CARDIO instruments Flashcards

Alexander periosteal elevator
elevate ribs

Doyen rib raspatory
free ribs from connective tissue

Bailey rib approximator
pull ribs back together at end of case

Finocheitto retractor
spread ribs apart

Gluck rib shears
cut ribs

Lovelace Lung grasping forcep
grasp lung tissue

Allison Lung retractor
retract lung

Chest tube with band
secure tube to drainage system

Pap trapSpecimen Trap
collect specimens for cytology/pathology/microbiology

view inside of bronchus

Cytology Brush
passed down channel in bronchoscope to take “brushing” specimens

Biopsy Forceps – flexible
passed down channel in bronchoscope to take tissue specimens

Satinsky Vena Cava Clamp
clamp vena cava or other large blood vessel

Spoon Clamp
clamp blood vessels

Debakey Aortic Clamp
clamp aorta

Right angle clamp
pass suture tie, umbilical tape or vessel loop under vessel

Mixter Clamp
clamp vessels, pass items under vessels

Potts-Smith Scissors
perform arteriotomy

Jamison scissors
cut blood vessels

Mills Circumflex Scissors
cut vessel that is behind another structure

Castroviejo Locking Needle Holder.
hold fine suture needles

Crile Wood Needle holder
hold fine suture needles

Cushing Tissue Forceps
grasp tissue or vessels

Gerald Tissue Forceps
grasp tissue or vessels

Mosquito with shods
tag fine vascular sutures

Round Doppler Probe
assess blood flow in a vessel

Straight Bulldog clamp
clamp vessel

Webster CannulaVessel Cannula
irrigate blood vessels

Rumel Tourniquet
tighten a stitch or umbilical tape around a vessel or cannula

Garrot Dilators
dilate blood vessels

Fogarty Clamp–disposable
clamp vessel

Argyle Carotid Shunts–disposable
placed in carotid during an endarterectomy to allow for continuous blood flow to the brain

Vessel Loops
retract or mark vessels, nerves, or other small structures

Arterial Embolectomy Catheter
remove blood clots or other debris from arteries

Aortic Punch
make a round hole in the aorta for attachment of another vessel

Gortex Graft
replace portion of an artery that is damaged or nonfunctional

Woven graft
replace portion of an artery that is damaged or nonfunctional

Vena Cava Filter
catch blood clots (emboli) from lower extremities before they get into the central circulation

Vascular Suture
fine, delicate suture that will not tear blood vessels

Hickman Catheter
long term antibiotic therapy or chemotherapy

Swan Ganz Catheter
monitor cardiac function

Arterial Line Setup
monitor blood pressure with every beat of the heart

Multilumen Central Venous Catheter
for large volume administration and multiline availability