GU instruments Flashcards

Mayo Guyon Kidney Clamp
clamp kidney pedicle, nephrectomy

Herrick Kidney Clamp
clamp kdiney pedicle, nephrectomy

Satinsky Clamp
clamp kidney pedicle, nephrectomy

Randall Kidney Stone Forcep
graps kidney stones

Franklin-Silverman Biopsy Needle
obtains a core of tissue

Lone Star Retractor with Stays
self retaining, prostatectomies and bladder suspensions

Masson-Judd Bladder Retractor
self retaining, used on open bladder surgery

Gil-Vernet Renal Retractor
used to retract ureter in open surgeries

Vasovasostomy Clamp
hold edges of vas deferens together for anastomosis during a vasovasostomy

Alexander Periosteal Elevator
used to scrape periosteum off between ribs

Doyen Rib Raspatory
scrape periosteum off of ribs- top and bottom

Gluck Rib Shears
resect rib

Bailey Rib Approximator
align ribs for realignments/closure

Finocheitto Retractor.
used for retraction of ribs during a nephrectomy

Potts-Smith Scissors
incise ureter

Hand Port
allows surgeon to place hand into abd cavity

Catheter Guide/Stylet
placed inside of foley for ease during insertion

Filliform and Follower
dilatation of a narrowed urethra

Otis Bougie
dilates female urethra

Van Buren Sounds
dilates male urethra

grasps/crushes bladder stones

Bladder Biopsy Forcep
used to retrieve small smaple of bladder tissue for diagnostic purposes

Stone Basket
retrieves ureteral stone

Hydroplus Balloon Ureteral Dilator
dilates ureter for ease in retrieval of ureteral stone

placed into ureter using fluoroscopy

Ureteral J-Stent
keeps ureteral lumen open

view internal urethra, bladder and ureteral orifices during cysto

view internal kidney

Short Bridge
connects to sheath for passing guide wires or stents

Alburran Deflecting Bridge
has flipper to guide guide wire/stent into ureter

attached to sheath

attaches to stopcock/bridge

cystoscope is inserted through this

placed inside sheath to allow smooth passage

Working Element-Iglesius
electrode and bovie cord attach for TURP

Working Element-McCarthy
electrode and bovie cord attach for TURP

Electrode-Cutting loop
resects tissue in bladder for TURB

Electrode-Roller ball
coagulates vessels in bladder/prostate during a TURB, TURP

Electrode-Collins knife
used for pinpoint coagulation or to take a biopsy during a TURB

Toomey Syringe
irrigation of bladder

Ellik Evacuator
filled with irrigation fluid and connects to resectoscope

Robinson Red Rubber Catheter
used for straight catheterization to drain bladder, temporary

2-way foley catheter
drains bladder, indwelling

3-way foley catheter
drains bladder following a TURP

Pezzer catheter.
used as a nephrostomy tube following kidney surgery to drain the kidney pelvis

Malecot catheter used as a nephrostomy tube following kidney surgery to drain the kidney pelvis

Coude 2-way catheter
used for males when having difficulty passing the catheter

Ureteral catheter
drainage, passage for dye during a retropyelogram

Capio Suture Capturing Device
allows placement of suture into uterosacral ligaments during a bladder suspension for correction of female incontinence

Bone Anchor Device
transvaginal sling proedure for correction of femal incontinence

Sparc Sling System
type of tension free vaginal tape sling system

Penile Prosthesis
male organic sexual impotence