Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Most organ systems function continuously, reproductive system begins at ______.
Primary sex organs or gonads are ______ in males and ______ in females.
- Testes
- Ovaries
Gonads produce sex cells or ______ and secrete ______.
- Gametes
- Sex hormones
Other reproductive structures include:
- Ducts
- Glands
- External genetalia
The male function is to ______ and ______ into the female.
- Make sperm
- Introduce
The female function is to ________, ________, _______, and _______.
- To make and transport ova for fertilization
- Maintain developing fetus (pregnancy)
- Give birth (parturition)
- Nourish the infant (lactation)
Sex hormones include ______ in males and ______ in females.
- Androgens (testosterone)
- Estrogens and progesterone
Sex hormones play important role in _____ and ______ of reproductive organs.
Development and function
The external genitalia consist of ______ and two ______.
- Penis
- Testes
Testes are suspended in a cutaneous fibroelastic sac called ______.
The duct system
- Testes
- Ductuli efferentes
- Ductuli epididymis
- Ductus deferens
- Ejaculatory duct
- Penis
The male glands
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate
- Bulbourethral (Cowper’s gland)
The testes develop early in embryonic life beneath the peritoneum on the ______ of abdominal cavity.
Dorsal wall
During descent of the testes, each carries a pouch of peritoneum called _______.
Tunica vaginalis propria testes
The testes are enclosed in a thick fibrous capsule called the ________.
Tunica albuginea
Tunica albuginea of the testes is continuous with the ______ of tunica vaginalis propria testes which also has a ______.
- Visceral layer
- Parietal layer
The testes are _____ in shape in humans.
Posterior thickening of testis is called ________.
Mediastenum testis
______, radial extensions from mediastenum tesis, divide testis into ~250 _______ each with 1-4 ________.
- Septula testis
- Pyramidal lobuli testis
- Seminiferous tubule
Seminiferous tubule abruptly end as _____ which then converge to form ______.
- Tubuli recti
- Rete testis
______ is a plexus of epithelium-lined space in the connective tissue.
Rete testis
From rete testis emerge ______ which conduct spermatozoa to the ________.
- Ductuli efferentes
- Ductus epididymis
Rest of the testis consists of ______ containing fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, etc.
Connective tissue
_______ (endocrine portion of testis) which secrete the hormone _______ are also found in the testes.
- Leydig or interstitial cells
- Testosterone
Exocrine secretions of testis is ______; daily production of spermatozoa 4.2 million.
Endocrine section of testis include _______ and _______.
- Testosterone
- Inhibin
Seminiferous Tubules are enclosed in one or more layers of adventitial cells of connective tissue with some smooth muscle cells called _______.
Myoid cells
The Seminiferous Tubules are lined with thick _________.
Pseudostratified seminiferous epithelium
Two cell types of the Seminiferous Tubules
- Sertoli cells (supporting cells, single kind)
- Spermatogenic cells (several morphological forms: spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa)
The Sertoli Cells are ______ with ellipsoidal nuclei, numerous mitochondria, and abundant _______.
- Tall columnar cells
- Abundant smooth ER
The Sertoli Cells have numerous _______ and irregularly shaped aggregates of _______.
- Primary and secondary lysosomes
- Lipochrome pigments
Sertoli Cells have a well developed ________ - a meshwork of actin filaments.
An ______ peculiar to Sertoli cells is the _________ - their chemical nature and significance are not understood.
- Inclusion
- Crystalloid of Charcot-Bottcher
Sertoli cells provide ______ support.
Mechanical and nutritional
Sertoli cells play an important role in ______ of mature spermatozoa.
Sertoli cells produce seminiferous tubular ______.
Sertoli cells perform ______ - remove damaged germ cells.
Sertoli cells form ______.
Blood-testis barrier.
Sertoli cells synthesize:
- Androgen binding protein (ABP)
- Inhibin and testicular transferrin
- Plasminogen activating factor
- Estrogens
The Blood-Testis Barrier is a barrier formed between Sertoli cells not involving _______.
Blood vessels
The Blood-Testis Barrier consists of ________ between Sertoli cells near their bases.
Occluding junctions
The occluding junctions of the Blood-Testis barrier divide epithelium into a _______ containing the spermatogonia and an _______ containing later stages of germ cells.
