Cartilage & Bone Flashcards
Cartilage is a specialized kind of _____.
Connective tissue
Active cartilage forming cells are called ___________.
After forming cartilage, chondroblasts are embedded in gel like matrix and are then called ____________.
_______ predominates in cartilage and cells are enclosed in cavities called _________.
ECM; Lacunae
Unlike other CT, cartilage has no ________ and ________ of its own.
Blood vessels; Nerve supply
Cartilage is capable of _______ and hence is ideal for embryo.
Rapid growth
Most of axial and appendicular skeleton is first laid down as __________ and is later replaced by the bone.
Cartilage model
Cartilage has ______ occurrence in postnatal life.
Except in joints, cartilage is covered by a dense CT called __________.
Three kinds of cartilages based upon kinds and abundance of fibers and matrix
- Hyaline
- Elastic
- Fibrocartilage
______ cartilage is the most common kind and other kinds are its __________.
Hyaline; Modifications
Hyaline cartilage is found in end of ____, ______ rings, ______ and _____ surfaces of bones.
- Ribs
- Tracheal rings
- Larynx
- Joint surfaces of bones
Chondrogenesis: ________ cells –> _______ tissue or centers of _______ –> cells secrete _____ matrix and ______
- Mesenchymal
- Protochondral
- Ossification
- Hyaline
- Collagen
As the matrix increases, cells become isolated and get enclosed in ______ and are then called __________.
Lacunae; Chondrocytes
The two mechanisms for cartilage growth are ________ and ________ growth.
- Interstitial
- Appositional
Interstitial Growth: Cells in ______ mitotically divide and increase in number
Appositional Growth: Perichondrium is _______ containing the _______ layer (cells differentiate into ________) and the _______ layer.
- Bilayered
- Inner chondrogenic
- Chondroblasts
- Outer nonchondrogenic
Chondrocytes are _____ cells that are enclosed in _____.
- Irregular
- Lacunae
Chondrocytes sometimes tend to cluster and are then called _______ cells.
Chondrocytes have distorted ________, are rich in ____ and ____, there are occasional ______ in cytoplasm.
- Mitochondria
- ER and GC
- Lipid droplets
The matrix of hyaline cartilage is ______ and can be differentiated into a ________ and an ________ matrix.
Homogenous; Territorial; Inter-territorial
The territorial matrix of hyaline cartilage is rich in ________ and has small ________ fibrils.
Sulfated GAG; Collagenous
The matrix of hyaline cartilage is ______ and has _______ ground substance.
PAS+; basophilic
The principal constituents of the hyaline cartilage matrix are ______ collagen, _________ (core protein and GAG), and ________ for binding.
Type II; Proteoglycans; Chondronectin
Principal GAG in the matrix of hyaline cartilage are __________ and _________.
- Chondroitin sulfate
- Keratan sulfate
Hyaline cartilage undergoes a ________ change called ________ which precedes bone formation known as ____________.
Regressive; Calcification; Endochondral ossification
In endochondral ossification, the chondrocytes form which 5 zones?
- The reserve zone
- The proliferative zone
- The zone of hypertrophy and maturation
- The zone of provisional calcification
- The ossification zone
The reserve zone, or _____ cartilage, includes _______ chondrocytes.
Resting; Quiescent
The proliferative zone undergoes rapid _______ under the influence of _______.
Mitosis; Growth hormone
The zone of hypertrophy and maturation undergoes cessation of ________ and cellular accumulation of ______, _____, and alkaline ______.
- Mitosis
- Lipid, glycogen, alkaline phosphatase
The zone of provisional calcification is exhibited by calcified cartilage _______ and the _______ are resorbed.
Matrix; Chondrocytes
The ossification zone undergoes the secretion of a covering called ______ by ______.
Osteoid; Osteoblasts
Elastic cartilage is found in external _____, walls of ________, and the _______.
