Femoral Triangle Flashcards
Where do avulsion fractures occur on the femur?
where muscles are attached:
anterior superior and inferior iliac spines
ischial tuberosities
ischiopubic rami
What is the medial wall of the femoral triangle?
adductor longus m.
What does the lateral circumflex femoral artery supply?
lateral thigh muscles and femur head
What is the femoral sheath a prolongation of?
transversalis fascia
What skin does the saphenous n supply?
anterior and medial knee and leg
medial foot
What sex is more likely to get a femoral hernia?
Where are deep inguinal lymph nodes?
along medial side of femoral vein
inside femoral canal of femoral sheath
What is meralgia paresthetica?
compression of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve as it passes under the inguinal ligament –> pain along lateral thigh
How is femoral artery cannulation done?
Insert catheter into femoral artery –> can go all the way up into the left ventricle
What do the medial and lateral circumflex arteries normally come off of?
deep femoral artery/ profunda femoris A
What is saphenous cutdown?
cutting saphenous vein for bypass purposes anterior to medial malleolus
can damage saphenous nerve –> pain and numbness along medial border of foot
What do superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes drain into?
external iliac lymph nodes
What is the base of the femoral triangle?
inguinal ligament
What are the 3 branches of the lateral circumflex femoral a?
ascending –> gluteal region
transverse –> cruciate anastomosis
descending –> genicular anastomosis
What are the 2 groups of inguinal lymph nodes
superficial = proximal (horizontal) group and distal (vertical) group
deep inguinal lymph nodes
What lumbar rami enter the femoral nerve?
What is the lateral wall of the femoral triangle?
sartorius m.
Due to limb rotation in embryo, where are lumbar and sacral dermatomes visible?
lumbar = anterior sacral = posterior
what is coxa vara?
When angle of femoral neck decreases
dislocation of epiphysis of femoral head can cause this
What do inguinal lymph nodes drain?
lymph from lower limb, including gluteal region
perineum and parts of anal canal
anterior abdominal wall
What vein is often used in coronary bypass surgery?
great saphenous vein
Where is the adductor canal?
begins at femoral triangle apex
ends at adductor hiatus
What is the femoral ring?
proximal opening of the femoral canal; covered by parietal peritoneum
site of femoral hernia
What happens in a dislocation of epiphysis of the femoral head
usually happens in ages 10-17
can be from one acute trauma or many microtraumas that put stress of epiphyseal plate, usually with abduction and lateral rotation of thigh
usually slips slowly and results in progressive coxa vara
What Lumbar rami enter the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
L2, 3
What vein does the saphenous n travel with?
great saphenous vein
What are the branches of the descending genicular artery?
What gives rise to the des. genicular a?
femoral A –> descending genicular A. –> articular branch and saphenous branch
What is the adductor hiatus?
opening in tendon of adductor magnus where femoral vessel reach popliteal fossa
What do the saphenous n and saphenous branch of the descending genicular a do in the adductor canal?
exit through the medial side of the canal (don’t go straight through)
What are the cutaneous branches of the femoral N?
anterior cutaneous branches
saphenous n
Where are the distal group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes?
along each side of great saphenous vein = vertical
What is the main blood supply to the femoral head and neck?
medial circumflex femoral artery
Where are the proximal group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes?
1 cm inferior to inguinal ligament = run horizontally
What is the most frequently fractured part of the femur? Why?
femoral neck
narrowest and weakest part of the bone
increasingly vulnerable w/ age = women + osteoporosis
What sex is more likely to get an inguinal hernia?
Anterior hip dislocation may affect what nerves?
femoral n
lateral femoral cutaneous n
Where do avulsion fractures occur in general?
apophyses = bony projections w/out primary ossification centers
What muscles does the femoral nerve innervate?
(Some Questions I Ponder) Iliacus sartorius quadriceps femoris pectineus
What is the femoral canal?
Short, conical medial compartment of femoral sheath
empty space w/ lymph that allows for femoral vein to expand
The term “hip fracture” is most commonly applied to what?
fractures of femoral head, neck, or trochanters
What is the terminal cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve?
saphenous n
What is in the femoral sheath?
Femoral A.
Femoral V.
Empty space for Lymph
Does not contain the femoral nerve!!!
What is the floor of the femoral triangle?
pectineus and iliopsoas muscles
What is coxa valga?
When angle of femoral neck increases