3 - Contorl of metabolism (part 2) Flashcards
effect of increase glucogon
increase glycogenlysiss
increaeds gluconegeneisis
increasek ketogenteies
where is glucgon reaolsed form
alpha pancretic islet cells
where is glucgon degraradd form
what is the action of glucagon
opposes insulin
increases glycogenolsys
incrrease gluconegoenseis (break down of aa and glycerol from fat)
formation of ketones from fa ( fat)
where if the fatty acids realsed from in decreased blood clules
mucle and adipose tissue
effect of amino acids on glucagon
causes release of glucagon secretion
what would happen if there was no glucagon realsed when aa amino acids are activaed
only insulin would be realsed , tus would drastically lower blood sugar, causing catastrophic effects in the brain
why does amino acids stimulate both insulin and glucagon
as aa effect to lower blood glucouse, thus bg would lower to a dangerously low level
what stimuli promote glucagon release
low bg
high amino acid
sympathetic inervationa nd epeipeglie
what stimuli inhibit glucagon relase release
effect of vaugs on glucagon
increase the release of it, in a pre exittaory state
sympathic effect on insulin
what is the function of stomaotsttain
inhibits absoption and activity of gi tract
it also suppresses release of insulin and glucagon in pancreas
what is the effect of a somatostain secreting pancreatic tumjour
have symotoms of diabees as low blood insulin and glugaon
whihc moclues can do proeitn catabolsim ( breakdown