Long term complication of diabetes Flashcards
macrovascular complication
cvd, cerebrovasuclar diase, periphal vasuclar disaes
microvascular complicaitn
effects of diabtes on cardiovasul rsi
2 times incrase in mi, stroke and chf
effect of hdl, ldl, and triglyceroid in diabets
hdl is lower
triglya is higher
and ldl is in a small form denses parsitc whihc have worse effect
this leads to more oxidationa nd plaque formation
effect of blood coagunation due to diabets
endothelai dysfciton
risk of foot ulcer
osteomyolitis - which often leads to amputation
tretmetn of prolifeative diabetic retion
laser photocoaguatoin
signs of prolifrative retionpathy
retial ischmai, new blood vessler formation, virtuos hemora, reital tears/ detachmetn
signs of non prolifetive reitopay
retial capillary dysfuction, platelt dysfeuction, blood viscoits abnormalits
what percent of people with diabetes will experice reitopaty and what percent will beocme blind in 20 years
7% blind
100% with type 1 and 60 % with type 2 will have a form of reitpaty
what other eye ceodiot are made worse by diabets
glucoama and 3 time incfe in cataracs
signs of microvausl dnephroapt
microalbumiruaia in urine
cause of nephropahty
incras in blood flow thorugh kineys due to athroasocleiss
diaberes calso auce end hvsues contraciton due to raas thus cuaing htrugh incre pressure in glomerus
this cuase damgage to the kiney due to hgh pressure
what percent of pepole with diabet hav nephtap
20% kdiney diase
preventio of nephrpathy
screing of albumin in urine
diabets contol
raas bloing throug ace inhibotrs and arb