Test II, JJ, KK Flashcards
what is salem sump drain?
pre sterilized, general incisions
where do you place thoracic catheter box?
below table level so it can drain
coude tip
navigate around structures, able to see under xray
antimicrobial liquid that is dark
what does stent pressure dressing reduce?
edema and hematoma formation
what is an example of what salem sump drain is used for?
alcohol poisoning
removal of gallbladder
pressure dressing
prevent dead space and edema
contact layer dressing
non adherent, stays in contact with wound surface
Malecot suprapubic catheter
put through abdomen through incision to bladder
How to handle bullet
With hand, not instrument because that could mar object
franklin silverman biopsy needle
obtain specimens of the liver, thyroid, kidney, prostate
intermediate layer dressing
absorbent layer, storage area for secretion
Who dictates the disposition of body part?
The surgeon
indwelling catheter
stay in for a long period of time-constant drainage
substance used to harden and preserve specimens
example of what penrose drain would be used for
move spermatic cord for hernia
what should you not put a specimen on?
raytex sponge- messes up sponge count
foley 3 way catheter
goes into bladder, has extra port for medication or irrigation
Sent to pathology moistened with saline, no formalin
non adherent, contact layer
specimen handling off field
Anaerobic specimen
Sent to pathology right away so oxygen doesn’t destroy it
outer wrap dressing
holds assembled components in proper position
liquid dressing that forms transparent protective film
rectal tubes
drain rectum
What do you not place preservatives on?
Calculi, teeth, limbs, tissue scheduled for cultures or FS
What is #12 knife blade used for?
Tonsils surgery
tissue, fluid, or foreign body removed from a patient
Pezzer suprapubic catheter
goes through abdomen to bladder, looks like a mushroom
Incorrect labeling
Devastating for patient, could lead to wrong treatment
jackson pratt closed wound reservoir
collects the fluid actively
special gauses
used for plastic surgery, burns, skin grafts
ace bandage
pressure and support
percutaneous needle biopsy
obtained from internal organ or solid mass with hollow needle inserted through body wall
how are surgical dressings applied?
used against skin, non adherent
thread into veins, IV
tissue or fluid removed for diagnosis
wet to dry dressing
used if wound is infected or isn’t stitched close
purpose of stent pressure dressing
produces pressure to keep the graft in contact with underlying tissue for healing
inject dye
hemo vac closed wound reservoir
big surgeries, collects fluid
how is ace applied?
distal to proximal
drain sponge
placed around drains, cut slit in middle
Frozen sections care
Hand to pathologist
Send dry
Hand carried
what does xeroform gauze contain?
3% bismuth tribromophenate (antiseptic)
tube gauze
protects and secures digits
what is t tube?
Calculi or teeth
Sent dry
Send to lab or pathology before giving to patient
liquid adhesive
pressure and drainage/absorption
band aid
small incision, laparoscopies
what is t tube for?
gallbladder, common bile duct
aspiration biopsy
fluid is aspirated through needle placed in lesion, joint, or body cavity
vaseline gauze
non adherent, used around chest tubes
nasogastric tube
nose to stomach, active
Robinson red rubber catheter
smooth rounded tip, temporary, drain bladder, doesn’t need drainage bag
how does dermabond come off?
naturally during the healing process
for pressure, allows for expansion
frozen section
tissue or organ quickly frozen with liquid nitrogen
op site
protective film covering wound securing line, see through so that you can see the wound
specimen with a surgeon
confirm what the specimen is
used on digits
growth of living material and microbes in a prepared media
where is thoracic catheter placed?
intrapleural space in chest cavity
method of filling a wound to absorb drainage or debride dead tissue
what is suctioning catheter?
bile bag
gets drained passively
what is the purpose of dressings?
protect patient from environment, environment from patient, absorption of drainage
15 knife blade
Hands and feet
vag pack
gloves for dressings
take off outer gloves
liquid skin adhesive that forms microbial shield to protect wound
rule for ABD
blue side always facing up
purpose of drains
restore function, promote healing, diagnose
jackson pratt drain
drains fluid
bone marrow biopsy
needle placed into bone, either sternum or iliac crest
penrose drain
dependent drainage, always secured with something
what is penrose drain?
