Thorax I Flashcards
What is the thoracic wall?
the boundary of the thoracic cavity
what is the function of the thoracic wall?
provides protection for heart and lungs, supports pectoral girdle, and upper limbs, assists in breathing
What does the oesteocartilaginous thoracic cage include?
the sternum
12 pairs of ribs
costal cartilages
12 thoracic vertebrae
intervertebral discs
What is the function of intercostal spaces? How many are there?
seperate adjacent ribs, 11 intercostal spaces, 1 subcostal space below 12th rib
What is the superior thoracic aperture?
doorway between the thoracic cavity and the neck and upper limb
What is the superior thoracic aperture formed by?
T1, 1st rib and costal cartilage, and border of the manubrium
What is the function of the inferior thoracic aperature?
provides attachment for the diapraghm which protrudes upwards so that upper abdominal viscera recieve protection from throacic cage
What is the inferior thoracic aperature formed by?
T12, ribs 11-12, costal cartilage of ribs 7-10, and the xiphisternal joint
what is the costal arch?
continuous cartilaginous margin formed by articulated cartilages of the 7-10th ribs
What are the true ribs, where do they attach?
ribs 1-7 attacg to sternum directly via costal cartilage
What are the false ribs, where do they attach
ribs 8-12
8-10 attach indirectly to superior costal cartilage do not attach to sternum directly
11-12 “floating” no anterior attachment
The spongy interior bone of ribs is ______
in the 3rd through 9th ribs, the head of the rib has _____ facets seperated by the crest
inferior rib facet articulates with the _______ ________ facet on the body of the the numerically corresponding vertebrae
superior costal
The superior rib facet articulates with the _____ _______ facet of the ________ vertebrae
inferior costal, superior
What do the costovertebral joints consist of?
the joint head of the rub and the costotransverse joint
the rib moves around an _____ that traverses the head and _______ of the rib
axis, neck
the tubercle of the rib has an ________ facet that forms a ________ articulation with the transverse process of the corresponding vertebrae, the non articular part is attachment site of the _____________ ligament
articular, synovial, costotransverse
the body of the rib is ______ and flat, and contains a ________ groove along the inner inferior border
thin, costal
The angle is where ribs begin to turn ___________
What are the atypical ribs?
1st, 2nd, 10th-12th
What are the features of the 1st rib?
broad, two subclavian grooves separated by a scalene tubercle, single facet and only articulates with T1
What are the features of the 2nd rib
has scalene tubercle, serratus anterior tuberosity
what are the features of ribs 10-12?
have single facet, and articulate only with numerically corresponding vertebrae
Ribs ____ and _____ do not have necks or rib tubercles and do not articulate with the vertebral transverse processes
11, 12
What are the three regions of the sternum?
manubrium, body, xiphoid process
what are the 3 important anatomical landmarks of the sternum?
jugular notch, sternal angle, xiphisternal joint
the sternum has a pair of clavicular notches and __ pairs of costal notches
________ increases the anteroposterior and transverse dimensions of the thoracic cage
_________ is the primary inspiratory muscle
What are the upper limb and pectoral girdle muscles attached to the thoracic cage?
pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, scalenes
How are the external intercostal muscles orientated in the thoracic cage?
superficial layer inferoanteriorly, anteriorly replaced with the external intercostal membrane
How are the inter intercostal muscles orientated in the thoracic cage?
intermediate layer inferoposteriorly, posteriorly replaced with the internal intercostal membrane
What is the 3rd deepest muscle layer in the thoracic cage composed of ?
innermost intercostals, subcostals, transversus thoracis
What are the accessory respiratory muscles of the thoracic wall
serratus posterior superior, serratus posterior inferior, levatores costarum
________ pairs of spinal nerves exit the ____________ foramina and divide into _____________ and __________ rami
12, intervertebral, anterior, posterior
Posterior rami innervate specific segments of the back muscles, which ones? What else do they innervate?
erector spinae, multifidus, rotatores
zygopophyseal joints, overlying skin of the back and dorsum of the neck
Anterior rami continue as ________ nerves (T1-T11) and the _______ nerve (T12) that innervate specific segments of the _______________ wall musculature and overlying skin of the ______ thoracic wall and __________ wall
intercostal, subcostal, thoracic, anterolateral, abdominal
at the angle of the ribs, ______________ nerves primarily run between internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles within the costal grooves.
What is VAN?
intercostal arteries and veins
Where do colateral branches pass between?
innermost and internal intercostal muscles
What gives rise to the collateral branches that run along the superior border of ribs below?
intercostal nerves
What is a dermatome?
a specific segment of skin supplied by the sensory neurons of a specific spinal nerve
what is a myotome?
a specific segment of muscle supplied by the motor neurons of a specific spinal nerve
dermatomes and myotomes are both used as ________ _________ tools
clinical diagnostic
shingles follows a ___________, because it is stored in the ___________ _______ ganglion of a specific spinal nerve
dermatome, dorsal root
What does the subclavian artery branch into? What do they flank?
left and right internal thoracic arteries, flank the sternum
The internal thoracic arteries branch pairs of _______ ______ arteries (1st-6th intercostal spaces) and ____________ arteries (7th-9th intercostal spaces) to supply the anterior portion of the intercostal spaces
anterior intercostal, musculophrenic
the _________ _________ artery is a terminal branch of the internal thoracic arteries
superior epigastric
the descending thoracic aorta gives rise to ________ __________ arteries and _________ arteries to supply the posterior portion of the interocstal spaces
posterior intercostal, collateral
the __________ ___________ arteries give rise to the 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal arteries which supplies blood to the _____ and _____ intercostal spaces
supreme intercostal, 1st, 2nd
the _________ arteries (branches of thoracic aorta) supply a small area inferior to the 12th rib
_________ pairs of posterior intercostal arteries drain the posterior portion of the thoracic wall via the ______ and ______ veins
11, azygous and hemiazygous
_____ pairs of anterior intercostal veins (which anastomose with posterior intercostal veins) drain anterior portion of thoracic wall via the __________ ______ veins
11, internal thoracic
subcostal veins (branches of the thoracic aorta) drains small area inferior to the _____ rib via the _____________ and __________ vein
12th, azygous and hemiazygous
Where does the bed of the breasts extend from?
2nd - 6th ribs
Axillary process of the breast extends towards or into the _____ fossa
axillary, axillary
What does the breast consist of?
nipple, areola, fat lobules, mammary gland lobules, and lactiferous ducts and sinuses
where is the retromammary space located?
between breast and fascia of pec major and serratus anterior muscles
what is the function of the suspensory ligaments, what are they attached to
suspend breast tissue, attached tighly to dermis
The deeper regions of the breast are supplied by __________ ___________ arteries
posterior intercostal
mammary glands are supplied medially aspect by ________ branches of the _______ thoracic artery and laterally by mammary branches if the _______ thoracic artery
mammary, internal, lateral
mammary veins drain into the ______ vein and the _______ thoracic veins
axillary, internal
The lymph of the ________ tissue enters subareolar lymphatic _______
glandular, plexus
_____ of lymph drains into axillary lymph nodes which in turn are drained by the __________ lymphatic trunks
75% subclavian
______ of lymph drains into the ________ positioned parasternal lymph nodes which is drained by the _______ duct (left breast) or right _________ duct (right breast)
25%, medially, thoracic, lymphatic
How are breasts innervated?
4th-6th interoctsal nerves