PterygoPalatine Fossa+Maxillary artery+Autonmic ganglia Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“ وإذا قيل لهم اسجدوا للرحمن قالوا وما الرحمن أنسجد لما تأمرنا وزادهم نفورا “
Small inverted Pyramidal space below Orbit apex
and Medial to PterygoMaxillary Fissure
prependicular plate of palatin in ….. contatinging ……..
Horizontal plate of palatine in …….forming ………..
lateral wall of nasal caivty
Shpenopalatine foramen
Roof of oral cavity
formin post 1/3 of hard palate containing greateer and lesser palatine foramina
Mention Boundaries of Pterygopalatine fossa
Anteior : back of Maxilla
Post : root of pterygoid process
Medial : Prependicular plate of palatine bone containing pterygopalatine foramen
Lateral : PterygoMaxillary Fissure
Mention connections of PterygoPalatine fossa
Orbit through inferior Orbital fissure
Palate through Greater and lesser palatine foramina
Infratemporal fossa via PterygoMaxillary fissure
Sphenopalatine foramen to nasal cavity
Foramen Lacerum to pterygpid canal
Foramen Rotandum to Middle Cranial Fossa
Palatovaginal forament to nasopharynx
Whic artery pass the pterygomaxillary fissure to enter pterygopalatine fossa ?
Maxillary artrery 3rd
Communications of Pterygopalatine fossa and foramina
Superiorly to orbit via medial inferior orbital fissure
inferior to pallate via greater and lesser palatine foramina
medial shpenopalatine foramin to nasal cavity
lateral infratemporal fossa by pterygomaxillary fissure
Post :
Foramen lacerum to Pterygpid canal
Forament Rotandum to Middle cranial Fossa
Palatovaginal canal to NasOpHarynx
What is the imp of Pterygopalatine fossa?
due to its contetnts :
1-Maxillary Nerve suspending 2- pterygopalatine ganglion
2-3rd part of Maxillary artery
“لا ينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا إليهم إن الله يحب المقسطين “
vessels of infratemoral fossa?
Maxillary + pterygoid venous pleux
Parts of Maxillary locations
First and second in infratemporal fosas
third in pterygopalatine fossa through pterygoMaxillary Fissure
Fist part of maxilarry artery course
between Neck of Mandilbe & SphenoMandiublar Ligament below Auriclotempral Nerve so called Mandibular branch
Second part of maxillary pass
Either Deep or superfical to lower head of Lateral pterygoid muscle
3rd part of maxilaary aretry passes ?
Between 2 heads of lateral pterygoid pass through pterygoMaxillary fissure to Pterygopalatine fossa
with buccal nerve of ant division of madibular trunk
Mention branches of First part of Maxillary artery
To Ear:
Deep Auricular
Ant Tympanic
Meningeal :
Middle meinigeal through foramen spinosum
Accessory Meningeal through foramne oveale
Lower Teeth
Inferior Alveolar
Mention branches of 2nd part of Maxillary artery
Deep temoral
Med+lateral pterygoid
Buccal to buccninator
describe inferior alveolar artery
Branch of first part of Maxillary artery
enetering Mandibular canal through Mandiublar foramen before that give mylohyoid branch
befroe passing mental foramnia gives inciscve branch for inscisrors then go out of mental foramne as Mental Artery
the same course of inferor Alvolar Nerve
Describe middle meingeal artery
branch of first part of Maxillary artery
passes between 2 muscles : Lateral pterygoid + Tensor Tympani
Between 2 roots of Auriclotemporal nerve
Pass through Foramen spinosum to middle cranial fossa dividing into large anterior to pterion and Small posterior to Lambda
Mention 3rd part branches of maxillary
InfraOrbital branch and its branches
posterior superio alvolar
Greate and lesser palatine arteries
Sphenopalatine aretery
pharyngeal artery
pterygoid canal aretry
Describe posterior superior alveolar artery
3rd part of maxillary
Passes throguh alveolar canal in body of maxilla for upper molars
Describe Infra Orbital Artery :-
3rd part of Maxillary
Giving Middle and
anterior superior alveolar arteries for rest of teeth +
Skin of Lower yele lid +alae of nose + Upper lip
Describe pterygoid venous pleux
Venous Network surrounding the Lateral Pterygoid muscle
Receving from all coressponding veins to Maxillary artery branches draining into Maxillary vein uniting with Superficial tempral vein formig RetroMandiublar vein
pterygoid venous pleux drained by ?
Maxillary Vein
Maxillary vein corrsponding to ?
