Assignment 2 structures Flashcards
Identify the following structure(s), and function(s)
A. manubrium, point of attachment for muscles and bones, protection of heart and vital organs
B. Costochondral joint, surfaces of attachment for anterior muscle fibers
Identify the following structure(s), and function(s)
A. costotransverse joint, allows gliding movement
B. floating rib, protects thoracic organs and provides attachment points to muscles of back, chest, proximal upper limb
Identify the following structure(s)
A. innermost intercostal muscle
B.internal intercostal muscle
C. external intercostal muscle
Identify the following structure(s)
A. serratus posterior superior
B. serratus posterior inferior
Identify the following structure(s)
A. phrenic nerve
B. esophageal hiatus
C. aortic hiatus
D. caval opening
Identify the following structure(s)
A. right middle lobe
B. left superior lobe
C. cardiac notch
D. left inferior lobe
Identify the following structure(s)
A. trachea
B. left main bronchus
C. Right superior lobar bronchus
D. segmental bronchus
Identify the following structure(s)
A. branchiocephalic trunk
B. Right Branchiocephalic vein
C. superior vena cava
D. right auricle
E. inferior vena cava
F. right ventricle
G. left ventricle
H. pulmonary trunk
I. aortic arch
J. left subclavian artery
K. left common carotid
L. right common carotid
M. right subclavian
Identify the following structure(s)
A. right coronary artery
B. right marginal artery
Identify the following structure(s)
A. anterior interventricular artery
B. left circumflex artery
C. marginal or posterior interventricular artery
Identify the following structure(s)
A. anterior cardiac vein
B. small cardiac vein
Identify the following structure(s)
A. coronary sinus
B. Posterior vein of left ventricle
C. middle cardiac vein
Identify the following structure(s)
A. aortic semilunar valve
B. pulmonary semilunar valve
C. mitral valve
D. tricuspid valve
Identify the following structure(s)
A. sinoatrial node
B. atrioventricular node
C. bundle of His
Identify the following structure(s)
A. left internal thoracic artery
B. right anterior intercostal artery
C. musculophrenic artery
D. subcostal artery
Identify the following structure(s)
A. accessory hemiazygous vein
B. hemiazygous vein
c. azygous vein
Identify the following structure(s)
A. left vagus nerve
B. cardiac plexus
C. esophageal plexus
D. thoracic splanchnic nerves (greater, lesser, least)
Identify the following structure(s)
A. right lymphatic duct
B. thoracic duct
C. cisterna chyli