Special Verbs - Ser 02 Flashcards
- tener buen carácter,
- ser de calidad (to be of quality)
- ser útil (to be useful)
What is the meaning of bueno with ser? (3)
- tener mal carácter,
- ser de poca calidad,
- ser perjudicial (harmful),
- ser malvado (evil)
What is the meaning of malo with ser? (4)
1 + 2. tener pocos años o poco tiempo
3. Quédate, la noche es joven
What is the meaning of joven with ser? (2)
3. Stick around the night is young.
tener muchos años o mucho tiempo
What is the meaning of viejo with ser? (2)
- ser reciente (recent)
2. Si es listo, estará en México
- What is the meaning of listo with ser?
2. If he’s smart, he’ll be in Mexico.
1 + 2. tener inteligencia o viveza (liveliness)
3. Estos son asuntos que David no puede entender.
What is the meaning of atento with ser? (2)
3. These are matters that David can’t possibly understand
tener educación(polite) y amabilidad
3. Él también es orgulloso, lo sabes.
What is the meaning of orgulloso with ser? (2)
(3) He has his pride too, you know.
creerse superior (to think that you are better to others) 3. El proceso de asilo en Irlanda es abierto y transparente.
What is the meaning of abierto with ser?
3. Ireland’s asylum process is open and transparent.
tener abundancia de algo {to have plenty of s.th)
2. El continente es rico en recursos naturales.
What is the meaning of rico with ser?
2. The continent is rich in natural resources.
ser una persona que aburre a las demás (be boring)
2. He de advertiros, es aburrido
What is the meaning of aburrido with ser?
2. I have to warn you, it’s boring…
ser aburrido
What is the meaning of muerto with ser?
ser alegre, feliz
What is the meaning of vivo with ser?
bueno, malo, joven, viejo, nuevo, listo, atento, orgulloso, abierto, rico, aburrido, muerto, vivo
What 12 adjectives change their meaning when used with ser/estar?
to features that we consider the person, thing, animal, or place owns.
We see it like this every day. We do not observe a change. That is, we use ser to define or classify subjects, comparing them with others.
what things do we use ser to refer to?
Tu perro es muy juguetón porque todavía es un cachorro.
Your dog is very playful because it’s still a puppy