Adreanl gland disoders Flashcards
source of aldostoer
minearl cortocisoid
source of cotisol
scoure of teostostore
sex tsroids
medulla rodues
norepinephrine, epinephrine
what is te hypalmo hypotpiaau adranl axis
determes thorugh negative feed bakc how much crh and acth relses is needed to prused cortsol form adrenal glands
what is the funciton of 21 hydrolase
allows coverstio of coldseot to aldosertone and corlisol
effect on skin in lack of 21 hydrolzase
hyperpginat, increas skin oildness
which zona is mineracol coricoid form
which zona is glucocoritostoier form
which zona is sex steorid from
name of hypofunction adrnal disorder
causes of addison
autommine (85%)
infection e.g hiv and tb
loss of 21 hydroxlase deficit
antiboid of addision
21 ohase aut antiboidswe
what othr disease are assoicated with adidisons
type 1 diabets
ovarian faiulre
main symptnos of addison
weakness, fatique, weight loss, salt crain, hperpigmation, hpo teion, vomiting, or dirrhea, postural sympotns
signs of adranl ciris
collapse, hpotesoin, severe dehydaiton
what corisol lsev indiactes addision
less than 450 nmol
tests for addions
synacthem stess and basl acth
synacthme tests
give acth ot a paite and if there si n person it is primary and if her is limited repsoen compare t normal it is secondary
how to test difference between primary and secaty acth
if plam leve elated primary
suppresed secondary
test for addinos if adfnral antibod negative in males
vlcfa - fatty caid ahisn which could be due to body not being able to break down certain fats
adrnal imaging
first screeing fo cuase of pirary hpothism
auteim immuen antibodies
what is the dose of glucocortiocds repalse
hydrocoritsx, prensol and dexmeation, hc both in morign and at night