Spinal cord supply and lesions Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
Arterial blood supply of spinal cord
Anterior and Posterior spinal arteries
called longitudinal arteries
Segemntal arteries called redicular arteries from
ascending cervical
posterior intercosta
1st lmbar arteries
how anteriors spinal artery formed>
By union of two branche of two veterbtal arteries as y shape forming anterior spinal artery running in anterior median fissure of spinal cord
supllying anterior 2/3 of spinal cord
how is posterior spinal artery formed ?
it is formed by union of 2 branches frrom vertebral artery forming the posterio spinal artery
and may be formed from the branch of branch of vertebral called
Inferior Cerebellar Branch
Course and area supplied by Posterior spinal artery
Runs along posterior lateral sulcus diciding into 2 branches one ventral and one dorsal to the sulcus
Supplies posterior 1/3 of spinal cord
posterior while clumn and posterior horn
Segmental artery explain course
enter the vertebral canal through intervertebral foramina then dived into two transvers branches one with dorsal root and the other with the ventral root and it forms with anterior and posterio spinal areteris what is called Arterial Vasacorona to supply the periphery of spinal cord
Feeder areteris ?
-They are large readiuclar artreies !
one of them called artery of AdamWickez from the 11th Eleventh intercostal artery.
supply the lower 2/3 of spinal cord
tip once the artery enters the substance of spinal cord it is considered end artery
( Cervical ) part of spinal cord depends on ?
Lower segments Depends on ?
Cervical = Ant and posterio spinal aretries
Lower segments depends on Radicular arterirs
The most area of spinal cord labile to ischemia /
Mid Thoracic
Segments of spinal cord have the riches blood supply ?
The Lumbar Segements
Describe Venous Blood Supply of Spinal Cord ,,,,,
Anteromedian Vein
along the anterior meidan fissure
Posteromeidna veins along the posterirpo median sulcus
4 veins at side of ventral and dorsal roots
they communicates freely
They end in Vertebral Venous pleux then to cerebellar veins + Cranial venous sinuses
Death occur in case of tranvers sectin o f spinal cord oin which level ?
Above C5 WHY?
No innervation to diapharagm !!
and intercosals
Quadriplegia occur in lesion of spinal cord which level ?
Paraplegia lower limbs only if?
Hemi section of spinal cord causes?
Brown Sequard syndomre
At the level of lesion :
loss of sensations due to damge to dorsal root
Ipsilaterally below level of Lesion :
Loss of propriceptive sensation due to damage post white column
Contralaterally below level of lesion :
loss of pain and temp sensation due to damage to lateral spinothalamic tract
Great ^_^
Anterior spinal aretry occlusion
Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Bilateral UMNL Below
Bilateral loss of Pain and Temp below
Perservation of Dorrsal column sensations as proriocetion and fine touch
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