Musc/Skeletal Flashcards
cast care
handle with palms of hands
Q2 turns to dry
Air dry
Pedal edges
Use two fingers to test tightness
what can be done to relieve hotspots in casts
Cast cutter – vibration
what is the priority of the assessment with casts?
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
abnormal hip development
Complete dislocation
sx infant DDH
Asymmetry of gluteal fold
Positive Galleazzi and Ortolani sign
sx older child DDH
Positive Trendelenburg sign
tx infant DDH
0-6 m
Pavlik harness
tx 6-18m DDH
Hip spica cast
how often should you check underneath the harness with infants?
2 to 3 times a day
Avoid lotions/powders
Always have under shirt underneath harness
talipes equinovarus
Feet turned inward
tx clubfeet
Serial casting one week
New cast every one to two weeks
Splint/brace post surgery
Osteo genesis imperfecta
Unexplained, brittle bone disease
Abnormal pre-collagen
tx brittle bone disease
Lightweight brace and splints
simple exercises/PT
Pamindronate disodium IV
No contact activity
what is the priority of management with brittle bone disease?
Careful handling
leg calf perthes
necrosis of femoral head
Leads to flattened regrowth
Scoliosis sx
asymmetrical, hip/shoulders
Abnormal folds
unequal scapula, ribs
Mild treatment for scoliosis
less than 20°
moderate treatment for scoliosis
20 to 40°
Bracing - Milwaukee, Boston
how often do scoliosis patients have to wear the brace?
Until they stop growing
23 hours a day
severe treatment for scoliosis
Spinal fusion
pre-operative care for spinal fusion
PCA pump teaching
Logroll, x-rays
If the patient has back acne, will the spinal fusion be entered there?
No, risk for infection
Postop care for spinal fusion
Five P’s
Monitor vital signs
Wound assessment
Incentive spirometer Q2 hours
Keep flat, log roll
for paliclavicular arthritis, how often do they need to receive regular eye exams?
Every six months
treatment for arthritis
Lots of range of motion
Warm baths in the morning
Around the clock dosing pain meds
Infected bone
treatment for osteomyelitis
IV antibiotics 3 to 4 weeks
PICC line