The Foot Flashcards
What muscles does the lateral plantar nerve innervate?
(All the rest) abductor digiti minimi m quadratus plantae interossei Flexor digiti minimi brevis m adductor hallucis m lateral 3 lumbricals
What is the first division of the posterior tibial A in the foot?
lateral and medial plantar arteries
What does the first dorsal metatarsal arise from?
deep plantar a
What nerve innervates the dorsal foot muscles?
lateral (muscular) branch of the deep fibular n
What are the attachments of quadratus plantae?
What is its action?
calcaneus to tendon of FDL
Assists FDL in flexing lateral 4 digits (keeps them from being pulled medial)
What muscles does the medial plantar nerve innervate?
(exceptions) Abductor Hallucis M Flexor digitorum brevis m flexor hallucis brevis m Medial first lumbrical m
What is the first layer of plantar muscles?
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor hallucis
What is “layer zero” of the plantar foot?
What do the 5 slips of this connect to?
Plantar aponeurosis
connect to tendon sheaths
Which plantar muscles have 2 heads? What are they?
adductor Hallucis m = oblique and transverse heads
flexor hallucis brevis m = medial and lateral heads
What do the medial and lateral plantar nerves arise from?
Tibial nerve
What is Hallux valgus?
lateral deviation of great toe –> tissues swell –> pressure and friction causes bunion
What 2 arteries join to make the deep plantar arch?
lateral plantar a and deep branch of medial plantar a
mostly lateral plantar a
What is mallet toe?
flexion in DIP joint
What leg artery divides to supply the dorsum of the foot?
anterior tibial A
Which plantar artery has a deep and superfical branch?
Which branch meets the deep plantar arch?
medial plantar a
deep branch goes to deep plantar arch
What is the 4th layer of plantar muscles?
What does the lateral plantar a give rise to past the plantar arterial arch?
3rd-6th plantar metatarsal and plantar digital arteries
What plantar muscle’s tendons have sesamoid bones?
What is the function of those bones?
Flexor hallucis brevis
protect first metatarsal head and tendon of FHL when standing and walking
What is plantar fasciitis?
plantar aponeurosis inflammation at proximal attachment (calcaneus)
pain most severe after sitting and getting out of bed
may lead to heel spur
Where does extensor digitorum brevis attach?
anterior to lateral malleolus
2-5 intermediate phalanges
What is the first branch off of the anterior tibial a in the ankle?
lateral malleolar a
What does the medial plantar artery give rise to?
medial 2 plantar metatarsal and plantar digital arteries
What are the attachments of lumbricals?
What is their function?
FDL tendon to medial aspect of extensor expansion
flex MP joint and extend PIP and DIP joints
What is the second layer of plantar muscles?
quadratus plantae
tendons of flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus
What 2 muscles does the medial plantar artery pass between?
abductor hallucis and FDB
What is trigger toe?
in great toe: extended MP, flexed IP
How many plantar interossei are there? What is their function?
PAD = Adduct toes toward 2nd digit
Where is the arcuate artery?
on dorsum of foot - where lat tarsal a and dorsalis pedis meet
What does the anterior tibial a divide into on the foot?
lateral tarsal a
dorsalis pedis
What is the midline of toe motion?
2nd toe
What nerve does the lateral plantar artery run with?
lateral plantar n
What is claw toe?
extenion at mp joint and flexion at both pip and dip joints
Where does extensor hallucis brevis attach?
anterior to lateral malleolus
proximal 1st phalanx
How many dorsal interossei are there? What is their function?
DAB = ABduct toes away from 2nd digit
What is a bunion?
What is a corn?
tender and inflamed bursa of toe
inflamed area of thick skin over PIP joints
What is hammer toe?
extension at MP joint and flexion at Pip joint
What does the deep plantar A arise from?
dorsalis pedis
What is the 3rd layer of plantar muscles?
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis m (transverse and oblique heads)
Flexor Hallucis brevis m (medial and lateral heads)
Opponens digiti minimi (often not present)
What leg artery divides to supply the plantar foot?
posterior tibial A
What does the arcuate artery give rise to?
2nd to 5th dorsal metatarsal arteries –> dorsal digital arteries
What are the two muscles on the dorsum of the foot?
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
what can happen to sesamoid bones when you have a bunion?
sesamoid bones get displaced and cause gate disfunction