Test 4 Flashcards
the casual mood, attitude, character of a person or animal
eg. the temperament of dog
somber temperament
somber 2
1) of dark color
eg. somber sky
somber suit
2) unhappy or serious
eg. somber expression
labyrinth 2
1) a complex or twisted path
2) fig. m- complexity (ie. difficult to understand)
eg. the labyrinth of the legal system
[syn] maze
wanting others to obey what is ordered / not giving freedom
arrogant 3
1) thinking that others are useless
2) thinking that you know everything and there is nothin to learn
3) thinking that you are better, smarter, more intelligent than others
eg. the teacher is arrogant
[syn] haughty, hubristic, supercilious
(of the empire/emperor)
eg. the british imperial power
the imperial family
the imperial palace
that must be obeyed with out dispute
eg. peremptory order
grim 2
1) sad and serious
eg. grim expression
2) dull (not decorated , not artistic)
eg. grim appearance of the building
to entertain
forceful wind
eg. gale of laughter/tears
prodigious 2
1) extraordinary
eg. prodigious musical talent
eg. prodigious effort
prodigious use of pesticides
a child with early talent
eg. child prodigy
precocious 2
1) having early talent
eg. a precocious child
2) earlier than normal time
eg. precocious fruits / flowers
precocity 2
1) early talent
eg. a child with precocity
2) the state of being earlier than normal time
eg. the precocity of fruits / flowers
informal language
the study of languages and their derivatives
entitlement 2
1) activity of providing title
2) right
eg. personal entitlement
facile 3
1) easy, requiring little time and effort
eg. a facile job
2) performing something easily (without burden)
eg. a facile teacher/orator
3) effortless
eg. a facile victory
easily manageable or tractable
eg. a docile child/pets