- External ear
- Walls of auditory (Eustachian) tube
- Epiglottis
Elastic cartilage is ______ in color and has greater ______ and ______.
- Yellow
- Flexibility and elasticity
Elastic cartilage has cells similar to those in ________.
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage frequently contains branched _______.
Elastic fibers
The matrix of elastic cartilage is _______ because of ________ and also has a small number of _______.
- Invisible
- Density of fibers
- Type II collagen
Fibrocartilage is found in ________ discs, certain _______ cartilages, ________ pubis, and attachment of ______ to bones.
- Intervertebral discs
- Articular cartilages
- Symphysis pubis
- Attachment of tendons to bones
Fibrocartilage is a mixture of _______ and _______, so it is known as a ___________.
- Dense regular CT & Hyaline cartilage
- Transitional form
Fibrocartilage lacks a distinct __________ and has cells aligned in _____.
- Perichondrium
- Rows
The matrix of fibrocartilage is ________ and has _______ as opposed to ______ in other kinds of cartilages.
- Inconspicuous
- Type I collagen
- Type II collagen
Cartilage can sustain great ______ and allows bone _______.
Weight; Movement
Cartilage helps avoid collapse of _______.
Respiratory passages
Cartilage helps determine _____ and _____ of developing bones which are under the control of ______.
- Size and length
- Growth hormone
Cartilages are indicators of ________.
Metabolic disturbances
Protein or vitamin A deficiency diminishes ________ thickness.
Vitamin C deficiency causes a disease ______ (cessation of matrix formation).
Vitamin D deficiency reduces absorption of _____ and _____ from diet which leads to ______ (epiphyseal plate continues to proliferate, no calcification occurs and bone is deformed).
- Ca++ and PO4—
- Ricketts
Cartilages are also affected by the hormone ______.
Growth hormone
________ is the most common form of arthritis and a major cause of long-term disability
Osteoarthritis is primarily a disease of _______.
Articular cartilage
Osteoarthritis is associated with decreased _____ content of matrix with increased water content.
In osteoarthritis, loss of cartilage leads to ________ contact and rapid deterioration of movement and function.
Like any other CT, the bone also consists of ____, _____, and a _______, but the major difference is that ECM is ________, hard, unyielding, and ideal for mechanical support.
- Cells, fibers, ground substance
- Calcified
Bone provide ______ and attachment for muscles, _____ vital organs, brain, lungs, heart, and enclose hemopoietic organs, and have an important role in _______–mobilization of _____.
- Support
- Protect
- Metabolism, Ca++
Types of long bones
- Femur
- Humerus
- Tibia
Types of short bones
- Carpals
- Tarsals
Types of flat bones
- Scapula
- Sternum
- Cranium (skull)
Types of irregular bones
- Vertebrae
- Sacrum
- Mandible
Sesamoid bones
- Short or irregular bones embedded in tendons
- Patella
A typical long bone consists of diaphysis, _______, epiphysis, ______, periosteum, and ______ cavity.
- Metaphysis
- Endosteum
- Medullary
All long bones are generally invested (covered) by a special CT called ______ with ______ properties.
- Periosteum
- Osteogenic
In long bones, periosteum is lacking at _______, where tendons are inserted into the bone and on the patella bone.
Articular surface
In long bones, the marrow cavity of diaphysis, cavities of spongy bone, Haversian canals, and Volkmann’s canals are all ______ by osteogenic thin layer of cells called ______.
- Lined
- Endosteum
Flat bones are found in the ______, where the periosteum on the outer surface is called _______. and the inside is lined with _______ instead of endosteum.
- Skull
- Pericranium
- Dura mater
In flat bones, the compact bone forms an innner and an outer ______ enclosing a spongy bone called ______.
- Table
- Dipole
The two distinct forms of bone are:
- Compact (cortical) (Substantia compacta)
- Spongy (cancellous) (trabecular) (Substantia spongiosa)
Compact bone has closely packed _______ or _______ systems.
