Fire Protection System Flashcards
What makes a fire barrier operable?
- Fire doors must either be closed or equipped with a self‑closing device.
- Fire dampers must either be closed or equipped with a self-closing device.
- All other fire barriers must be maintained in a functional condition.
- For sub-volume and exterior wall barriers to be functional:
- Doors must be closed and latched when not in use.
- All other sub-volume and exterior wall barriers must be maintained in a functional condition.
How do non-functional fire barriers get handled?
When a fire, sub-volume, and/or exterior wall barrier is non-functional the Shift Manager shall:
- Initiate appropriate compensatory measures in accordance with the barriers safety significance.
- High Safety significance
- Low Safety significance
- Non-NFPA 805
- Notify Security to initiate the required compensatory measures.
- Verify non-functional fire barrier has a Condition Report written.
- Review and sign the Fire Tour Cover Sheet prior to initiating or securing compensatory measures.
What is Defense in Depth?
- Fire Prevention
- Fire Detection
- Fire Containment
- Fire Suppression
Typically piping arrangement to the sprinklers and hose stations is such that no single failure would render both systems unavailable. Where is this not done?
One exception is the water supply to the Charging Pump Room sprinklers
Line break could cause loss of both the sprinklers and hose station
What is a fire barrier?
- Fire Doors
- Fire Dampers
- Fire Rated Assemblies: fire walls, ceilings, floors plugs, fire barrier penetration seals
- Fire Protection Assemblies: radiant heat shield between P-41 and P-9A/B
- Sub-Volume and Exterior Walls: walls, doors
What are the actions associated fire detection and or protection out of service within a High Safety Significant Area?
When a Fire Detection System in a HSS area is non-functional:
- IF automatic suppression is functional in the area, THEN implement an hourly fire tour within one hour.
- IF automatic suppression is non-functional, THEN implement a continuous fire tour within one hour.
If Door 167B, Scuttle Hatch From CCW Room to “West” ESG is open, what must be functional?
If in Mode 1, 2 and 3
Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8A shall be OPERABLE
What must be done if Door 167,CCW Room to 590 Corridor is blocked open?
Floor Plugs to be in place in Door 167 is Open
- East Engineered Safeguards
- West Engineered Safeguards
- Spent Fuel Pool (above East Engineered Safeguards Floor plugs)
What are the type of fire dectors utilized here?
- Ionization Detectors
- Photoelectric Detectors
- Ultraviolet Detectors
If the required fire protection equipment is non-functional (i.e., required fire fighting equipment missing or defective) what must be done?
The non-functional fire protection equipment shall be replaced within one (1) hour OR
Additional fire hose capable of reaching the unprotected area shall be provided within one (1) hour at an functional fire hose reel station, fire hose rack, or fire hydrant hose house.
What are the effects of water spray on electrical equipment?
To prevent potential of electrical shock maintain maximum distance while still maintaining spray on fire
All nozzles used within the plant (with the exception of hydrant houses) are electrically safe fog type nozzles
Nozzles are pinned to prevent opening beyond the 30° position thus maintaining fog spray
What is the output and pressure of the fire pumps?
- Three 100% capacity, 3-stage Vertical Turbine Pumps rated at 1500 gpm at 125 psig (each)
- Capable of providing 2250 gpm at 81 psig. 150% of output at 65% pressure.
What is P-9A power supply and its automatic starting pressure?
Power Supply – Bus-13, Bkr 52-1305
PS-1311 starts pump at 98 psig fire main pressure
Where can P-9A be started?
Locally only at C-36. Indication and alarm for start in control room.
When does P-9B Start?
PS-1310 @ 83 psig lowering.
What are the details of starting/stopping P-9B from control room and locally?
- P-9B, Diesel Driven Fire Pump, can be started and stopped using P-9B/CS, Diesel Driven Fire Pump P-9B, in the Control Room.
- If P-9B was started by low system pressure or low system pressure has actuated while running, the ability to stop P-9B from the Control Room is no longer available.
- If P-9B is started from the Control Room, it must be stopped from the Control Room. If P-9B has been started locally, it cannot be stopped from the Control Room.
What auto starts P-41?
PS-5350 @ 68 psig lowering
What are the details of starting/stopping P-41 from control room and locally?
- P-41, Diesel Driven Cooling Tower Fire Water Pp, can be started and stopped using P-41CS, Diesel Driven Fire Pump P-41, in the Control Room.
- If P-41 was started by low system pressure or low system pressure has actuated while running, the ability to stop P-41 from the Control Room is no longer available.
- If P-41 is started from the Control Room it should be stopped from the Control Room. Starting from the Control Room and stopping locally leaves a standing start signal. If the pump is placed back in AUTO, it would start.
- If P-41 has been started locally, it cannot be stopped from the Control Room.
Where are the fire pump control switches?
- C-36 locally only.
