Cerebral blood supply Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
origin of blood supply of brain is ?
Subclavain giving vertebral arety
Common carotid giving ICA
=20% of COP
Anterior circulation by ?
Internal carotid artery
anterior 2/3 of the hemispheres + part of diecneplaton
Posteiror cirucoaton by?
supplying ?
Vertebral artery
Post 1/3 of hemispheres and Cerebellum and thalamus and
Brain stem and part of spinal cord
Mention parts of intenral carotid
Cervical in neck in carotid sheath
Petrous in carotid canal
Cavernous Running in the floor then piercing the Roof
Cerebral passes backward medial to antreiro clenoid process
Intenral cartotid formed at bifucration of CCA AT?
Upper border of Thyroid cartilage
Between C3 and C4
Carotid siphon -= ?
Cavernous + cerebral part
Latral to optic chiasma and opposite to anterior perofrated substance the Internal carotid artery gives ?
Anterior cerebral artery
Middle Cerebral artery
Mention Branches of intenral carotid artery ?
Anterior and Middle cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery
Anterior choroidal artery
Opthalmic artery
Hypoheseal + ganglionics for trigeminal ganglia !
Anterior cerebreala artery one of 2 terminals of ICA
Joined with his fellow by?
Running in tha callosal sulcus till paieto-occipital sulcus
Joined with his felow by anterior communicating artery
Main blood supply of the Medial surface of hemisphers /
Anteriro cerebral artery
Anterior cerebral artery branhces mention
1-Cortical Branches :-
-Medial surface frontal and pariteal till parietoociipial sulcus
-Area 1 inch width in the supieror medial side of lateral surface of hemisphers
-Medial 1/3 of Orbital part of inferiro surface
2-Central branches eneting the Anterior perforated substance supplyung genis and lower half of anterior limb of internal capsule
anteiro caudate ant lenfirom
3-callosal branches
Dmage to Anterior cerebral artery casue?
Contralateral Monoplegia
Contralateral loss of sensation from leg
Affect Prefrontal cortex functions
Running in the lateral sulcus to reah suprolateral surface?
Middle cerebral artery
Middle cerebral artery branches?
Cortical :
supplying the lateral surface of hemisphers except for upper and lower inch and occipital boe
supplying laterla 2/3 of oribtal part of inferior surface+ Temporal pole
central giving Anterolateral set (lateral stirate artery ) piereve anterior perforating artery giving
Post caudate and lentiform
and The upper half of anterior and post limbs
*gives charoct artery of Cerebral Hge?
Artery of Cerebral Hge is ?
Charcot artery from central of Middle cerebral artery
Superolateral surface of hemisphers supplied by
the areas mainly supplied?
Middle cerebral artery cortical
Primary motor and sensory area
Broca’s + wernicks + Auditory
Heaing centers
Indsula !
oCCLUSON of Middle cerebral artery leads to ?
Contra lateral upper limb monoplegia and sensory loss
from face and arm and hand
Aphasia if in dominant hemisphers
Hearing is Weakened
Posterior communicating artery joins?
Posteiror cerebral artery
Enter inferior horn of lateran ventricle to from Choridal pleux ?
Ant choriodal artery from ICA
Tail of caudate supplied by?
Anterior Choroidal artery
Retrolentifrom of internal capsule
Amygdlois nuclues supplied by?
Anteiror choridal
Anteiror choridal artery
Anterior choroidal artery
Orgigin of Veterbral artery ?
First part of subclavian artery
Passing in foramen transversum from C6 TO C1 ?
vertebral artery
Vetrebral artery passes mdially on groove on posterior arch of ,………
entering cranial cavity by passing through foramen magnum on each side of medull joining it fellow to from .,,,,,,,,,?
Y shaped artery to supply spinal cord and medulla
Anterior spinal arery formed by union of 2 branches of 2 vertebral arteries
Mention branhces of Vertebral artery
Anterior spinal artery
posteiro spinal artery
Post inferior cerebellar artery
Medullary brances indeed!
Lateral medulla supplied by? also supplying?
Post inferior cerbellar artery
from its name supplying?
Post of inferiro surfacce of cerebellum
Origin of posterior spinal artery ?
Vertebral artery and may!
Posteiror inferior cerebellar artert
Running upward in middle of Ventral surface of pons it is ?
Basialr artery
Mention Branches of Basilar artery
-Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
-Pontine arteries
-Superir cerbellar artery
-Posterior Cerebral artery
-Internal auditoy or Labrinthal artery may from anterior inferior cerebellar artery
Describe blood supply of cerebellum
-Superior cerebellar artery from basilar also supplying superor cerebellar peduncle
-Anterior Inferiro Cerebellar artey from basillar also supplying middle cerebellar peducle
-Posterior inferior Cerebellar artery from Vertebral supplying the Inferior cerebellar peduncle
Choroid pleux of 4th ventricle is formed by ?
Posterio inferior cerebellar artery of vertebral
Uncus ( smell area) supplied by ?
Middle and
Posterior cerebral artery is
Terminal branch of …….
turns aroudn ,,,,,,,, to rach ,,,,,surface of brain where it divides into brs running in the ,,,,,,,,, and,,,,,,,sucli
Cerebellar peduncle
Mention branche of the Posteiro cerebral artery
Cortical branches :
lateral surface: occipital + lower inch area
Medial surface: occipital + tempral lobe and splenium
inferior surface: all tentroial surface except temporal pole by Middle one
Central Branches:
Medial pirecieng poster perforated substance to anter thalamus and hypothalamus
Latral to post thalamus + epi and methalamus
posteiro choridal artery : to Choroids of Lateral and third ventricles
Contralateal homonyomus hemianopia with sparing Macula if ….occluded ?
/also memory loss of tempral lobe affectedf
Why macula is spared in PCA occlusion ?
Due to anastomsis with MCA
Circle of willis in interpedunclar fossa
surrounding …….and…….and……….
Formed of ?
Optic chiasmas
tuber cinerum
mamillary body
ICA- anteriore cerebral -anterior communicating -anterior cerebral -ICA-posterior communicating - posteior cerebral - posterior cerebral-postetrito communicating-ICA!
Circle of willis =
Anatsomsis between
Carotid and Vestibulo-Basilar systems .
Anatomical and clincal imp of cricles of willis
-Communcation between areteiral supply of 2 hemishpers
-Communication between 2 systems
-SO Equlaization of pressure
-Collateral circlation
-Common site for arterail aneyrusm
Mention structues passing in lateral sulcus
Superifical and deep middle cerebral veins
Middle cerebral arteries
Superifical cerebral veins mention
superifical superior cerebral vein draisning into SSS
Superfifical inferior cerebral veins draisning into
if orbital sss in tentorial Transver
superifical middle cerebral vein in lateral sulcus into cavernous sinus having 2 anstomis
superior anstomtic with Superior sagitta sinus Vein of trolad
Inferiro anstomiss with Transceres sinus vein of labbe
Basal vein tributaris and draingae?
Deep middle cerebral + Anteror cerebral + Stirate Vein
2 basal veins drains into Grat cerebral vein of Galen
-Thalamostiate vein + choroidal vein = internal cerebral vein
-2 intetnal cerebral vein unnion = Great cerebral vein of galen
-Great cerebarl vein with Inferior sagital sinus form STRAIGHT SINUS
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