Toddlers GD Flashcards
what age group are toddlers
1 to 3 years old
what are the normal physical appearances of a toddler?
Potbellied, legs bowed out, lordosis
15 months old
walks without help
Uses cup well
Able to secure round Peg objects
Holds spoon with small spills
Builds tower of 2 cubes
18 months old
Throws ball over hand
Uses spoon well with minimal spills
geometric formations
Short sentences
two years old
Uses stairs well by monkey crawl, running
Holds crayon with fingers
Copies circle and lines- Palmer grasp
can follow simple directions
Object permanence fully developed
300 words
Combines two words together
When does a toddler jump with both feet?
2 1/2 years old
able to broad jump
how many months does hand finger coordination occur at?
30 months
when can a toddler dress themselves?
Three years old
They can also pedal tricycles
One step at a time stairs
What phase of Ericksons theory fits toddlers
Autonomy with shame and doubt
what phase of Kohlberg’s theory does toddlers fit
Behave due to boundary/freedoms
Action is good/bad with reward or punishment
What phase of Piaget’s theory fits toddlers
Intelligence takes form of motor actions
Seeing through own eyes
difficult sharing
All about self
when does the preoperational phase occur in Piaget model
2 to 7 years old
Egocentric speech
Concerned with why/how
when do toddlers have the physical ability to control sphincters?
18 to 24 months
at what age can toddlers retain their bladder for two hours?
14 to 18 months
Weight growth for toddlers
Gaines 5 to 6 pounds per year
Height growth for toddlers
Grows 5 inches per year
What type of play do toddlers participate in?
parallel play
Doesn’t share – possessive
when should children face backwards in a car seat?
Less than two years old