Osteons or Haversian systems
Spongy bone is ______ and less ______ than compact bone and consists of plates (trabeculae) and bars of bones adjacent to small irregular cavities that contain bone marrow.
- Lighter
- Less dense
Compact bone consists of ______ and ______.
Bone matrix and cells
The matrix of compact bone is a highly ________ interstitial substance and is deposited in layers called _______.
- Mineralized
- Lamellae
Compact bone cells are enclosed in ______ or lenticular cavities.
Lacunae are connected by _______ for exchange of metabolites.
The three common patterns that lamellae are deposited in are:
- _______ System or _______
- _______ System demarcated by _______
- Outer and Inner ________ lamellae
- Haversian System or Osteons
- Intersitial System demarcated by cement lines
- Outer and Inner Circumferential lamellae
Haversian Canals are ________ in the center of the bone are are surrounded by ________ lamellae. They contain one or more ________ ensheathed in loose CT.
- Longitudinal
- Concentric
- Blood vessels
Volkmann’s Canals are _______ or oblique channels that connect Haversian Canals. They are not surrounded by concentric lamellae as in HC, and blood vessels communicate between HC and VC>
Cancellous bone also has _______.
In Cancellous bone, _______ (plate of bone) are thin and are not penetrated by blood vessels.
Cancellous bone has no _______ and bone cells are nourished by ______ of nutrients from canaliculi.
- Haverian System
- Diffusion
The periosteum is subject to _______ in various places and consists of an inner later and outer layer.
The inner layer of the periosteum consists of osteogenic __________, which revert to __________ cells in adults.
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoprogenitor
The outer layer of the perichondrium is an _______ dense CT with blood vessels entering into Volkmann’s canals.
Contact between CT and bone is by numerous ________ from periosteum into the bone and coarse bundles of collagen fibers called _________.
- Blood vessels
- Sharpey’s or Perforating fibers
The bone matrix is an interstitial substance that consists of two major components: _______ and _______.
Organic and inorganic
The organic bone matrix makes up ___%. Type ____ collagen fibers predominate and are cross striated, highly ordered in parallel or helical pattern for binding strength.
- 35
- I
The organic bone matrix contains GAG such as ______ sulfate, ______ sulfate, and ______ acid (quantity _______ than in cartilage)
- Chondroitin
- Keratan
- Hyaluronic
- Much less
The organic bone matrix contains other proteins such as osteo_____, osteo______, and bone _______.
- Osteocalcin
- Osteopontin
- Bone sialoprotein
The inorganic bone matrix makes up ___% and contains _________.
- 65
- Calcium phosphate
Bone mineral is a form of ________ and is similar to a mineral called _________).
- Calcium phosphate
- Hydroxyapatite
Bone mineral is first deposited as ________ and later ________ to form ________. The crystals are orderly arranged in the form of ______.
- Calcium phosphate
- Crystallized
- Hydroxyapatite
- Plates
Bone mineral also contains ______ ions on the surface of crystals, ______ ions, ______ ions, which can be replaced by _____ ions in drinking water, and ______ and ______ ions.
- Citrate
- Carbonate
- Hydroxyl
- Fluorine
- Magnesium and Sodium
During development and growth organic matrix is _______.
________ can cause a substantial increase in mineral content as high as ____% of dry weight.
- Dehydration
- 65%
Disorders related to bone mineral include _____ in children and ______ in adults, in which mineral content is as low as 35% due to vitamin D deficiency.
- Ricketts
- Osteomalacia
Four kinds of bone cells, three inter-transformable, undergo ________. Name them.
- Modulation
- Osteoprogenitor cells
- Osteoblasts
- Osteocytes
- Osteoclasts
Osteoprogenitor cells develop from _______ destined for bone formation and can _______ (transform) into fibroblasts, lipoblasts, or hemopoietic cells.
