GU instruments Flashcards
Mayo Guyon Kidney Clamp
clamp kidney pedicle, nephrectomy
Herrick Kidney Clamp
clamp kdiney pedicle, nephrectomy
Satinsky Clamp
clamp kidney pedicle, nephrectomy
Randall Kidney Stone Forcep
graps kidney stones
Franklin-Silverman Biopsy Needle
obtains a core of tissue
Lone Star Retractor with Stays
self retaining, prostatectomies and bladder suspensions
Masson-Judd Bladder Retractor
self retaining, used on open bladder surgery
Gil-Vernet Renal Retractor
used to retract ureter in open surgeries
Vasovasostomy Clamp
hold edges of vas deferens together for anastomosis during a vasovasostomy
Alexander Periosteal Elevator
used to scrape periosteum off between ribs
Doyen Rib Raspatory
scrape periosteum off of ribs- top and bottom
Gluck Rib Shears
resect rib
Bailey Rib Approximator
align ribs for realignments/closure
Finocheitto Retractor.
used for retraction of ribs during a nephrectomy
Potts-Smith Scissors
incise ureter
Hand Port
allows surgeon to place hand into abd cavity
Catheter Guide/Stylet
placed inside of foley for ease during insertion
Filliform and Follower
dilatation of a narrowed urethra
Otis Bougie
dilates female urethra
Van Buren Sounds
dilates male urethra