Cerebral white matter Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
White matter is, ,,,,,,axons
Types ?
Myelinated axons
Association fibers fibers connecting different regions in the same hemisphere which are either ?
Short fibers connecting gyri in same lobe
long fibers connecting gyri in Different lobes
Mention examp fo association fibers
1-Superior longutidnal bundle :-
Connects the frontal with occipital lobe and tempral
Fronto occipital deep to it.sepatrated from it by corona radiata
2-Inferior longitudinal bundle connecting the temporal with occipital
3-Uncinate connecting Broca’s of frontal with Wernicke’s of tempral
4-Cingulae connecting cingulate gyrus with the Parahippocamal it is deep to limbic lobe
Connecting the cerebeal cortex with the lowercenters as brainstem diecnpalon and spinal cord
Projecton fibers forming ciad
Corona radiata
Internal capsule
either ascending or descending
Internal capsule is a band of projection fibers running between masses of grey matter describe relations
Medially: thalamus and Caudate nuceleus
Laterally : Lentifrom Nucleus
It is V shaped having anterior limb genu and posterior limb
sublentiform and retrolentifrom parts
Anterior limb realtions and conterts?
Between caudate medially and lentiform laterally
Frontopontine fibers
Anterior Thalamic Radiation from the thalamus to frontal cortex
CorticoNuclear fivbers are part of pyramidal tract that ends in motor nuclei of cranial nerve
Show what part of intennal capsule involiving it?
Posterior Limb of Internal capsule relations and contents
Thalamus medially and lenifgorm laterally
Contents :-
Forntopontine fibers
Corticospinal fibers antreior UL and pos LL
CorticoRubral fibers
Superior thalamic radiation from VPL/MN Of thalamus to sensory area of cortex SI II
Retrolentiform Part of Internal capsule site + contents
Site behind Leniform
Contents PO2
Optic Radiation
Sublentiform part of internal capsule site and contents
Below lentiform
Contents :-
Auditroy radiation
Describe blood supply of internal capsule
Upper 1/2 of the anterior and post limbs =Middle cerebral artery
Lower 1/2 of anterior limb + Genu = Anterior cerebral artery
Lower 1/2 of posteiror limb = Posterior communicating + Ant choroidal artery
Sublentifrom and retrolentiform = ? Anterior choroidal artery
Internal capsule is reqynelte labile to cerebrovascular accident so ?
UMN cranial nerve 7 - 12 lesion
Commisural fibers connect coressponding area in Rt and Lt hemispheres across the midline they include :
Corpus callosum
Ant commisue
post commisure
Hippocamapl comissures
The largest commisural fibers are?
Corpus callosum
Mention parts of corpus callosum
Connects the 2 orbital surfaces of frontal lobes?
Forceps minor?
Fibers of Genu of Corpus callosum connectin medial and lateral surfaces of 2 frontal lobes
Intersecing with coronradiata ! and has wide area of connectons for 2hemishpers Temporal parital and occipital lobes
Body or trunk of corpus callosum
Tapetum = ,,,+,,,,
Post body + ant splenium of corpus callosum
Forming roof and lateral wall of post horn of lateral ventricle ?
Tapetum of Corpus callosum
Forming the bulb of posterior horn of lateral ventricle?
Splenium or forceps major
Forceps major?
Fibers of splenium of corpus callosum
curving back to occipital lobes
ANteiror commisure
Is embedded in .,,,,,,,,,,,, anterior to ,,,,,,,,,,
Splitting into anterior and posterior bundle mention connectons!
Lamina terminalis
Column of Fronix
Anterior bundle connecting the anterior perforated substance + olfactory Tracts
Posterior bundle connecting ? Temporal gyri !
Posterior commisure is embeded in ,,,,,,,, of ,,,,,,
connceting ?
lower lamina of pineal stalk
Superior colliclu
Rt and Lt pretecta Nuclei
Medial longuitdinal bundles
In upper lamina of pineal stalk connecting 2 habenular nculei
Habenular commisure
Hippocamapl commisure called
Commisure of fronix as it connects 2 crura of fronix so connceting right and left hippocampus
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