Joints of LE 1: Ligaments and Articular Capsules Flashcards
Where is the transverse acetabular ligament?
What is special about its function?
connects inferior aspects of labrum
allows for vessels to penetrate w/in acetabulum
Where does the medial/tibial collateral ligament attach?
If it tears, what normally happens?
medial femoral condyle –> tibial medial surface and medial meniscus
Will usually tear w/ medial meniscus
Where is the oblique popliteal ligament?
on posterior knee
posterior to medial tibial condyle –> lateral femoral condyle
Where is the ligamentum teres?
What is its function?
attaches from head of femur to acetabulum
transverse acetabular L runs perpendicularly over it
keeps femoral head in place
What is the varus stress test?
push medial to lateral on slightly flexed knee
tests LCL
What is Lachman’s test?
flex pts knee –> pull tibia anteriorly to test ACL
push tibia posteriorly to test PCL
What does the McMurray test evaluate?
damage to menisci
push lateral to medial and straighten knee –> tests lateral meniscus
push medial to lateral and straghten knee –> tests medial meniscus
Where is the arcuate popliteal L?
On posterior knee
Starts on posterolateral part of fibular head –> runs superomedially over popliteus m
Where is the Anterolateral ligament?
What is its function?
from lateral condyle of femur to just lateral of gurney’s tubercle on the Tibia
Prevents excessive tibial rotation when knee is in full extension (can be torn w/ ACL)
What are the intracapsular ligaments of the hip?
zona orbicularis
ligamentum teres
transverse acetabular ligament
labrum (not really a ligament, but on same slide)
What are the extracapsular ligaments of the hip we need to know?
iliofemoral ligament
pubofemoral ligament
ischiofemoral ligament
Where is the PCL?
What is its function?
Stars at posterior intracondylar area of tibia –> runs superior, anterior, and medial to lateral aspect of medial condyle
Prevents femur going anteriorly on tibia when knee is flexed
What are extracapsular ligaments?
ligaments located outside of the articular capsule
What is the function of the menisci?
shock absorbers
What is the valgus stress test?
tests MCL
push lateral to medial lateral on slightly flexed knee
look for laxity or looseness
What is the function of the pubofemoral ligament?
where does it attach?
from obturator crest to iliofemoral L
tightens during extension, prevents hyperabduction
Where is the ACL?
What is its function?
starts on anterior intracondylar area of tibia –> goes superior, posterior, and laterally to medial aspect of lateral condyle of femur
limits rolling of condyles on tibial plateau and limits hyperextension
What is the function of both the oblique and arcuate popliteal ligaments?
reinforce joint capsule posteriorly
What is special about the blood supply to the head of the femur?
During childhood there is an artery that runs through the ligamentum teres = artery to head of femur
normal closes and medial circumflex femoral A takes over, but in some cases it won’t do so completely (Bo Jackson)
Where is the labrum?
What is its function?
Half-moon shaped cartilage in acetabulum
deepens acetabulum to hold femur in place
What is the unhappy triad?
When a force comes lateral to medial:
ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus tear
What does a synovial membrane cover?
What about the potential space
all parts of joint where there is not articular cartilage potential space (inside membrane) goes all the way through joint
Where is the zona orbicularis?
What is its function
runs in a circle around femoral neck perpendicular to the extracapsular ligaments
gives extra support to head and neck of femur
Which is weaker, the LCL or the MCL?
MCL is weaker
What are intracapsular ligaments?
ligaments inside the articular capsule
Where does the ischiofemoral L attach?
What is clinically relevant about it?
(on posterior hip) ischial part of acetabular rim –> medial to greater trochanter
the weakest extracapsular ligament - hip dislocations are often posterior
What is special about the Lateral Collateral Ligament in respect to muscles?
LCL splits biceps femoris tendon in 2
popliteus m runs under lcl and separates it from the meniscus
What does the iliofemoral ligament do?
Where does it attach?
Prevents hip hyperextension
from anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) to intertrochanteric line
What is the drawer test?
pretty much same as Lachman’s test, but you have pt’s knee and hip flexed and sit on their foot
push/pull tibia to test ACL and PCL
Where is the transverse ligament of the knee?
on anterior tibia connecting the menisci
What is the most common direction of hip dislocation?
How will the hip joint look if pt has this?
will look flexed, internally rotated, and adducted
Attached to the fibula, what are the 3 important ankle ligaments to know?
Anterior talofibular L.
Posterior Talofibular L.
Calcaneofibular L.
What are the 4 parts of the deltoid ligament?
Anterior Tibio-Talar part
Posterior Tibio-Talar part
Tibionavicular part
tibiocalcaneal part
What makes up the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
Medial rays (first 3 metatarsals)
What makes up the Lateral longitudinal Arch of the foot?
Lateral rays (last 2 metatarsals)
Talus (I think is in both medial and longitudinal arch)
What makes up the transverse arch of the foot?
proximal heads of metatarsals
What 2 tendons are arch supports?
T of fibularis Longus m
T of Tibialis Posterior M.
What 3 ligaments are arch supports?
Long plantar L.
Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament (long plantar L.)
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament)
What does the long plantar ligament connect?
calcaneus and cuboid bones
also known as plantar calcaneocuboid L.
What does the spring ligament connect?
calcaneus and navicular bones
also known as plantar calcaneonavicular l.
What is Pes Planus?
flat feet
What are the 3 types of pes planus?
flexible = stretchy ligaments rigid = boney deformities acquired = tibialis posterior tendon becomes lax