The February/March Revolution 1917 Flashcards
How many workers were on strike on 14th Feb?
When was bread rationing announced?
14 Feb - to start March 1
When was International Women’s day?
23 Feb
How many were on the streets on Saturday 25th?
Who was in charge of the Mounted police?
Shalfeev - killed on 25th February
When did Rodzianko, the Duma President, send the telegram warning Nicholas of the situation in Petrograd?
26th Feb
How did Nicholas react to the warning from Rodzianko?
ordered for the dissolving of the Duma the next day
How many soldiers mutinied on the 27th Feb?
When was the Provisional Government established?
27th Feb - same day as Petrograd Soviet
When did Nicholas II offer to share power?
28th Feb - too late “There is no return” - Rodzianko
Where was Lenin at the time of the Feb revolution?
Zurich - Switzerland
What was Order No. 1?
The first act from Petrograd Soviet on 1 March.
What did Order No. 1 Promise?
Unites to elect deputy to PS,
Military Commission of Duma obeyed if Soviet agrees
All weapons controlled by soldiers’ committees
Soldiers enjoy citizens right when off duty
No honorific titles - difference in class
How many members did the Petrograd Soviet have on March 10?
When did the Tsar abdicate?
2 March
Who controlled the Provisional Government?
Prince Lvov
Why was the PG considered temporary?
In place until proper constitution would be formed
Where was the new PG set up?
Right wing of Tauride Palace
Why was the Provisional Government considered legitimate?
Had Mikhail’s blessing - Tsars uncle.
Where was the PS headquarters?
Left wing of Tauride Palace
Who was involved in the PS?
Socialist intellectuals, Menshiviks and SRs (as well as Bolsheviks)
Who was the only member of the PS and PG?
What did the PS accept promises of?
Amnesty for political prisoners,
Civil liberties,
Abolition on legal differences in class, religion and nationality,
Freedom for trade unions,
What replaced the tsarist police force in 1917?
The ‘people’s militia’
How did the Dual Authority disagree on deserters and order in the countryside?
Soviet encouraged peasants and workers to defy authority and assert ‘rights’.
Which arm of the Dual Authority wanted to end the war.
Who replaced Prince Lvov as Chairman in July 1917?
Who announced in April 1917 that the government would continue fighting until a ‘Just peace’ was won?
Why did the PG feel bound by the war?
Alliance with Britain and France - relied on French loans.