LE muscle innervations and actions Flashcards
What is the origin and insertion of iliacus m?
O: iliac crest/fossa and ala of sacrum
I: tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter
What is the Innervation of Psoas major?
Anterior rami of lumbar Nerves L1-L3
What is the action of obturator externus?
laterally rotates thigh
steadies head of femur in acetabulum
What is the action of sartorius M?
flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip
flexes leg at knee
(think of cobbler thing)
What is the innervation of the hamstring part of adductor magnus m?
tibial part of sciatic n
What is the origin and insertion of psoas major?
O: T12-L5 vertebra
I: lesser trochanter of femur
What muscles make up quadriceps femoris?
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
What is the Action of Pectineus M?
Adducts and flexes thigh
assists w/ medial rotation of thigh
What is the action of adductor longus?
adducts thigh
What muscles does the Femoral N innervate?
(Some questions I ponder) Sartorius quadriceps femoris Iliacus Pectineus
What is the action of adductor magnus?
adducts thigh
adductor part also flexes thigh
hamstring part also extends thigh
What is the action of gracilis m?
adducts thigh
flexes and helps medially rotate leg
What is the action of adductor brevis?
adducts thigh
flexes thigh to some extent
Of iliopsoas, which muscle is medial?
what is the action of quadriceps femoris?
extend leg at knee joint
rectus femoris also steadies hip joint and helps iliopsoas flex thigh
What is the N and A for Sartorius M?
Femoral A and N
What is the innervation of Iliacus m?
femoral N
What muscles does the obturator n innervate?
Medial thigh compartment: adductor longus and brevis adductor part of adductor magnus gracilis obturator externus
What is the action of Psoas major and iliacus?
act together to flex and stabilize thigh at hip
psoas major also postural muscle that helps control deviation of trunk
What is the Innervation and Artery of Pectineus M.?
Femoral N
Obturator A.