Nuclear Instrumentation Flashcards
Explain the purpose of the Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System
Excore Nuclear Instrumentation
- Eight channels of instrumentation – 2 Source Range (SR), 2 Wide Range (WR), and 4 Power Range (PR)
- Monitors neutron flux from the source range through 125% power.
- Provide signals used to process a reactor trip if any core safety limit is approached
- Start-up Rate (SUR) directly to Reactor Protection System (RPS)
- Variable High Power Trip (VHPT) via Thermal Margin Monitor (TMM) to RPS
- Thermal Margin/Low Pressure (TM/LP) via TMM to RPS
Explain the purpose of the Incore Nuclear Instrumentation System
Incore Instrumentation
- Provide measured data that may be used in evaluating the neutron flux distribution in the reactor core.
- The incore instrumentation also contains thermocouples, 16 of which are post-LOCA environmentally qualified.
- Data may be used to evaluate thermal margins and to estimate local fuel burnup.
- Incore detectors can measure local neutron flux density
- Used to calibrate excores with respect to Axial Shape Index (ASI)/Linear Heat Rate (LHR).
What is the makeup of the incore instrumentation?
- Self-powered Rhodium-103 detectors
- 36 strings of 5 detectors at different elevations in the string, per string for a total of 180 detectors
- Thermocouples at the top of each string to measure core exit temperature.
- 16 are EEQ qualified and displayed on C-11A front (4 per quadrant)
What principle provides for the function of the excores?
Neutron leakage outside the core to the reactor cavity is a linear function of the neutron flux density in the core and thus reactor power.
Fission Chambers measure this leakage.
What is the construction of a fission chamber?
- Dual concentric aluminum cylinders
- Cylinders oppositely charged
- Neutron-sensitive coating (3.5 g of uranium oxide per chamber) on surfaces exposed to gas.
- suffers less than 1% burn up during a 40 year life
- no measurable loss of sensitivity over lifetime
- Gas-filled between sensors (90% argon and 10% nitrogen)
How does a fission chamber operate?
- Reaction: n + U-235 = high energy fission fragments
- Fission fragments ionize the gas and cause DC current flow/pulses.
- Average current pulse of 2 uA.
- 1 pulse per fission, normally
- Above 106 CPS (5 X 10-3% PWR) you get errors.
- Pulse pile-up occurs, pulses start to overlap
- Use Campbelling circuit to account for this effect.
- Pulse height (amplitude) discrimination is used at low pulse rates
What factors impact excore instrumentation accuracy?
- Shielding from reactor vessel wall, cavity concrete, detector wells and detector materials
- Low leakage core
- Core voiding
- Cold Leg Temperature Shadowing
- Rod Shadowing
- Fuel burnout
- Boron concentration
- Reactor poisons
What is a low leakage core design and how does it impact the Excores?
Low leakage core
- Burned assemblies placed at periphery
- Assemblies without active fuel pins
Recalibrate Excore NIs to account for core loading.
What is Cold Leg Temperature Shadowing and how does it impact the Excores?
Cold Leg Temperature Shadowing
Cooler water is denser, the denser water reflects more neutrons back into the core and the ex-cores will read a lower power than that which actually exists.
- Typical values are .5% power/°F.
- If Tc were to lower 10°F, power would read too low by 5%.
Effects are compensated by periodic calibration of the Ex-cores to match calorimetric power.
During start-up, target Tave restrictions minimize changing Tcold, thus reducing cold leg temperature effects.
What is Rod Shadowing and its impact to Excore instrumentation?
Rod Shadowing
- Detectors only see neutron leakage from the core periphery due to short neutron migration length.
- Anything that causes the peripheral fuel assemblies to indicate a power level not representative of the core average power will cause an erroneous power level to be seen by the Ex-cores
- Rod insertion has such an effect, as radial power distribution is altered.
- Effects of Rod Shadowing are compensated by operating with all rods out at full power and periodic calibration of the Excores to match calorimetric power.
How does fuel burnout impact Excore instrumentation?
Fuel Burnout
- Causes the neutron flux density to shift to the outside of the core as fuel in the center of the core burns out.
- Reactor power will read higher than actual.
- Must be adjusted for as the core ages.
What range does source range nuclear excore instrumentation cover?
How does it relate to wide range.
Source Range
- 6 decades from 0.1 to 105 cps
- Approximately 10-10 to 10-4 % power
When SR is ~ 3 cps, WR should read ~ 1x10-7 %
What does wide range excore nuclear instrumentation cover?
How does it relate to source range?
Wide Range
- Covers 10 1/3 decades from 10-8 to 200 % power.
When SR is ~ 3 cps, WR should read ~ 1x10-7 %.
What are the power supplies for NI-1/3A and NI-2/4A?
NI-1 and NI-3 - Y-30
NI-2 and NI-4 - Y-40
How does gamma discrimination work in the source range detectors?
SR Discriminator A7
Discrimination against alpha, gamma and electronic noise
- Provides a uniform, conditioned pulse for each neutron pulse that exceeds the threshold voltage (bias)
- Since neutron pulses are larger than gamma pulses, the bias is set to pass only neutron pulses.
Neutron count rate is proportional to power, while gamma count is proportional to power history