Service Water Flashcards
P-7A/B/C Overload Trip Setpoint
92 Amps
P-7A/B/C Amp Guages
P-7A/B/C Basket Strainer High DP
7 psid up to 8 second time delay
Low Critical Service Water Header Pressure
Non-Critical SW Low Pressure
A Critical Header Loads
- VC-10
- 1-2 EDG
- VC-1A
- E-18C
- VHX-27A (East ESS)
- ESS Pumps Cooling
- E-54A/B
B Critical Header Loads
- VHX-1/4
- Cntmt Fire Wheels
- VC-11
- 1-1 EDG
- VC-1B
- E-18A
- VHX-27B (West ESS)
F-4B/C Traveling Screens Wash Cycle
Once every 8 hrs for 12 minutes or on high DL of 6 inches.
How does F-13A/B Operate?
Off, Intermittent (1.5 PSID or 4 times per day), and Continuous
What is the design and capacity of P-7A/B/C?
Virtical turbine pumps. 8,000 GPM at 140 feet (60 psi)
What is P-7A/B/C Power Supply?
- P-7A/C
- P-7B
What pumps draw from the SW Bay?
P-7A/B/C, P-9A, P-9B, P-4, P-13
What is P-7A/B/C NPSH Requirement?
31 feet. At 85F and 568.25’ NPSH Available is 56 feet
What is Minimum Lake Level for P-5 to supply Intake Structure?
578’ 4”
How do you arm the Standby Feature of a SW Pump?
Press the Amber Standby Light.
What starts a standby SW pump?
40 psi on pressure switch in that pumps start circuit. Pressure switch (1 each) is located on other pumps discharge.
What is normal SW pump discharge pressure?
70 - 85 psi
What is happenning at 90 psi discharge pressure?
Potential low flow condition and pump damage.
Describe the intake crib
2/3 mile out (3300 feet) and 20 feet down, passing up to 390,000 gpm
What happens if you arm a SW pump for standby with only 1 pump operating?
The pump will start as it sees low discharge pressure on the other non operating pump.
What are the SIAS effects on system?
- All 3 SW pumps start
- CV-1359 isolates non-critical loads
- VHX 1-4 High Caps open/seal-in
- VHX-4 inlet closes,
What happens on loss of offsite power?
P-7A/B start after 10 seconds
P-7C after 26 seconds via the normal shutdown sequencer.
What happens on loss of offsite power with SIAS?
DBA sequencer.
- P-7A/B start after 10 seconds
- P-7C after 26 seconds
What happens to SW on RAS?
- CV-0823 and CV-0826, CCW Heat Exchanger High Caps will go to the hard-stop postions and indicate red only.
Approximately 3300 GPM/Hx.
- CV-0821 and CV-0822, CCW TCV’s go closed
Which SW pumps have a RLTS?
What are CR indications for SW system?
- Service Water Pump amps
- D/Gs outlet temperatures
- CCW Hx outlet temperatures.
- SW Critical header pressures
- ESS Room Cooler temp indications
- SW inlet temp (TR-5370)
- SW outlet temp (TR-5370)
- Radiation Detector, RIA-0833
At what SW Pump gland tempeature do you take action?
120 degrees notify maintenance. 140 - have packing adjusted allow more top of packing leakoff.
Packing adjustments performed while the pump is running do NOT render the
pump inoperable; therefore, pump testing or redundant equipment testing is NOT
When is the UHS Operable?
UHS Operable
Required Mode 1 -4
Temperature <= 85F
- DWO Limit 83.5F
Level >= 568.25 ft (top of SW Bay Sluice Gate)
- DWO Limit - 569 ft
When does the Max DBA Heat Load occur?
Max DBA Heat Load
- Maximum post accident heat load occurs between 20 to 40 minutes after a design basis Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA).
- Near this time, the plant switches from injection to recirculation, and the containment cooling systems are required to remove the core decay heat.
What is the NPDES Permit limit?
NPDES Permit limit
- 2 million gallons per day (mg/d).
* Operation of three (3) Service Water Pumps and two (2) Dilution Water Pumps simultaneously with the plant off-line may result in exceeding this limit.
How are the critical header cross-tie and isolation valves controlled?
Closing more than one of the following control valves with the plant in Mode 1, 2, 3,
or 4 is NOT allowed AND the time any one of these valves is closed shall be
- CV-0844 HEADER B (S)
- CV-0845 HEADER A (N)
How can SWS changes impact SFP Temperature?
SFP Temperature
Any of the following actions may affect Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) temperature:
- Changing position of CV-0823 (CV-0826), Component Cooling Water Hx E-54A (E-54B) Outlet
- Changing position of CV-1359, Non-Critical Service Water Isolation
- Changing CCW System heat load (isolating Shut Down Cooling Hx)
What is the maximum service water flow through a CCW heat exchanger?
CCW Max SW Flow
7050 GPM to prevent damage to tubes
Corresponds to 71 in H2O on FI-0823/0824.
What are frazil ice conditions?
Frazil ice conditions
- Water temperature is at or below 33F (TI-1319)
- Air temperature is at or below 25F (PPC page 351)