thyroid disease Flashcards
symptons of hypothyroidism
lathargy, cold intoleergy, weight gain, non spefici weakness, artraolai, constipation, menstration irregularities, depression, impared contention, dry skin, reduced body pair, thyroid pain
signs of hypothyroidsm
corase dry har/ skin
oedema including swelling of eyelids
vocal changes - horaseness
delayed relaxation of deep tendon relfexe
blood tests for hypothryoids
fbc, glucose or hba1c
what are signs of hyperfthosm
weight loss
anxiety/ irrabilty
heat intolenv
bowel frequency
light periods
seweaty palms
thryoid eye symtposn
causes of hypothryoidsm congential
- developmental through ageness adn nmaldevelopement
dysphomogneises - trapping / orgnificaiton
causex of acuired piamry hypotharims
automimmune thryoid diseae - hashimotos
latrogentic - thorug posto oprative, post radioacite antithroid drugs,
iodein insupifceiy
post sub acute thryoiditsi
drugs which can cuase hypothrosidm
amiodarne, lithum interferon
cause of secondary and terpty hpothm
tumrou of pituary
post pituary surgeyr or radiotherapy
inabilty to to loss of certian thryoid enzymes to produce thryoid hormens
loss of developmen of some organs during feotal growth
what is hashimotos
autoimmune inflammation of the thryoid gland preventing it from functioning effectively
tests for hasmitoms
thyroid peroxidaes autoantimbies
anti thryoglobulin antibodies
treatment for hypothryodism
if under 65 and no cardiac disase - 1.5 micro grams per kg of levothyroxine
if over65 or have cardiac disae - 25 - 50 mcg daily of levothyroxine
when shoudl levothryoxine be taken
first thing in the morning on an emzypty suomach , or it can be last thing at night after 2 house since meal
what is sublicla hypothyodism
raised tsh, but noral t3 and t4
when should you treat sublcinal hypothyaism
if the blood are stial deraned after 3 months, they are less than 65 and they have symptoms of hypothrysism
clicnal treatment for subcliam hypotgrysm
6 motnn trial of levothryoxine and see if there is reduction in symptoms
when should monitoring be for subclicnal hypothrysom
anual tfts - if you have postive thyroid peroxidase antibois, had thyroid surgery underlying thryid disease
every 2-3 years if negative thryoid peroxidaes antibodis
how should thryoid medication be changed in pregnacny
add preconcentin replacemtn of less than 2.5ul
add an empirical dose depending on thyroid hormone level
regular monitoring in pregnancy
aim for tsh inolower noamrl range
reduce levothryoixin after birth
recheck after 2 - 3 montsh
risk for overtramen of hypothrimdism
osteopenai, fracture, afib
differnece betwen hyperthryidsm and thryoxicois
hyperthrydism is just the excess production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland
thryoxididoxi is the production fo excess thryodi hormes by the thyroid gland or another sources such as gravesq