tongue, thyroid and face Flashcards
what are pharyngeal arches
protrusions of mesenchyme at head end separated by pharyngeal clefts
become visible at -5 weeks
what is a rhombomere
a divided segment of the developing neural tube within the hindbrain region in the area that eventually becomes the rhombencephalon
what is the role of neural crest cells in developing pharyngeal arches
neural crest migration from the diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombomeres of the hindbrain
• Transcription factors determine expression patterns into the pharyngeal arches
under control of endodermal signals
• Crest cells give rise to neurons supplying pharyngeal arches and
guide axons toward the CNS
• Arch mesoderm structures are derived from neural crest, lateral plate and paraxial mesoderm
what is the first arch nerve
trigeminal, three divisions
what is the 2nd arch nerve
what is the third arch nerve
what is the 4th and 6th arch nerve
4- superior laryngeal
6- recurrent laryngeal
what does the cartilage of the 1st arch become
mandible and middle ear, malleus and incus (neural crest)
what does the cartilage of the 2nd arch become
lesser horn of hyoid, styloid ligament and styloid, stapes
neural crest
what does the cartilage of the 3rd arch become
greater horn of hyoid
neural crest
what does the cartilage of the 4th and 6th arch become
thyroid and cricoid
lateral plate mesoderm
what is the terminal sulcus made from
junction between 1st and 3rd arch mesenchyme
what part of the tongue is made from the 1st arch
what is the sensation supply of the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
trigeminal (first arch)
what is the sensation supply of the posterior third of the tongue
glossopharyngeal (3rd arch)