Containment Air Coolers Flashcards
What is the function of the Containment Air Coolers?
- Normal - cool the air in containment (140F) and remove vapor
- DBA - pressure reduction (<50% by 24 hours) by cooling and removing vapor
- Act as a barrier, limiting radioactive releases from containment. (piping)
- If CHP not reached or CS not available it is only means.
Explain the purpose/function of the service water high capacity valves.
- CV-0861, CV-0864, CV-0873 and CV-0867 - High Caps
- 8-inch butterfly valves
- Air to Close
- Run with all open.
- Can be closed to help control Containment temperature.
Explain the interface between Containment Air Coolers and the hydrogen monitoring system.
For a representative sample, the fans need to be operating to mix the contents of the containment building.
What is the containment temperature limit?
Design Limit: 283F
T.S. 3.6.5 <= 140F in Modes 1-4
Administrative limit
- ≤ 135.96°F on PPC pt. TE-1815
- 130°F if TI-1815 (Containment Dome Temperature indication on panel C-13)
- 50F if PPC pt TE-1815
- 55F if TI-1815
Explain the interface between Containment Air Coolers and the Process Radiation Monitoring System.
- The sample line from the discharge header of the fans is sent to radiation monitor RIA-1817 for trends of containment activity.
- Each sample line’s SV is interlocked with either the “A” or “B” fan.
- Either fan, operating, causes the SV to open and provides sample.
Securing all Containment Air Cooler Fans will secure air flow to RIA-1817, Containment Ventilation System Radiation and result in annunciation of EK-1370,
Radiation Monitors Samplers Flow Failure (alarm may be delayed). Secure the RIA-1817 Sample Pump when air flow is secured.
Explain the interface between Containment Air Coolers and the Critical Service Water System.
Cooling medium is critical service water from B Header
What is a design concern with the high capacity outlet valve CV-0873 for VHX-3?
The valve might fail to open due to silt/sand accumulation on the closed disc, the valve is maintained normallyopen per SOP-5.
If closed longer than 72 hours, valve is inoperable.
Becomes operable upon openning.
What are the power supplies for VHX 1-4 75hp A fans?
- VHX 1-3A are on LCC-12
- VHX-4A is on LCC-11.
What are the power supplies for VHX 1-4 30hp B fans?
VHX 1-3B are on MCC-3
VHX-4B is on MCC-4.
What is the air flow path for each cooler?
- Air drawn from Steam Generator compartment through inlet ductwork to cooler housing.
- Separate inlet duct routed from containment dome area to inlet plenums for VHX-3 and VHX 4.
- Inlet filter assembly located just inside cooler housing. Cooling coils cool air/vapor mixture before passing through to fans.
- Outlet ductwork routed vertically through space between S/G compartment walls and containment liner.
Discuss the cooler sump and drains.
Sump drains sized for 20 gpm,
Flapper blade drain, sized to pass 150 gpm, held closed due to fan suction until water level rises to alarm setpoint. Drains to containment sump.
What protects cooler internals from rapid pressure rise event?
- Blowout panel on suction elbow.
- Rivets break at 1 psig.
What is the status of CV-0867 (VHX-4) high cap outlet bypass?
It is failed closed, air supply removed.
Do the high cap bypass valves perform an automatic temperature control function?
The bypass valves, CV 0838, CV- 0863 and CV-0872 for VHX 1-3, are kept full open (they are air to open valves).
VHX 4 Outlet Bypass Control Valve (CV 0843) is failed closed to support accident analysis requirements for service water flow.
What is Containment Cooling Train 1?
- EDG 1-1
- P-54B/C
- CV-3001
What is Containment Cooling Train 2?
- EDG 1-2
- P-54A
- CV-3002
- V-1A, 2A, 3A
- 2 SW Pumps (P-7A/C)