- Basal compartment
- Adluminal compartment
The Blood-Testis barrier ______ large toxic molecules entering or leaving the adluminal compartment.
The Blood-Testis barrier is ________ to allow transport of mature spermatogonia.
Temporarily broken
_______ is the sequence of events in the formation of spermatozoa and involves _____ phases.
- Spermatogenesis
- Three
Three phases of Spermatogenesis
- Spermatocytogenesis
- Meiosis I and II
- Spermiogenesis
Spermatocytogenesis is a process of mitotic division of spermatogonia involving two types of cells:
- Type A (give rise to identical type As for future transformation into type B)
- Type B (actively form spermatogonia)
Phases of Prophase I (prolonged)
- Leptotene
- Zygotene
- Pachytene
- Diplotene
- Diakinesis
Chromosomes reorganize into threads
Paring of chromosomes - synapsis
Shortening and thickening of chromosomes continues
- Paired chromosomes duplicate and result in tetrads of four parallel chromatids
- Adjacent chromatids of paired chromosomes exchange segments, a process called crossing over
Homologous chromosomes shorten further and begin to separate
Metaphase I
Chromosomes line up at equatorial plate
Anaphase I
Separation of chromosomes
Telophase I
Formation of two haploid secondary spermatocytes
Prophase II
The nuclear membrane disappears
Metaphase II
Chromosomes gather at equatorial plate
Anaphase II
Paired chromatids separate not chromosomes
Telophase II
New nuclear envelope develops and second meiotic division is complete
Phases of Spermiogenesis
- Golgi Phase
- Cap Phase
- Acrosomal Phase
- Maturation Phase
- Spermiation
Golgi Phase
- Appearance of PAS+ proacrosomal granules
- These granules coalesce to form acrosomal vesicles and become adherent to nuclear membrane
Cap Phase
Acrosomal vesicles increase surface area
Acrosomal Phase
Redistribution of acrosomal vesicles and orientation on top of nucleus
Maturation Phase
Rest of the development
Separation of spermatozoa and the residual bodies of Regnaud (membrane bound vesicles)
The Interstitial Tissue is the _______ component of testis.
The Interstitial Tissue contains _______ located between seminiferous tubules.
Leydig cells
The Leydig cells of the Interstitial Tissue exist in clusters, ________ are common.
Binucleate cells
The Interstitial Tissue cytoplasm is acidophilic with abundant ______ and _______.
Peroxisomes and Lysosomes
Characteristic feature of the Interstitial Tissue are _______ (function not understood).
Crystals of Rienke
Other components of interstitium include:
- Fibroblasts
- Macrophages
- Mast cells
The spermatozoon is an active and free swimming cell that consists of:
- Head and tail
- Connecting piece
- Middle piece
- Principal piece
- End piece
The Sperm Head has ______, a membrane bound organelle with an apical and principal segment.
The sperm head is ______ and has _______ (hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, aryl sulfatase, and acrosin (trypsin)).
- PAS+
- Lysosomal enzymes
The nucleus of the sperm head is dense with irregular vacuoles and ________ for tail attachment.
Implantation fossa
The neck of the sperm head has a ______ and ______.
Connecting piece and capitulum
Other parts of the Spermatozoon include:
- The Middle Piece
- The Principal Piece
- The End Piece
The Middle Piece
- Consists of axoneme with two central singlets, nine doublets surrounding microtubules and nine surrounding outer fibers
- Also has a series of mitochondria for energy production
- Immediately below the middle piece is an annulus, a ring like structure
The Principal Piece
A gradually tapering piece with only a fibrous sheath and no mitochondria
The End Piece
Has axoneme covered only with flagellar membrane
Blood supply is through a ______ aorta, the spermatic or testicular artery with several branches.
Branch of abdominal
Leydig cells are not closely associated with ____ or lymphatic vessels.
Androgens are released _______ and are then diffused into the blood.
In the vicinity
Under the influence of _______ from the anterior pituitary the _____ secrete the hormone ______.
- Luteinizing hormone
- Leydig cells
- Testosterone
Functions of testosterone include _______ of male sex organs.
Development, growth, and maintenance
Functions of testosterone include stimulation of __________.
