Government, propaganda and foreign relations Flashcards
What were the 4 main features of Stalinist government?
Bureaurcratic centralism,
divide and rule,
Continuing Lenin Legacy,
Loyal supporters,
What matched thhe central government control under Stalin
The control of the economy
What did Party Leadership control?
key bureaucratic positions down to local level
How did stalin divide and rule?
brought people into favour,
encouraged rivals to bring them down if too powerfulWh
What is a good example of Stalins divide-and-rule approach?
how did Stalin continue Lenin’s legacy?
positioned himself as Lenin’s heir and interpreter of Lenin’s wishes
What was the GPU renamed to?
the OGPU in 1926Wh
What permeated Stalins imposition of policies? what is an example of this?
Fear, collectivisation forced through secret police
How was Stalin able to influence party officials?
could control who was where as General Secretary
What was the Politburo filled with?
Stalins loyal supporters
What did Stalin rely on to launch campaigns and enthusiasm?
What is an example of the use of Propaganda?
FYP in 1928 - happy productive workers
What was Stalins image developed as?
the ‘Great Helmsman’
‘Forward to socialism under the leadership of Great Stalin!’
how did stalin boost the cult of lenin?
embalmed his corpse and on display - lenin treated like god
What was stalins main aim in foreign affairs?
to keep the USSR safe
Who were the USSR’s main representatives initially?
Chicherin and his deputy Litvinov
What did Chicherin and Litvinov present the USSR as?
moderate diplomacy - keeping safe relations with foreign powers, especially germany
What did Stalin believe to be diluting the appeal of communism?
Social democratic parties in Europe
When did the Chinese Revolution overthrow the emperor?
October 1911
Who supported the CCP, who wanted proleteriat revolution in China?
Who did Stalin back instead of the CCP?
the Chinese GMD - nationalist party, worried communist china would be too unstable
What happened after the GMD got in control of China?
Stalin urged the CCP to join, they refused and were violently suppressed.
Who criticised Stalin for his actions over China?
Trotsky and the 1927 Party Congress
When was the Rapallo treaty signed?
What was the Treaty of Berlin 1926?`
aimed to build a ‘trustful cooperation between German people and USSR
What was an example of the articles from the Treaty of Berlin?
in 1926 btw
if they were attacked by 3rd party, they’d remain neutral.
economic boycott woudn’t be done.
What was Stalin’s attitude to the Comintern before 1929?
low priority for Stalin - focused on internal affairs and Socialism in one country
How did Stalin’s attitude to the Comintern change after 1929?
identified an all-out attack on anti-communist, social democratic parties
How did the Comintern ready themselves for the fight against ‘social fascism’? (social democrats)
ensue all foreign communist parties became stricter
all communist parties followed USSR policy
What could be seen as the reasons for Stalin’s change in approach to foreign policy?
attacking Bukharin who was opposed?
Stalin’s confidence at removing Trotsky
Stalin feared other power bases?