Day 1 Flashcards
Archaic / adj /
Very old or outdated
Eg. The archaic meaning of the word.
Formal / adj /
Used for official or academic purpose
Eg. Formal language / formal meaning
[ ant ] informal
Figurative 2 / adj /
- Representing typical figure
Eg. Figurative arts - Giving secondary meaning
Eg. The figurative meaning of a word is based on the primary meaning
Prudent / adj / (of person / activity)
Wise and sensible
Eg. Prudent person or activity
Bland 2/ adj /
- Primary meaning - tasteless
Eg. Bland vegetables - Figurative meaning- uninteresting / unexciting
Eg. Bland movie
Cognition 2 /n/
- Proper understanding
2. consious mental activity [ TULR ] T-Thinking U-understanding L-Learning R- remembering
Reticent 2 / adj /
- Unwilling to speak
Eg. I am reticent about my profession - Unwilling
Eg. I reticently chose this job
Congenial 2 / adj /(of person or place)
- Con-together/Conjunction, gen-person
Very friendly to spend time with
Eg. congenial classmates - Very suitable (to pass time with)
Eg. Library is a congenial place to study
Brusque / adj /
Short and impolite
Eg. Brusque reply
Gregarious / adj /
Socialable / group oriented (enjoying company )
Eg. Gregarious person/animal
Congenital / adj /
By birth
Eg. Congenital blindness / disease
Shy 3/ adj /
- Coy
Eg she is attractively shy - Not confident
Eg. A shy receptionist - Easily frightened / timid
Eg. Shy animal / bird / child
Negligible / adj /
Minor/insignificant (with little or no worth)
Eg. Negligible damage / amount of money
Crucial / adj /
Extremely important
Trivial / adj /
Minor/ insignificant
Eg. trivial matter
While 2 / con /
- During the time that
2. Although
Ingenuous / adj / (usu. Of a woman)
Simple and honest (willing to believe others / not opposing )
Eg. Ingenuous woman
Ingenious / adj /
Clever or inventive
Eg. Ingenious activity or mind
Toothsome / adj/
Eg. Toothsome meal
Popular 2 / adj /
- Admired by many people
- Relating to many people
Eg. popular misconception
Popular sentiments
Edible / adj /
Safe to eat
Potable / adj /
Safe to drink
Eg. Portable water
Potion / adj / (medicine, poison, magic )
Liquid dose
Bucolic / adj /
Of the countryside
Eg. Bucolic scene
Remarkable / adj /
Very different from others therefore noticeable
Eg. Remarkable behavior of student
[ ant ] unremarkable
Noteworthy / adj /
Very important - that should be noticed
Eg. noteworthy suggestion
Pastoral 3 / adj /
- Of countryside
Eg. pastoral song - of the pasture
Eg. Pastoral beauty - Of the pastor (of church)
Eg. Pastoral responsibility
Spurious / adj /
Seemingly true but false
Eg. Spurious reasoning
Meandering / adj /
Not straight
Eg. Meandering river/ path
Hypothesis 3 / n /
- guesswork
- claim based on incomplete or available evidence
- Claim based on suggested ideas
Suggested-not proven
Careful study for something new
Eg. A research must be reliable, exhaustive, impartial and valid
Impartial / adj /
Unbiased ( not motivated by personal interest or ideology )
Eg. Impartial judgement
Exhaustive / adj /
Eg. Exhaustive research
Exhaustive teaching