Bone growth, protein metabolism, and sexual behavior
Functions of testosterone include promotion of ________ such as hair, beard, subcutaneous fat, low pitch voice, and muscular build.
Secondary male sexual characteristics
Functions of testosterone include ______ prior to birth.
Descent of testis
________ refers to the relationship and interactions between the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, and the testes and the hormones they secrete.
Brain-testicular axis
______ from hypothalamus stimulates anterior pituitary to produce FSH and LH.
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
_____ stimulates proliferation of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells for their actions (production of androgen binding proteins and inhibin from Sertoli cells).
_____ stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone and assist in sperm maturation.
The exocrine function of testis is the _______, a secretion of seminiferous tubules.
Production of speratozoa
There are _____ sperm per ejaculate, numbers below ______ is a sign of infertility.
- 200-300 million
- 20 million
Quantity of ejaculate is _____ of semen, which is a milky white sticky secretion. It is a transport medium with nutrients and hormone _____ and an ______.
- 2-3 mL
- Relaxin
- Antibacterial seminal plasmin
Spermatogenesis depends on the levels of _____ from Leydig cells and ____ from anterior pituitary.
- Testosterone
- LH
The Male Excretory Ducts
- Tubuli Recti and Rete Testis
- Ductuli Efferentes
- Ductus Epididymis or Epididymis
- Ductus Deferens
- Ejaculatory Duct
The Tubuli Recti and Rete Testis are composed of ______ with microvilli and CT.
Cuboidal epithelium
The Ductuli Efferentes arises from rete testis, cells alternating ________, some ciliated and some with microvilli.
Tall and low columnar
The Ejaculatory Duct is composed of _______ and CT.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Ductuli efferentes converge to form _______ (5-10 conical bodies) and these converge to form ________.
- Coni vasculosa
- Epididymis
The epididymis consists of:
- Head (caput)
- Corpus (body)
- Tail (cauda)
Epithelium of Epididymis is __________ with two cells types: _____ and ______.
- Pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia
- Principal
- Basal
The epididymis stores _______ and has smooth muscularis for rhythmic movements.
Inactive sperm
The end or cauda of the epididymis forms ______.
Ductus deferens
The ductus deferens is composed of ________ and a highly developed _______.
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
- Muscularis
_______ houses ductus deferens, blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves.
Spermatic cord
After crossing ureter, ductus deferens forms an ______ which receives secretions of seminal vesicles.
The Ductus Deferens continues to form _______ which then opens into ______ with _______.
- Ejaculatory duct
- Urethra (penis)
- Prostatic secretions
The Accessory Glands
- Seminal vesicles (a pair)
- Bulbourethral or Cowper’s Gland
- Prostate
Seminal vesicles
- Evaginations of ductus deferens
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium which forms folds and secretes a yellowish viscous fluid that appears as coagulate
- Have CT, smooth muscles
Bulbourethral or Cowper’s Gland
- Epithelium simple cuboidal or columnar
- Secretion is clear, viscous and mucous like and serves as a lubricant
The Prostate is the largest gland with ___________.
Simple or pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Cells of the prostate gland have _________, conspicuous GC, numerous secretory granules.
Abundant rough ER
Secretion of the Prostate gland serves as a diluent and a vehicle for sperm transport and contains enzymes ____________.
Phosphatase, amylase and fibrinolysin
The Prostate has spherical or ovoid bodies called ___________ that are found in lumen of the gland.
Prostatic concretions or corpora amylacea
The concretions of the prostate are glycoproteins and may become sites of _______.
Calcium deposit
Clinically prostate is important for development of _______.
Three segments of the male urethra
- Prostatic urethra
- Membranous urethra
- Penile urethra
Prostatic urethra
Epithelium transitional to pseudostratified columnar with goblet cells
Membranous urethra
Epithelium stratified columnar
Penile urethra
Epithelium stratified columnar
The penis consists of three cylindrical bodies:
- Paired corpora cavernosa penis
- Unpaired corpus cavernosum urethrae or corpus spongiosum (extension of cavernosa is a tip called glans penis)
Erectile tissue of corpora cavernosa are supplied with ______ and drained by ______.
- Afferent arterioles
- Efferent veins
Erection is due to ________.
Blood pressure