cranial cavity 1 Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
Cranial caity is divedid into ?
Anterior middle posterior cRANIAL fossae
…..separates the Ant from middle cranial fossa ?
Lesser wing of sphenoid
….Separates the middle from inferior cranial fossae ?
Petros part ot temporal bone
Pituitary fossa is,,,,,,,,,,, involve,,,,,,, ?
Shpenoid body for Pituitary gland
Foramen magnum is passed by ?
Mention meningeal membranes
Describe pia
Meningieal memberane
Thin delicate investing brain and follwoing its Contour by entering Fissures and grooves
describe arachanoid
Thin avascular
from its inner surface subarahcnoid extensions projects to the pia
Describe Dura
Thick Outer meninigel membrane formed of 2 layers
Outerendosteal + inner memengial
They are fused together excpet for areas for forming
Dural Folds + Dural Venous Sinuses
spaces in meninges
Sub-dural between dural and Arachanoid
Sub Arachanoid between Arachanoid and pia
Mention Dural folds
Falx cerebri +cerebelli
Tentorium Cerebelli
Diapharamatic sellae
Describe dural folds in general
Partition like processes separating parts of brain and Stabilizing them during movment
Formed by duplication of Meningal dural fold
Covers Pituitary by covering Shpenoid body ?
Diapharagmgatic sellae
Describe falx cerebri
Vertical downwards
between 2 cereberal hemispheres in medial longitudinal fissure till corpus callosum
Apex Conncted to :
1-Frontal Crest
2-Crista galle
Base to ? Tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebri boundaries
apex to frontal crest +crista galle
base to tentorium cerebelli
Upper margin to supperio sagital sinus margins
lower margin free
Right and lateral sufraces
Falx cerebri is connected to ? under surface of skull cap ?
Margins of superior sagital sinus
Mention sinuses enclosed by margins of falx cerebri
Upper margins Superior sagital sinus
Lower margin Inferior sagital sinus
Base Straight sinus
Free margin of tentorium cerebelli is fixated by ?
Anterior clenoid processes making ?
sphenio tentorial notch
Attached margin of tentorium cerebelli is attached to ?>
Posterior Clenoid processes
upper part of petrous bone
lips of transverse Sinus
Describe falx cerebelli …. .
Posterior cranial fossa
vertical downwards
between 2 cerebellar hemispheres
Boundaries :
Base to Tentorium Cereblli
apex to margins of Foramen Magnum
Rt and Lt surfaces to? Cerebellum
Anterior free
Posterior : Internal Occipital Crest
Point of Crossing ? what is it
Point of Crossing of attached and free margins of Tentorium Cerebelli
The Occlumotor pass anterior to it
The Trochlear Corss it !
Venous sinuses Related to tentorium Cerebelli Mention
Superior Petrosal
Straight sinuses
Describe Tentorium Cerebelli
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Horizontal Tent
Between Cerebral and Cerebellar Hemispheres
Clenoid process give attachment to ?
Tentorium cerebellI
Diapharagmtic sellae
Describe Diapharagmatic sellae
Small dural fold
Between 4 Clenoid Processes
covering Hypophyseal fossa and has central opening for ?
Infinibulum of Pituitary gland
Blood supply to dural folds
Anterior Fossa:
Opthalmic + Middle Menigneal
Middle Fossa:
Middle+ Accessory Meningeal
Posterior Fossa ?
Occipital +Ascending Pharyngeal + Vertebral
Nerve supply to Dural Folds ?
3 branches of trigeminal + 3 upper cervical
Anterior Fossa :
Anterior ethmoidal + Maxillary
Middle Fossa:
Maxillary + Mandibular
Posterior Fossa ?
Dural venous sinuses show
Venous channels lined by endothelium between 2 dural layers with no muscles or valves
Draining Brain Meninges CSF bones
Connecting IntraCranial with ExtraCrania lis ?
Emissary veins
Mention dural venous
Superior petrosal transvers
inferior petrosal sigmoid
Single :
Superior Sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus
Occipital -Straigth sinisuse
multiple :
IntraCavernous sinuses
Basiilar pleux
Occipital sinus found at area of ?
Internal occipital Crest
نهاية sss
At right : SSS to right transves to Right sigmoid to Right IJV
At left : ISS to straight sinus to left transverse to left sigmoid to Left IJV
Cavernous sinus drains into ?
-Superior petrosal to transvers …
- Inferior Petrosal to sigmoid ….
Confluence of sinus at?
Involving ?
At internal occipital protuberance
Superior sagittal sinus
Cavernous sinus describe
Spongy sinus in middle cranial fossa
On either side of Body of SHpenoid (pituitary fossa )
ant : medial end of orbital fissue
post: apex of petrous temporal
Relations of Cavernous sinus
Superior :
Optic Tract + Internal carotid artery
Inferior : foramne lacerum
Medially: Pituitary + Shpenoidal Air sinus
Lateral : Temporal + Trigimenal
__________________aant : sup oribtal fissure and apex of orbit
post : apex of petrous temporal + Crus cerebri of mid brain
Structures runinig in medial and lateral wall of cavernous sinus ?
Lateral “:
Occlumotor + Trochlear
Opthalamic + Maxillary
Medial :
Internal carotid artery and infrolatral to it is ? Abducent nerve
Tribuitaries of Cavernous Sinus are?
Superior opthalmic vein
Spheniopariteal vein 2S
Frontal MMV middle meningeal
Cerebral veins :- superfical-middle-inferior cerebral veins
Veins from pituitary gland
Cavernous sinus drains into ?
Superior petrosal to Transvers
inferior petrosal to Sigmoid
Communiations of Cavernous sinus ?
-Pterygoid venous pleux via emissary veins
-intracavernous sinuses
Bidirectional cmmounictions no valve
clincal imp of Cavernous sinus >?
Infection spreads to it via dangerous area of face
affecting 346 cranial nerves
may cause chemosis or abducent palsy
الحمدلله رب العالمين
dilated posterior end oF SSS is called
Confluence of Siueses
Tribuitaries of SSS ?
superior cerebral veins
Arahnoi villi and granulations into sinus and 3 lacunae dilatations on each side