- Mesenchyme
- Modulate
Osteoprogenitor cells are found on or near _______ of bone, in _______, inner layer of _______, lining of ______ canal, and on _______.
- Free surfaces
- Endosteum
- Periosteum
- Haversian
- Trabeculae
Osteoprogenitor cells are ____ or elongate cells, very ______ during normal bone growth, and transform into _______.
- Oval
- Active
- Osteoblasts
Osteoblasts are responsible for ________ formation.
Bone matrix
During growth, osteoblasts from an _______ layer of cuboidal or columnar cells.
Osteoblasts have prominent ______, numerous ______, and are rich in _____ and _____.
- Nuclei
- Mitochondria
- RER and GC
Osteoblasts have ________ and are _____ for GAG.
- Acid phosphatase
- PAS+
When bone formation ceases, osteoblasts _____ into inactive squamous cells with decreased _____ reaction and decreased _______.
- Revert
- PAS+
- Acid phosphatase
Osteoblasts secrete type ___ collagen, ________, osteo_____, osteo______, osteo______, ______ and ______ for hormones and vitamins.
- I
- Proteoglycans
- Osteocalcin
- Osteopontin
- Osteonectin
- Cytokines
- Receptor proteins
The traditional view the osteoblasts deposit bone and osteoclasts resorb bone is ________.
Too simplistic
Osteoblasts have a very active role inn bone _______.
Resorption (degradation)
Osteoclasts are active in bone resorption only if in contact with ___________.
Mineralized matrix
Bone normally has a thin layer of unmineralized matrix called ______.
Osteoblasts participate in bone resorption by secreting enzymes that remove ______, exposing mineralized matrix to osteoclasts.
_____ administration in vivo increases bone resorption.
Parathyroid hormone
PTH receptors are found on _______, not on ________.
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclasts
Osteoblasts can stimulate _____ and demineralize _____ which exposes __________ to activated OCL.
- Osteoid
- Mineralized bone
Osteocytes are ______ cells of _______ bone.
- Principal
- Fully formed
Osteocytes reside in ______, are rich in _____, ____, and _________.
- Lacunae
- RER, GC, and mitochondria
Osteocytes have a _______ cell body due to hard matrix and are essentially ______ surrounded by ______.
- Flattened
- Matrix
Osteocytes have numerous ________ that extend into the canaliculi.
Cytoplasmic processes
Osteocytes are capable of modulating ______ or _____.
Osteoclasts are ______ cells with as many as 50 nuclei and are active agents in __________.
- Giant
- Bone resorption
Osteoclasts are found frequently in shallow cavities called _________.
Howship’s lacunae
Osteoclasts have a ________ and numerous mitochondria and a ___________ compartment between the ruffled border and the bone.
- Ruffled border
- Subosteoclastic
Osteoclasts ______ directly erode or phagocytose matrix; _______ from OCL and ________ from OBL are involved.
- Do not
- Hydrolytic enzymes
- Collagenase
Bone can be _______ by acids and it is logical to expect ________ of subosteoplastic compartment.
- Decalcified
- Acidification
Acidification requires ATP dependent __________ across plasma membrane, much like in ______ cells.
- Pumping of H+
- Parietal
The source of H+ is ____ and ____ using the enzyme ________ to yield _______ which then gives off _____ and ______.
- CO2 and H2O
- Carbonic Anhydrase
- Carbonic acid
- Bicarbonate and H+
In OCL, carbonic anhydrase has been localized on the ________ of ruffled border; hence, the subosteoplastic compartment is considered a _________.
- Inner surface
- Secondary lysosome
OCL is actually a _____ cell: ____ and ____ enzyme from OCL remove Ca++ from bone while ______ from OBL then degrades organic matrix.
- Secretory
- Acid and hydrolase enzyme
- Collagenase
Mesenchyme gives rise to Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cells which differentiate into ______, ______, and through a series of events, _______.