- Push Button
- T-Handle
- Indication only in Control Room
- Locally
- C-13
- Green/Red/Yello
- Yellow - Not in Auto
- Locally
- C-126
- Green/Red/Yello
- Yellow - Not in Auto
How does P-13, Jockey Pump start/stop?
Maintains header pressure to prevent water hammer.
Starts/Stop with P-9A breaker contacts
- P-9A ON - P-13 Off
- P-9A Off - P-13 On
Will continue to run with P-9B/P-41 running.
Where is dry pipe sprinklers typically used?
Areas subjected to freezing temperatures.
- Training Building
- RVR Area
- Track Alley
Melting of fusible sprinkler head releases air pressure allowing water valves to open – water flows through melted sprinkler heads only
How does an ionization detector function?
Small amount of Americium provides a radiation field between charged plates
Smoke entering between charged plates causes a change in voltage to occur which actuates an alarm
How does a Photo-electric Detector work?
- Use LED as light source
- Light detector at an angle to centerline of LED does not normally detect light
- Smoke entering detector reflects light to detector and actuates an alarm
How does an Ultraviolet Detector work?
- Optically view a specific area
- Sensitive to a specific wave length of light
- When the specific wave length of light is detected an alarm is actuated
If control power is lost to P-9A, can you still start it?
Use the T-handle at C-36
What supplies control power to P-9B and P-41? What happens if you loose it?
On loss of control power, lose indication and alarm functions only.
What alarms associated with fire detection are in the control room?
EK-1148 “FIRE SYSTEM PANEL C-47, C-47A/B or C-49” alarms on C-13 with
- Any alarm on Panels C-47, C-47A/B or C-49
- C-49 is in D-Bus
What are the immediate fire brigade call out areas?
- Charging Pump Room/Cooridor
- C-33 Room/Stairwell
- Cable Spreading
- C-Bus
What is fire pump runout?
If cross-tied with critical service water, depending on demand, fire pumps need to be monitored for runout condition.
Maintain discharge pressure greater than 60 psig.
Fire System pressure should be at least 100 psig during “standby” time.
What are the interfaces between fire protection and plant systems:
Service Water
Auxiliary Feedwater
Spent Fuel Pool
Travelling Screens
Instrument/Service Air
Service Water
- Cross-tie for critical header pressure support
Auxiliary Feedwater
- Alternate feed for P-8A/B
Spent Fuel Pool
- Filling from hose reel
- Spool Piece Connection
Travelling Screens
- Alternate Supply
Instrument/Service Air
- Alternate Cooling to C-903A/B
What are the requirements of the ORM for the fire protection system?
One fire protection pump shall be FUNCTIONAL.
The fire water makeup to the AFW pumps P-8A/P-8B
suction and the service water makeup to the AFW pump
P-8C suction shall be OPERABLE.
MODES 1, 2, and 3, and MODE 4 when steam generator is relied upon for heat removal.
Alternate Indications
Both Pump indicating lights will be OFF
- Control Power Transformer problem
- Breaker OPEN
- Blown Fuse
Alternate Indication
Red indicating light ILLUMINATED, Green indicating light OFF
Alternate Indication
Check MFP K-7A/B Trip Power indicating lights LIT on C-01, if OFF DC Control Power is lost
Alternate Indication
Red indicating light ILLUMINATED, Green indicating light OFF
Alternate Indication
Red indicating light not illuminated when other plant indications dictate the pump should be running
What is the response of the control room operator to a fire?
Sound the fire alarm siren for at least 30 seconds.
Then announce twice more on the PA system, FIRE IN / AT and give the location
Review AOP-40, Fire Which Threatens Safety Related Equipment, and EI-1, Emergency Classification and Actions.”
Describe the additional actions of the Control Room Operator after the fire alarm has been sounded
Describe the additional actions of the Control Room Operator after the fire alarm has been sounded.
- Maintains communications with the Plant Fire Brigade Leader via radio and/or telephone
- Request assistance from the Van Buren Central Dispatch (telephone 911) on an outside line for Covert and South Haven Fire Departments (if requested by Fire Brigade Leader)
- Notify Security (ext 2278) if assistance has been requested from the offsite Fire Departments
Describe the required actions when given notification of a fire in accordance with in-use ARP
Describe the required actions when given notification of a fire in accordance with in-use ARP
- Person discovering fire shall notify the Control Room immediately by any available means of communications, preferably telephone by dialing 911
- Give fire location and any other pertinent information available such as nature of fire, description of what is burning and if there are any injured personnel
- Attempt to contain, if trained to do so, or extinguish the fire using all necessary precautions for personal protection from undue hazards, including containment
What is the fire brigade minimum manning and how long can it be less than minimum?
A Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained on site at all times
May be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to restore the minimum requirements.
What must be done of P-13, Jockey Pump is removed from service?
If removed from service for greater than 2 hours Fire Protection Section must be notified.