1 . Intro to endocrine physiology Flashcards
definiton of endocrine system
secrteion fo hormoens from cells, tissues, or glands which are carried in the blood to target organs with a distal site of action
differecne betwen nrual and endocrine
endocien, must be though the blood
where the endocine and nerous system combine, a nervous causes release of a endocrine hrome e.g. postioer piturtoary gland
can endocirne work n multiple cells
yes, they are spefici but provide a different response in other cells
what are autocine secrtions
secretions from cells taht cause chemcial change on the same cell called cytokines
what is paracinre section
secretion of cells that cuaes effect in neightbnoug cells e.g histamien
what are sology endocinre organs
thryroid, adrenal and pitualar and hypothalums glands
what are endocriene organs with other propters
pineal, heart, liver stomach, pancre,as adreanl medula, skin, testes
concerntion of endocine hormes
10^-9 - 10 ^-12
what are amine hormes made up of
one or two amino acids
what are peptitid or proien horone made up out of
chain of ammino acids
what are steroid hormone made out of
examples of peptide horoes
trh, fsh, insulin
what are peptide hormones noramlly stored as
what is the effect of peptide fragment
persitn in blood after the relaes of the hormone as they are in the vesticle toghterh