- Monocytes
- Macrophages
- Osteoclasts
Osteogenesis is a complex series of processes including cell ______, mi_____, di______, mo_______, sy_______, se______, extracellular ______, and re______.
- Cell migration
- Mitosis
- Differentiation
- Modulation
- Synthesis
- Secretion
- Extracellular mineralization
- Resorption
All bones develop by _______ of an existing ____.
- Replacement
- CT
Two modes of bone development and what they give rise to
- Intramembranous Ossification - membrane bones
- Endochondral Ossification - cartilage bone
Intramembranous Ossification (IMO) occurs in _______ as in ______bones or _____ and _______.
- Primitive CT
- Flat bones
- Skull and mandibles
In IMO, mesenchyme condenses into a ________ and cells begin depositing ________ substance and ______ fibers.
- Vascularized CT
- Ground substance
- Collagen fibers
In IMO, collagen fibers _______ to form matrix and ________ (plates of calcified bone)
- Polymerize
- Trabeculae
In the early stage of IMO, collagen fibers arrange in _________ and the bone is called _________.
- All directions
- Woven bone
In subsequent remodeling of IMO, collagen fibers become _______ and the bone is called _________.
- Lamellar
- Lamellar bone
The two stages of IMO are the _________ and ________.
- Early stage
- Subsequent remodeling
The events of Endochondral Ossification are:
- Changes in ______
- Development of ______ centers of ossification
- Growth in ______ of long bones
- Establishing ______ centers of ossification
- ___________
- Growth in ______ of long bones
- Surface _______ and _______ organization of bones
- Bone ______
- _____ bone formation and bone ________
- Changes in chondrocytes
- Development of primary centers of ossification
- Growth in length of long bones
- Establishing secondary centers of ossification
- Calcification
- Growth in diameter of long bones
- Surface modeling and internal organization of bones
- Bone repair
- Ectopic bone formation and bone banking
Changes in Chondrocytes results in accumulation of ______, development of _____ and synthesis of ______, enlargement and ______ centrally, matrix becomes _____, and chondrocytes _______ and _______.
- Glycogen
- Vacuoles
- Matrix
- Hypertrophy
- Calcifiable
- Regress and degenerate
During the development of primary centers of ossification, osteogenic properties of cells in _______ are _______, a thin layer of ________ or collar is deposited, ______ grow into diaphysis carrying blood with _________. Some cells become ________ and others become _______.
- Perichondrium
- Activated
- Periosteal bud
- Blood vessels
- Pluripotential stem cells
- Hemopoietic
During growth in length of long bones, following the appearance of ______ _____ of ossification, the chondrocytes near the epiphysis arrange themselves into ______ columns separated by _______. ECO proceeds more orderly in _____ forming the 5 zones.
- Diphysial centers of ossification
- Parallel columns
- Septa
- Diaphysis
During the establishment of secondary centers of ossification, the events are _______ and growth in bone _______ continues. This step involves ______ of epiphysis.
- Postnatal
- Length
- Vascularization
During the establishment of secondary centers of ossification, only ______ cartilage and _______ plate remain without ossification, the rest becomes compact or spongy bone. This ossification continues until ________ becomes bone, a stage called _________ and there is ________ in bone length after this stage.
- Articular cartilage
- Epiphysial plate
- Epiphysis
- Closure of epiphysis
- No growth
During the establishment of secondary centers of ossification, growth in length is the result of cartilage cells growing ______ from shaft and being replaced by bone cells. The net effect is _____ in length. The time of ______ and relative distribution of two epiphyses is ________. For example, the femur grows mainly ______ and tibia grows mainly ______.
- Away
- Increase
- Closure
- Variable
- Distally
- Proximally
During calcification, the mechanism is _______ to induction of crystallization from _______ solutions. This process is called _________ (meaning seed crystallization).
