Lateral Ventricle + Cerebral meninges + CSF circulation Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
the inner layre of dura is that connected to ?
Spinal dura
Subarachnois space contains
Choroid pleux =
Pia + BVs + ependyma
Ependyma is
Neuroglia and thin neuroepeithelial lining of the venricularr system of brain and cetnral canal of spinal cord
Pia forms
Filum ternilane
Denticulat ligamne connecting pia and arahcnoid s suspedning spinal cord to vertebral canal
Cerebello ,dullary cisterna called cisterna,,,,,,,
lies,…..cerebellum and behind .,…….
Contiunous with ,,,,,,,,, around spinal cord receving CSF from,,,,,,,,,via three froamina?
Cisterna Magna
Below cerebellum behind Medulla
Subarachanoid space
4th ventrilce
3foramina :-
Median formaina of magendi
2 latreal foramina of Lucka
Cisterna Ambiens cotains ?
Great cereberal vein
Above cerebellum below splenium of coripus callosum
Basilar artery in which cisterna ?
Cisterna Pontis
Circle of Willis in whic cisterna ?
Interpeduncular cisterna
Cisterna of lateral fossa contains?
Middle cerebral artery
CSF is Clear clorless odorless fluid secretd by,,,,,,, of diffferent ventricles circulaitng in subarahcnoid space and within venticles the total volume =…to….?
Chorioid pleux
Function of CSF?
1-Water jacket around brain cuhsinoing againgst trauma
2-Maintaining the volume of fluid inside skull constant if there is increase in blood voulume there is decrease in CSF
For keeping the pressure
3-Removal of Neuronal metabolits
Formation of CSF by?
1-Choroid Pleux 90% from lateral ventricle
2- around cerebral vessels andd from epndyma cells lining the ventrilcs
Choroid = vascular pia inavaingated in wall of lateral ventrilce so lined by epndyma !
Show circulaion of CSF
From lateral ventricle then throrugh Foramne of Monro to Third ventricle Then
to 4th ventrilce via cerebral aqudect of sylivus then to
Subarachnoid space via:
Foramen of Magendi
2 lateral foramens of LUCHKA
to cirulate around brain and spinal cord
Absorption Of Csf done by ?
Arahcnoid villi and granulations into the the dural venous sinuses espically superior sagittal siuns