The Imperative 02 Flashcards
cerrar, volver and pedir
What three verbs are irregular in present tense imperative?
S.P: cierro, cierras, cierra, cerramos, cerráis, cierran
Imp: nada, cierres, cierre, cerremos, cerred, cierren.
Irregular (1 of 3)
Compare “cerrar” in simple present and imperative
Regular or irregular?
Cerremos la ventana antes de que empiece a llover.
Let’s close the window before it starts raining.
S.P: vuelvo, vuelves, vuelve, volvemos, volvéis, vuelven
Imp: [nada], vuelve, vuelva, volvamos, volved, vuelvan
Irregular (2 of 3)
Compare “volver” in simple present and imperative
Regular or irregular?
Vuelva a girar a la derecha para llegar a su destino.
Turn right again to get to your destination.
S.P.: pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden
Imp: [nada], pide, pida, pidamos, pedid, pidan
Irregular (3 of 3)
Compare “pedir” in simple present and imperative
Regular or irregular?
Pedid unos folletos informativos en recepción.
Ask for some informative pamphlets at the front desk.
[nada], di, diga, digamos, decid, digan
Conjugate “decir” in imperative
Decid lo que queráis pero mi coche nuevo es muy bonito.
Say what you want but my new car is very pretty.
[nada], pon, ponga, pongamos, poned, pongan
Conjugate “poner” in imperative
Pon los libros encima de la mesa.
Put the books on the table.
[nada], sal, salga, salgamos, salid, salgan
Conjugate “salir” in imperative
Salga del autobús por la puerta de atrás.
Get off the bus by the rear door.
[nada], ven, venga, vengamos, venid, vengan
Conjugate “venir” in imperative
Si + conjugated simple presen + , + imperative
What is the structure of imperative in CONDITIONAL sentence?