- Analogous
- Metastable solutions
- Heterogeneous nucleation
In bone, highly crystallized ______ fibers act as a _____ for nucleation, and calcium phosphate deposits as _________ mineral.
- Collagen
- Catalyst
- Hydroxyapatite
Growth in diameter of long bones is the result of _______ of new membranous bone ______ the perisoteum.
- Deposition
- Beneath
The compact bone of adult shaft (diaphysis) is entirely a product of ________ ____.
Subperiosteal IMO
Subperiosteal IMO is accomplished by thickening of ______ and resorption of _______ inside, thus increasing diameter of medullary or marrow cavity.
- Collar
- Spongy bone
Activities of OBL and OCL are ________.
Delicately balanced
Surface modeling is by _______ deposition and ossification.
Internal organization of bone involves conversion of _____ to _____ or primitive HS to definitive HS and
- Primary lattice
- HS
Internal organization of bone involves _____ which resorb bone and prepare a _______ around blood vessels and _____ lay down ______ around them.
- Long cylinder
- Lamellae
Bone Repair involves a bone ______, hemorrhage and organization of tissue with a ______, Granulation tissue to ______, Cartilage and _______ develop, fibrocartilage ______ fill gap, and cartilage is then transformed into bone by _____.
- Fracture
- Clot
- Dense CT
- Fibrocartilage
- Callus
Ectopic Bone Formation involves formation of a bone at a place _______ with skeleton (kidney, pelvis, arterial wall, tendons). All cartilages have ________ property, but ectopic bone formation occurs rarely.
- Not associated
- Osteogenic
Bone Banking involves ________ cell supplies that are preserved by ______ and evidence of bone _______ and _____.
- Osteogenic
- Freezing
- Induction and grafts
Bones provide _____, muscle _______, ______ vital organs such as brain, lungs, and heart, and _______ hemopoietic organs.
- Support
- Muscle attachment
- Protect
- Enclose
Ca++ is vital for ______ activity, cell ______, muscle _____, blood ______, and ______ impulse transmission.
- Enzyme activity
- Cell cohesion
- Muscle contraction
- Blood coagulation
- Nerve impulse transmission
___% of Ca++ is in bone (____ mg/dl of blood)
- 99%
- 9-11
The dual mechanism involves _______ of Ca++ from bone (equilibrium between bone and blood) and ______ by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin.
- Simple diffusion
- Hormonal control
PTH causes bone ________.
_______ is extensive resorption and bone replaced by fibrous tissue is called _______.
- Bone resorption
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Osteitis fibrosa
CT ______ bone resorption and may cause _______ blood Ca++ levels, ______ feedback for PTH.
- Inhibits
- Decreased
- Negative
In mice, estrogens ______ endosteal bone formation and _____ OCL activity resulting in greatly enlarged bones.
- Increase
- Inhibit
Postmenopausal osteoporosis is attributed to _______ levels of estrogens by injections of estrogens ______ help.
- Decreased
- Do not always
Sex hormones determine _____ of skeletal development and bone growth is directly related to _______.
- Rate
- Sexual maturity
Growth hormone deficiency causes ______ of epiphysial growth and excess of it causes ______ (very thick bones).
- Cessation
- Acromegaly
Synarthroses allow ______ movement and include ______, ______, and ______.
- Little or no movement
- Synostosis
- Synchondrosis
- Syndesmosis
Synostosis is a joint made of _____ such as in _____.
- Bone
- Head
Synchondrosis is a joint made of _____ such as in ____ and _____.
- Cartilage
- Epiphysial plate
- Symphysis pubis
Syndesmosis is a join made of ____ such as in _____ and _____.
- CT
- Tibia
- Fibula
Diathroses allow ______ movement such as in ________.
- Free
- Joint capsules
A joint capsule consists of an outer fibrous layer made of ____ and an inner synovial acellular layer that is thrown into fold and secretes viscous and colorless ______ fluid.
- Synovial