Thermal Margin Monitor Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Thermal Margin Monitor?
- Provides TM/LP trip setpoint to the RPS
- Provides the VHPT signal to the RPS.
- Provides an ASI alarm prior to exceeding Technical Specification limits.
- Provides an annunciated alarm if any of the following conditions exists
- DT-Nuclear Power Deviation
- TMM Calculator Trouble
- TC Alarm
What is the purpose of the VHPT and TM/LP Trip?
VHPT and TM/LP Trip
The TMM provides a means of protecting fuel at all power levels without excessive restrictions on full power operations.
Why do we have a Thermal Margin/Low Pressure (TM/LP) Trip?
Ensures fuel protection during slow reactivity addition transients starting at low reactor power
Allows Steam Generator tube plugging while maintaining 100% power.
The use of Partial Shielded Assemblies (PSAs) to reduce irradiation of the reactor vessel has introduced distortions to flux shape as well as reduced thermal margins.
What is the function of the Variable High Power Trip?
Variable High Power Trip (VHPT)
- Functions to trip the reactor when the greater of Nuclear Power or Delta-T power exceeds a preset High Power Trip value.
- Provide capability to limit transients quickly beginning at low power levels, without operator action.
- Used to have to credit operator actions for slow reactivity insertion events (i.e. dilution)
What is the function of the Axial Shape Index Alarm (ASI)?
Axial Shape Index Alarm (ASI)
- ASI is a concern at and above apprx 25%
- Alerts operator that core axial flux shape is approaching the limits assumed in the safety analysis
- To assure the core axial flux shape is maintained within the boundaries of the safety analysis
- This alarm will aid the operator in limiting a local power rise caused by axial power shifts. Therefore, any potential accident or transient starts from within the axial shape assumed in this safety analysis
What is the definition of ASI?
Power in lower core - power in upper core
devided by total core power
via the excores
ASI is computed for each quadrant
ASI corrects for variations in power at a constant DNB
What are the plant saftey limits?
DNB > 1.17
- Overheating of the fuel cladding is prevented by restricting fuel operation to within the nucleate boiling regime
- Normally 2.0 at Plant
LHR < 21 kw/ft
- Overheating of the fuel is prevented by maintaining the steady state, peak Linear Heat Rate (LHR) below the level at which fuel centerline melting occurs
Pressure < 2750
- Protects pressur boundary of PCS.
Describe the four areas of the boiling curve.
- Single-phase convection - Heat is transferred by single-phase convection until the heated surface exceeds the saturation temperature by a small amount
- Nucleate Boiling Region - Vapor bubbles form at the heat transfer surface but condense in the cold liquid, so that no net generation of vapor is realized.
- Partial Film Boiling - Bubbles become so numerous that they begin to coalesce and clump near the heating surface. A portion of the heating surface gets blanketed with vapor. The vapor blankets act as heat insulators.
- Film Boiling - If attempts are made to attain large heat fluxes with film boiling, as high as those possible with nucleate boiling, for example, the temperature of the heated surface may become so high as to result in damage to the material being heated, namely, the fuel cladding.
What happens at DNB?
A rapid rise in DT with no rise in heat transfer.
What is Critical Heat Flux?
heat flux at which DNB occurs.
What is the largest impact the operator has on DNBR?
The largest is Axial Shape Index via control rod insertion.
Insertion pushes flux down in the core.
A fully inserted or fully withdrawn control rod causes insignificant changes in the axial flux; however, a partially inserted control rod will cause considerable axial flux distortion.
How does a downpower impact DNBR?
Causes power to shift to the top of the core due to the change in THOT
THOT will be decreasing by a greater amount than TCOLD; therefore, the effect on the temperature drop will try to push power to the top of the core. = Negative ASI
How do Boron concentration changes impact DNBR?
A 1 ppm rise in soluble boron will have greater negative reactivity worth in the bottom of the core than at the top of the core where the density of water is less.
Flux will shift to the upper region of the core thereby creating a more negative ASI.
A dilution of the soluble boron will result in flux shifting toward the bottom of the core thereby creating a more positive ASI
How do Xenon oscillations impact DNBR?
Xenon oscillations are more prominent at end of cycle
These oscillations occur with a period of about 28 hours
Generally such oscillations are convergent BOL and get more divergent near EOL
What are the inputs to the Thermal Margin Monitor?
NI Power Range channels (upper, lower, and total detector outputs)
What are the TMM power supplies?
Power Supply Y-10, Y-20, Y-30 and Y-40 for channels A. B, C, and D, respectively
Lithium battery for 64K RAM (Memory) to maintain the variable constants
Second battery system is a set of three NICAD batteries used for the real time internal clock.
What are the outputs of the TMM?
TMM Outputs
- Nuclear Power/VHPT setpoint and Pre-trip alarm
- TM/LP Pre-trip alarm setpoint
- TM/LP setpoint and VHP trips to RPS channels A, B, C, and D
- TM/LP and VHP trip alarms and ASI alarm
- TM/LP Setpoint Low Alarms
- Multifunction alarms on EK-06D
What is the function of the ASI Function Generator?
Outputs the relationship between ASI via incores vs ASI via excores.
Utilizes Shape Annealing Factor
Accounts for flux leakage from upper to lower and vice versa
What is the function of the Local Power Density Function?
LPD Function Generator
The Local Power Density Function computes the maximum allowable ASIs (negative and positive) for the existing power level (QR2).
Outside of these bounds is an unanalyzed condtion.
Generates two outputs (YP and YN) to each comparator
What is the purpose of the LPD Functio Block?
Disables the ASI alarm. (Setpoint 15% ascending and 14.5% descending power)