intralaminar Nuclei
Midline thalamic nuclei
Reticular Nuclei
Anatomical thalamic nuclei mention
Dorsal tier :
lateral dorsa n
lateral posterior n
Ventral Tier:
Ventral anterior
Ventral Lateral
Ventral Posterior
others : med and lat genicular bodies
Intralamina + midline + reticular
Functional thalamic nuclei mention
2Motor :
Ventro anterior
Ventro lateral
2 general sensory:
Ventro posterior medial and lateral
2 special sensory:
medial and lateral geniculates
2limbic: anteror and dorso medial
3 association
dorsal tier
lateral dorsal
lateral posteiror
3RAS :
Intralaminr midline & Reticular
describe vnetral anteiro nulcues input outputfunction
Input from basal ganglia
output to Premotor area6
Function : intiation and planning of movements
Describe ventral LATERAL nucelus \
input from cerebellum to output Area 4
for planning and coordiantion of movements
describe ventroposterior nucleus of thalamus
Ventroposterio medial
VPM: Input from Trigminal leminsus for pain and temp and prop from face + solitarothalamic tract for taste
VPL: From medial and spinal lemisci for Fine touch temp pain and propricption of Body
To primary somatosensory area 3,1,2 of cortex
M:lower 1/3
L: upper 2/3 of post central gyrus
describe medial and lateral geniculates
Lateral from the optic tract to the primary visual area of cortex 17
for viusal path
medial from inferior colliculus to primary audiory area in cortex 41 ,42 for Audiotry pathway
compare between anteiror and medidorsal nuclei
ANterior from the Mammillary bodies through Mammiliothalamic Tract to cingulate gyrus for emtions and recent memory
Mediodorsal : from AHO the hypothalamus amygdala & olfactory complex to prefrontal cortex for emotions ,motivation thinking behavior and personality
describe associatio nnuclei
lateral dosal
lateral posterior
from other thalamic nuclei as retiucalr and intralamiar to
sensory asscoisation cortex for (MultiSensory processing )
DESCRIBE intralaminar reticular and midline nuclei
Intralaminar & midline receving from RF to activate whole cortex for arousal and alertness
Reticular from cortex to thalamic nuclei for inhibition during sleep
Mention blood supply of thalamus
posterio + lateral = thalamogenicuate artery of posterior cerberal artery .
anterior + meidal throgh posteriomedial group of posteriocerebral artery
Venous via ThalamoStiate vein draining into internal cerberal vein
Thalamic pain or “ Central pain syndrome “
Due to damage to spinal tracts carrying pain and temp from the periphery to thalamus
Thalamic syndrome ?
Vascular lesion due to stroke in thalamogeniculat artery !
this casues decreased threshold to pain casuing over reaction to painful stimuli
third ventricle is ?
…shped ,,,,,,narrow midline cavity
Connected laterally to ,,,,,,,,,,,through ,,,,,,,,, and caudally to ……… by ……………….
Possess ……,……,…….,…..,……
the cavity of dienceplaon
Funnel shaped
Lareally to lateral ventircle through foramen of monro
Caudally to 4th ventricle through Cerebral aqudect of sylvius
Possessing :
Anterior posteiro roof floor + 2lateral walls
Mention anterior relations of third ventricle
Monro formane
Anterior commisure
Lamina terminalis
Optic chiasms
Mention posterior relations of third ventricle
2 recess duct 2cmoissure
Suprapineal recess
Pineal recess +gland
Habenular commisure
Posterior Commisure
Cerebral aqudect of sylvius
mention floor of third ventricle relatiosn
Optic chiasmsa & recess
Pituiary gland + infindubulm & recess
Tuber cinerum
Mammilary bodies
Posterior perforated substance
Tegmentum of midbrain
Mention relations of roof of Third Ventricle
Body and crura of Fornix
Tella Choroidea
Hipocamppal commisure
Mention relations of lateral wall of third ventricle
Thalamus + hypothalamus
List Recess of third ventricle
Optic recess above optic chiasma
Infindibular recess extending into pituitary stalk
Pineal recess extending between lamina of stalk of pineal gland
SuprePineal recess : above pineal gland
Forming the floor and lateral walls of third ventricle ?
Hypothalamus acts through 3 systems mention ?
mention relations of hypothalamus
It is ventral to thalamus
Anterior : lamina terminalis
posterior : tegmetum of midbrain
superior : hypothalamic sulcus
Inferior : Optic chiasma ,infindibulum , tubercinerum & mamillary bodies
Medial : latral cavity of third ventrcle
Lateral : internal capusle
Describe hypothalamic
Parts :
Optic chiasma - infindibular stalk- tube cienrum - mamillary bodies
Nuceli :-
Supra Optic , Supr Chiasmatic , Tuberal ,infidubular , mamaillary, paravertebral Nuceli
Functions :Regulations of Autonomic and endorine nervous system
Control fluid intake food ingestion and temperature of body
Emotions - Reproduction - biological clock
Connection of hypothalamus ARE PLPs so show prefrontal cortex Connections
via preventriuclar fibers connecting with dorsomedial Nucelus of thalamus
List connections of Hypothalamus with limbic system
Medial forebrain bundles connecitng
Central grey of brainstem with Hypothal
Fornix connecting hipocammpus to mammilary bodies to Mammilarythalamic tract to anterior nucelus of thalamus ( papetz circuit for memory )
StriaTerminalis connceting Amydala to preoptic nucleus
List connections of Hypothalamus with limbic system
=Medial forebrain bundles connecitng
Central grey of brainstem with Hypothalamus ,amydalal & septal area
=Fornix connecting hipocammpus to mammilary bodies to Mammilarythalamic tract to anterior nucelus of thalamus ( papetz circuit for memory )
=StriaTerminalis connceting Amygdala to preoptic nucleus
Conncetions of hypothalamus with lower centers show
Tegmentum of midbrain afferents :- mamillary peduncle
efferent : mammilo-tegemental tract
Posterior Longitudinal fasciuclus in central grey to vital autonomic ganglia in brainstem and spinal cord
Connetction of hypothalamus with pituiary gland
Hypothalamic hypohyseal tracts:
Supra-optic hypophyseal : Supra Optic nucleus realasing Vasopressin passing through axons to posterior pituiaty where it is absorbed by blood capillaries
SupraVentricular hypophyseal : secreting oxytocin passing through axons to pp where it is absorbed by blood capillaries
Infindubilar arcuate N release relasing and relase inhibiting hormones to superior set of capillares then portal vein then inferior sr of capillareis to anteiror pituitary specific cells
Hypothalamic hypohyseal tracts: describe
Hypothalamic hypohyseal tracts:
=Supra-optic hypophyseal : Supra Optic nucleus realasing Vasopressin passing through axons to posterior pituiaty where it is absorbed by blood capillaries
=SupraVentricular hypophyseal : secreting oxytocin passing through axons to pp where it is absorbed by blood capillaries
infindubilar arcuate N function
Infindubilar arcuate N release relasing and relase inhibiting hormones to superior set of capillares then portal vein then inferior sr of capillareis to anteiror pituitary specific cells
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