Anatomy Stuff I Don't Know Flashcards
What is the innervation and artery of teres major m?
lower subscapular nerve
subscapular and circumflex scapular arteries
What is a jefferson fracture?
fracture of both arches of the atlas, alone won’t injure spinal cord, but it transverse L is ruptured, odontoid process might injure it
If the elbow is dislocated posteriorly, what is usually torn?
ulnar collateral L.
What gives depth to the carpal tunnel? (4)
hamulus of hamate, tubercle of trapezium, scaphoid tubercle, and pisiform
What usually causes compression of the cords of the brachial plexus?
prolonged periods of working w/ upper limb extended over the head –> loss of sensation, tingling of arms, weakness of the hands
What would rib 8 articulate with on thoracic vertebrae?
inferior costal facet of T7
Superior costal facet of T8
facet on rib tubercle –> transverse costal facet of T8
What is spondylolysis?
separation of vertebra arch from body (dog fracture?)
What are the 8 paraspinal arteries that supply vertebrae and paraspinal structures?
(Vaginas And Dicks Put Some Love In Lube) vertebral A ascending cervical A Deep cervical A Posterior intercostal A subcostal A Lumbar A Iliolumbar A Lateral Sacral A
What causes biceps tendinitis?
repetitive movement of the long head of biceps t. through intertubercular groove
What is skier’s thumb?
laxity or rupture of both collateral ligaments of 1st metacarpophalangeal joints
What is spondylolistesis?
dislocation of vertebral body anteriorly from arch; can occur secondary to spondylolysis
What are the primary curvatures of the spine?
thoracic and sacral kyphoses
What causes tennis elbow?
repetitive use of the superficial extensor muscles of forearm –> pain over lateral epicondyle and down posterior forearm
Where does a segmental medullary artery go?
supplies a spinal artery
What does injury to the median N at the elbow cause?
inhibition of flexion of 2nd and 3rd digits = hand of benediction
ape’s hand also
Where is the groove for the ulnar N?
between trochlea and medial epicondyle on the humerus
Where is a lumbar puncture done?
L3/L4 or L4/L5
Needle goes through ligamentum flavum (pop), dura and arachnoid mater –> lumbar cistern
What is nursemaid’s elbow/ pulled elbow?
When the radial head is dislocated out of the annular L.
What is injured in a back sprain?
What does damage to the inferior part of the brachial plexus cause?
damage to short muscles of hand –> claw hand when trying to make a fist = Klumpke Paralysis
What is bull rider’s thumb?
sprain of the lateral collateral L and even avulsion of lateral part of proximal phalanx of the thumb
What causes popeye deformity?
when the tendon oflong head of biceps brachii M separates entirely from the supraglenoid tubercle –> muscle balls up
What is the filum terminale internum?
string of pia mater only that extends below spinal cord
What is the filum terminale externum?
Pia and dura mater extending below the spinal cord below filum terminal internum
Where does spina bifida occulta most commonly occur?
L5 and S1
What type of joint is the median atlantoaxial joint?
trochoid synovial
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?
Where do you have pain/numbness in carpal tunnel syndrome?
lateral 3 digits and half of ring finger
What is shoulder separation?
injury and separation of acromioclavicular joint
can be with or without rupture of coracoclavicular L.
What attaches to the ulnar tuberosity and where is it?
brachialis M
just distal of the coranoid process on ulna
What will an individual with an upper plexus injury have clinically?
Erb-duchenne palsy or “waiter’s tip” = adducted and medially rotated arm and extended elbow
(cant use rhomboids, levator scapulae, supra/infraspinatus,
Where do you have pain/numbness in guyon’s canal syndrome?
pinkey and half of ring finger
What does a biceipital myotactic reflex test?
injury to the musculocutaneous N or C5 and C6 anterior rami
What can avulse the medial humeral epicondyle?
severe abduction of the extended elbow
What type of joint is the zygopophyseal?
planar synovial
On what part of a thoracic vertebra are the superior and inferior articulating facets?
body of vertebra
What is a colle’s fracture?
fracture of distal end of radius; usually avulses styloid process of ulna
What typically causes damage to the inferior part of the brachial plexus?
dramatically increasing angle btw trunk and upper limb
How many anterior spinal arteries are there?
What type of joint is the lateral atlantoaxial?
planar synovial
Where is the ulnar canal/guyon tunnel, why is it important?
depression btw pisiform and hamulus of hamate - where ulnar passes and is susceptible to compression
To cut off all blood supply to the arm, where must ligation be done?
distal to subscapular A of the axillary A
if above subscapular - can reverse flow and go to brachial A thru other arteries
What is lumbar spinal stenosis?
narrowing of lumbar vertebral foramen
On what part of a thoracic vertebra is the transverse costal facet?
transverse process
What is injured in a back strain?
muscle fibers (produced by overly strong muscular contaction
What is in the carpal tunnel?
tendons of flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis ms as well as flexor carpi radialis t and median n
What is a boxer’s fracture?
bread of end of 5th metacarpal
What is the innervation and artery of teres minor m?
axillary nerve
posterior circumflex humeral artery and circumflex scapular artery
What is the most common site of venipuncture and why?
median cubital v. because of its superficial location and protection of underlying deep structures by the bicipital aponeurosis
What typically causes an injury to the superior part of the brachial plexus?
dramatically increasing angle btw neck and shoulder
affect C5 and C6 anterior rami
What usually occurs to fracture the odontoid process of the axis?
When is it more likely to heal?
horizontal blow to the head
more likely to heal if it breaks inferior to the base
What is the innervation and artery of the deltoid?
axillary nerve
posterior circumflex humeral artery and deltoid branch of thoracoacromial trunk
What is a hangman’s fracture
fracture of the vertebral arch of C2/axis (opposite side of dens)
due to hyperextension of head on the neck
What does injury to the axillary N cause?
atrophy of deltoid M and loss of sensation over superolateral arm, where the superior lateral brachial cutaneous N exists
What is spondylosis?
degenerative joint disease = calcification of edges of the vertebral body
How many posterior spinal arteries are there?
What region of the axillary artery is susceptible to aneurysm in individuals doing repeated rapid arm movements? What can that do?
region one of Axillary A.
can compress brachial plexus –> pain and loss of sensation
What are the secondary curvatures of the spine?
cervical and lumbar lordoses
What is students elbow and what is it due to?
subcutaneous olecranon bursitis; results from excessive friction btw skin and olecranon
What are CMC joints 2-5?
planar synovial
What is mallet finger/baseball finger?
sudden hyperflexion of distal interphalangeal joint that can avulse attachment of long extensor tendon
Where does a radicular artery go?
does NOT supply a spinal artery; to rootlets and roots
What is dupuytren contracture?
disease resulting in the shortening, thickening and fibrosis of the palmar aponeurosis and palmar fascia –> partial flexion of 4th and 5th digits
What does whiplash cause?
hyperextension –> excessive stretching or even tearing of anterior longitudinal ligament
What is the second number rule?
For cervical and lumber only!
If prolapse at C4/5 or L4/5 –> will affect spinal nerve C5 or L5
What does injury of the median nerve in the wrist cause?
adducted thumb and thenar eminence atrophy = Ape’s hand