What does the CN do with preparing the specimen?
Prepare and label the specimen to be sent to lab
montgomery straps
used on frequent dressing changes
sump drain
used in the stomach
used for pressure and support, sticks to itself
padding used with casting material over bony prominences
Salem sump drain
for stomach, emptying fluid
keys for specimen handling
keep moist
keep unlike specimen separate
keep right and left separate
What should you tell the pathologist?
If the patient is awake
ureteral catheter
used to drain the kidney, cystoscope, small tubing, collection bag
formalin or formaldehyde
solution commonly used as preservatives
nasal oxygen catheter
insert through nose, gives oxygen
how does a wet to dry dressing work?
wet put inside, dry put on top, when wet dries, it sticks to the tissue in the wound. Then you pull off and it removes dead tissue
blake drain
total knee
nasopharyngeal catheter
secretions, nose
Cancer staging
Extent of patients cancer
saratoga sump drain
deep wound drain
davol closed wound reservoir
squeeze ball to form negative pressure
Bonanno suprapubic catheter
drain bladder through skin, sharp
how to prepare for drain
insert tubing from inside out through skin
option of cutting tube in half
attach wound tubing to CWS chamber
close pour chamber
squeezing, pumping up balloon, or put together
reduce edema (pressure), placed between two skin areas (padding)
Cell washings
Introducing normal saline into area
hypoallergenic adhesive transparent dressing for burns, and pressure ulcers
applied provides support and prevent of movement after injury
Stage IV cancer
Spread for other organs
bulky dressing
3 layer dressing with additional material added to intermediate layer
why are splints good?
allow for tissue inflammation/swelling because it doesn’t encircle the limb
xeroform gauze
non adherent, packing of nostrils or vaginal canal
padding and protects tissue under casting material
how is tissue removed for excisional biopsy?
skin incision
foley 2 way catheter
goes into bladder
Amputated limbs
Patient signs consent for disposal of limb
dressing wounds with drains
secure with pin or suture, or tape
material spread thinly on a surface (like microscope slide)
how is a Bonanno suprapubic catheter put in?
poke through skin straight to bladder
where do all tissue/foreign bodies removed go?
pathology department
Sent to pathology in formalin or normal saline
what is purpose of bulky dressing?
support wound, absorb excessive drainage, immobilize area
study of diseases
bronchial washings
cells collected from one or both bronchi by irrigation, fluid specimen, bronchoscope, from the upper airways
Extent of tumor
Extent of spread of lymph nodes
Presence of metastasis
foley catheter
uses balloons, drainage bags
How are cultures obtained?
In a sterile manner
what is thoracic catheter?
adhesive tape
doctors tape, used in positioning patient on OR table
what is frozen section used for?
rule out cancer
determine adequate tumor margins have been dissected
Do you use preservative on ballets?
What is the #3 knife handle for?
All cases
Loss of specimen
Could need second procedure or cause delay in treatment
non adherent used for packing
breast biopsy
needle localization done in xray department first
thoracic catheter
used after chest surgery
types of indwelling catheters
2 way
3 way
Can specimens be labeled the same?
No, all separately
what is cholangiocatheter used for?
common bile duct surgery
application for dressing
have dressing ready wash and dry incision apply dressing remove sterile drapes outer wrap applied appropriate size
flogarty bilary balloon probe
balloon will pull stone out of duct because it goes past stone
Pink culture
Don’t use, this means oxygen go into it and it won’t work
handling of specimen in OR
CN and ST
what is stent pressure dressing?
saline soaked dressing held in place by suture material
what can broncial washings tell?
fungal infection
lung cancer
specimen handling on field