First part of Maxillary artery and above it
مهم جدا جدا
Mention communctaion of the Ptergoid venous pleux
1-anterior facial vein via deep facial vein
2-Inferior opthalmic vein via emissry veins in inferior orbital fissure
3-Cavernous sinus via Emissary veins ! Through Foramen ovale + Foramen Lacerum and Emiisary Sphenoidal Foramen
Anterior facial vein is connected to CS how ?
Direct through SOV
Indirect thoruhg pterygoid venous pleux
Dangerous area of face
Medial side of eye
Upper lip
due to anterio facial vein connected to CS trasmintting infection + CS thrombosis
لما بتتاوب مين بيتشغل وليه ؟
Lateral Pterygoid
عشان تمشي الدم في الشبكة الضفيرية الوريدية
وقالوا الحمدلله الذي صدقنا وعده وأورثنا الأرض نتبؤا من الجنة حيث نشاء فنعم اجر العاملين
Example of somatic nervous system ganglia ?
Dorsal root ganglia
Trigeminal ganglipon
Sympatahtcic gnagnlia are ………………..
Parasympathaic ……………………..
ParaVertebral in chains
3 cervical sup midd inf
4 para in H&N
and others near organs or at their walls
Mention 4 parasymp ganglia in H&N
SubMandilbular ganglai
Otic ganglia found in ?
Infratemoral fossa below foramen ovale
deep to Mandibular Nerve
Parasympathic preganglionic of Otic ganglion is ?
Lesser petrosal nerve through foramen Ovale
Origin of Lesser petrosal
Inferior salivatory nucleus in Pons giving fibers parasymp passing in glossopharyngeal giving tympanic branch then tympanic pleyx then lesser petrosal then through foramen ovale to otic ganglion
Origin of Lesser petrosal
Inferior salivatory nucleus in Pons giving fibers parasymp passing in glossopharyngeal giving tympanic branch then tympanic pleyx then lesser petrosal then through foramen ovale to otic ganglion
smpathtaic of OticC from ?
Superior Cervical sympathatic gagnglion giving fibers forming pleux around ? Middle midingeal artery then to the otic ganglion
Sensory supply of otic gagnlion ?
Aurictemopral of posterio divison of mandibular
Otic gangion has special 4th root ?
The nerve to medial pterygoid from Mandibular Trunk gives a fiber to otic ganglion which is motor without rrelay still morot to supplu ?
Tensor Palati + Tensor Tympani
Post ganglioinc of OTic joins ?
Auricloetmpal nerve inferior Root to parotid galnd secretorymotor fibers
Submandibular ganglion is suspended by ?
Lingula nerve From posterio division of Mandibular nerve
joining of chorda tympani and lingual site?
Deep to lateral pterygoid muscle
sENSOry root of Submanidublar ganglion ?
Parasympathtic pregagnlioninc of Submanidulbe ganglion ?
Chorda tympani joined to lingual nerve
From superior salivaory nucelus passing in facial nerve giving Lazzzy Chordatympani that joint lingual Nerve to reach submandibular ganglion
Preganglioninc sympathatic of Submandibular ganglion ?
from the pleux around Facial artery
Branches of Submandibular ganglion mention ?
Direct to Submandoiublar glands
Indirect to rejoin lingual nerve to reach sublingual salivary glands
pterygopalaitne ganglion suspened by ? and it is sensory root of the ganglion
Maxillary nerve
Preganglioinc parasympathic of pterygopalatine ganglion is ?
Greate petrosal nerve
from Lacrimatory + Superior Salivatory Nucleus to Facial Nerve to Greater Petrosal Nerve to join deep petrosal sympathic forming nerve to pterygoid canal to ganglia
Preganglioninc sympatahic of Ptergopalatine gagnlion ?
From pleux around ICA
forming deep pertosal joining greater petrosal forming Nerve to Pterygoid canal to reach the ganglion where greater pertrosalrealy meanwhile Deep pretrosal has no relay
Branches of PPGMention
Orbital & lacrimal
Nasal+ palatine
Lacrimal nerve receive parasymp from ?
Pterygppalatine ganglion indirectly how ?
Pterygopalaine giving Maxillary giving zygmoatic giving zygomaticotemporal communicating with ? ‘
Lacrimal so it becomes Sensory and parasymp to lacrimal glands
Lacrinal nerve is ?
-Sensoy and parasymp to Lacrimal galnds
also sensory giving palpebral for lateral part of upper eye lid
Compare between
greate lesser deep petrosal
greater petrosal :
Preganglionc parasympathic 1 to pterygopalaitne 2 branch of faical 3
lesser petrosal :L
preganglionic paraymp 1 to otic 2 branch of glossopharyngeal
deep pertrosal
post ganglioinc symmp 1 to pterygopalatine 2 branch of pleux around ICA
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