The Nervous System Flashcards
Basic function of the nervous system is _________.
The two fundamental properties of nervous tissue protoplasm are _______ and _______.
- Irritability
- Conductivity
The capacity to react to various physical or chemical stimuli is called ________.
The ability to transmit excitation rapidly is called ________. It is _______ along axons and ________ across synapse.
- Conductivity
- Electrical
- Chemical
The nervous system consists of the _________ and _________.
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System
The Central Nervous System is composed of the ______ and _______.
Brain and spinal cord
The Peripheral Nervous System is composed of ___________.
All nervous tissue outside of CNS
Nerve cell
Supporting cells
The three basic types of neurons
- Sensory or afferent
- Integrative or interneuron
- Motor or efferent
______ –> Neural plate –> _______ –> Neural folds –> ________
- Ectoderm
- Neural groove
- Neural tube
Neural tube gives rise to _____ in the adult.
Isolated cells which do not participate in making neural tube form a strip called ________.
Neural crest
Neural crest gives rise to ______ including sensory neurons of cranial and spinal sensory ganglia, most sensory neurons, ________ cells, and autonomic ganglia.
- Schwann
Neural crest also gives rise to me______, od_______ (produce dentin), and cells of ar______ and pi____ _____.
- Melanocytes
- Odontoblasts
- Arachnoid
- Pia mater
The meninx layer _______ lies next to the periosteum and consists of loose CT, adipose cells, and venous plexuses.
Dura Mater
The meninx layer ______ is a thin, spider web like, no blood vessels, contains loose CT.
The meninx layer ______ is thin, attached to brain and spinal cord, contains loose CT with fibroblasts, macrophages, and lymphocytes. Has numerous blood vessels.
Pia Mater
The ________ are protective CT layers covering the CNS.
The meningeal space between the dura mater and vertebral column with clinical significance is called _________.
The meningeal space between the dura mater and arachnoids that has minimum fluid is called ________.
The meningeal space between the arachnoid and pia mater which circulates a large amount of fluid called _________ is called _________.
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Subarachnoid
_______ is an inflammation of the meninges most ofter caused by _______ or _______ but can also be caused by ______.
- Meningitis
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Fungi
_______ meningitis is less common than ______.
- Bacterial
- Viral
Meningitis is characterized by exudates of _______ in the _____. It can be life threatening and may occur at any age.
- Neutrophils
White matter
Myelinated axons
Gray matter
Nerve cell bodies
Aggregations of nerve cell bodies within CNS
Nucleus (nuclei)
Bundles of axons within CNS
Bundles of axons outside CNS
Nerve fibers
Aggregations of nerve cell fibers outside of CNS
Ganglion (ganglia)
Characteristics of the neuron include extreme _______, _______, high _______ rate - needs continuous supply of oxygen and glucose.
- Longevity
- Amitotic
- Metabolic
The neuron is a _____ cell with a _____ shape, more cytoplasm in ______ than in cell body, and a ______ or ______ outline.
- Large
- Complex
- Processes
- Polygonal or angular
The neuron has a ______ nucleus that is ______ or _____ shaped as well as a _____ and _____ nucleolus.
- Large
- Spherical or ovoid
- Single and central
______ (cytoplasm exclusive of nucleus) contains filaments, granules, and membranes.
The cytoskeleton of the neuron consists of three kinds of _______.
Three kinds of neurofibrils
- Microtubules
- Neurofilaments
- Microfilaments
Cytoplasm of the neuron has _________, which are basophilic masses of rough ER.
Nissl bodies or substances
Nissl bodies are the site of ______ and are found only in ______ and ______, not in _____.
- Protein synthesis
- Cytoplasm and dendrites
- Axons
The neuron has a well developed _______ and has rod shaped mitochondria and centrioles present.
Golgi complex
Inclusions of the neuron include:
- Dense core vesicles containing neurotransmitters such as _______ and _____.
- _______ pigments
- _______, which indicates advanced age
- ______ droplets
- ______ in embryonic neurons
- Oxytocin, vasopressin
- Melanin
- Lipofuscin
- Lipid
- Glycogen
Alzheimer Disease is characterized by ______ in the elderly. The definitive diagnosis is by microscopic examination of ________.
- Memory loss
- Cerebral cortex
A hallmark of Alzheimer Disease is increased numbers of _____ or _____ ______. Another important histologic feature is the presence of __________ ______.
- Neuritic or senile plaques
- Neurofibrillary tangles
The dendrites are extensions of the perikaryon that provide a _______ surface. There are _______ per cell and they may be branched.
- Receptive
- Several
Dendrites are covered with _____ or ______, the sites of synapse.
Spines or gemmules
________ of cerebellum have hundreds of dendrites.
Purkinje cells
Dendrites contain _________, ribosomes, and mitochondria.
Nissl bodies
There is only one ______ per neuron, which is attached to the _________.
- Axon
- Axon hillock
The axon carries impulses ______ from neuron to another neuron, muscle, or gland.
The axon has no ________, and is usually thinner and longer. Many are _____, which alters their physical properties, but may be ________ also.
- Nissl bodies
- Myelinated
- Unmyelinated
The axon depends on _______ ______ for nutrition and metabolism.
Perikaryonic transport
Transport from perikaryon to axon is called _________ and includes ______ and _______, which can further be divided into _____ and ______.
- Anterograde
- Fast transport and Slow transport
- Slow component ‘a’ and Slow component ‘b’
Fast transport travels ______ mm/day, transports smooth ER tubules, vesicles, mitochondria, sugars, amino acids, nucleotides, calcium.
Slow transport travels _____ mm/day. Slow component ‘a’ transports cytoskeletal proteins such as _________ and ________, while slow component ‘b’ transports cytoplasmic matrix proteins such as ___, _____, ____, and ____.
- 0.2-4
- Microtubules and neurofibrils
- Actin, clathrin, calmodulin, and enzymes
Transport from axon to perikaryon is called _______ and transports everything from anterograde plus substances picked up by axons, such as _____ (tetanus) and ______ (herpes, rabies). The speed is about _____ of anterograde.
- Retrograde
- Toxins and Neurotropic viruses
- Half
Types of neurons based on axons
- Golgi type I
- Golgi type II
Golgi type I has _____ axons, cell bodies in ____ and axons in _____. Ex. Neurons of PNS
- Very long
- Periphery
Golgi type II has _____ axons and is found in _____ and ______ _____ as well as the _____.
- Short
- Cerebral and cerebellar cortex
- Retina
Types of neurons based on perikaryon: sp_____, ov___, py___, fu____, po____, size _____ (ex. Pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex)
- Spherical
- Ovoid
- Pyriform
- Fusiform
- Polyhedral
- Variable
Types of neurons based upon processes
- Unipolar
- Bipolar
- Pseudo-unipolar
Unipolar are ___, except in _____.
- Rare
- Embryo
Bipolar have one _____ and one _____, such as in _____.
- Axon
- Dendrite
- Retina
Pseudo-unipolar can be found in _________.
Craniosacral ganglia
Types of neurons based upon dendrites
- Stellate
- Pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex
- Purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex
Stellate cells are star shaped and compose the ______ neurons of the ______ ____ ___.
- Motor
- Ventral gray horn
Purkinje cells of ______ cortex have ____ major dendrites and are _____ branched.
- Cerebellar
- Two
- Highly