Manhattan Word Of The Day Flashcards
Polyglot /adj/
Poly - many, glot - tongue
Speaking many languages
Effluvium /n/
An offensive smell
Unctuous 2
- Oily
- Fig m - excessively flattering
Eg. The sales - person’s behavior is unctuous
Bridle 2
1) to hold back or restrain
2) to take offense
Eg. The bride was bridled to see 5 extra guests brought to her wedding by one of the guests
Chimera /n/
Imaginary or visionary to the point of being unrealistic
Eg. Imagine a land filled with chimeras like unicorns, mermaids
Benediction /n/
Formal blessing
Eg. The baby received benediction for a long & healthy life.
Imperious / adj /
From empire
Commanding, domineering, overbearing
Teem /v /
To be full of, to swarm with
Eg. Time square is teeming with tourist
Largess /n/
Generosity in gift giving
Eg.The wise lottery winner would keep quiet about his windfall in case his relatives and friends expect largess from him
Limpid / adj /
[ syn ] lucid, pellucid
Clear and transparent
Compendious / adj /
Concise but thorough and comprehensive
Chary / adj /
Cautious or wary
Inundate / v /
To overwhelm
Eg. Inundated with news
Neologism /n/
A new word or phrase
Eg. Selfie-a neologism
Hermetic 2 / adj /
1) Airtight
2) isolated from outside influence
Eg. Hermetic society
Munificence / adj /
Great generosity
Felicity 2 /n/
1) Intense happiness
Eg. You can feel felicity in x-mas morning
2) ability to express things clearly - finding the right words for something
Eg. My friend expressed herself with felicity
Dour / adj /
Ill - humored, gloomy
Rebuff / v /
To reject or repel
Apposite / adj /
Appropriate, relevant, or apt
Ersatz / adj /
An imitation Or substitute, artificial or synthetic
Eg. Ersatz products
Pyrrhic / adj /
Achieved at such a cost as to negate the victory
Burgeon /v/
To grow or develop quickly
Austere 2/ adj /
1) severe or stern in manner
2 ) very simple, unadorned
Inured / adj /
To be accustomed to something unpleasant
Eg. I am inured to the pandemic routine of masks, social-distancing and hand-washing
Dawdle /v /
To waste time or move slowly
Abscond /v/
To sneak away in a hurry, often with something you are hiding
Disillusion / v/
To cause someone to realize their belief is false
Eg. I hate to disillusion you but that tooth fairy isn’t real
Whet 2 /v/
1) to stimulate
Eg. The smell of the food whetted my appetite
2) to sharpen
Eg. Whet a knife to cut the onions
Pedestrian / adj /
So commonplace as to be uninteresting, unexciting
Abstruse / adj /
Difficult to understand
Stolid / adj /
Unemotional or unexpressive
Eg. Bouncers tend to maintain a stolid face to show that they are not to be messed around with
Ennui /n/
Weariness or dissatisfaction due to boredom
Eg. Ennui due to lockdown of Covid-19
Chagrin /n/
Humiliation or disappointment
E.g. I felt chagrin after I bragged about how good I was at playing darts and lost the match
Umbrage /n/
Offense or resentment at a perceived insult
Eg. I take umbrage with that
Fickle / adi/
Changing your mind alot
Eg. Just pick something, don’t fickle
Panacea /n/
A cure-all, a single solution to everything.
Eg.There is no easy panacea to the problem of inequality in the human race
Assiduous / adj /
Careful, diligent, patient
Eg. I am trying to be assiduous by watching a few videos from this channel daily and followed by making a sentence from the introduced word.
Supplicate /v/
To ask humbly
E.g. Oliver’s attempt to supplicate one more bowl of porridge was met with chagrin from the head of the orphanage.
Wanton / adj /
deliberate and reckless
Eg. wanton attack
The man was angry with the woman and threw his wanton noodles at her in a wanton attack
Germane / adj /
Relevant Eg. The German language teacher chastised the student for asking him questions that were not germane to the class and wasting everyone's time
Malfeasance / n/
Wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official
Eg. These dirty cops committed malfeasance when they skimmed off from the confiscated loot case.
Vacillate /v /
To waver or fluctuate between positions.
E.g. I’m very capricious- my mind always vacillates when it comes to taking a decision; I never feel content with my choices.
Blithe / adj /
Cheerful and carefree, sometimes inappropriately
E.g. Kimmy Gibbler is always blithe of the party; she’s my most favourite character of the show.
Clamorous / adj /
Truculent / adj /
Ferocious, violent or cruel
Eg. What a truculent truck! 😡🚚
Remiss / adj /
Negligent to one’s duties
Eg.I would be remiss if I didn’t floss for the day. 🦷🦷
Demur /v/
To object or hesitate, to show reluctance
Eg.Not tolerating her insults, I demurred to her comments.
Bravura /n/
A display of brilliance or daring
Eg. Bravo! Bravura! An amazing display of brilliance and talent
Aver /v /
To assert
Eg. The evidence avers that my client is innocent
Lugubrious / adj /
Mournful, often to an exaggerated extent
Eg. The girl was so lugubrious when she watched Korean dramas and would use up a whole box of tissues.😭😭😭
Frenetic / adj /
Wildly active, frenzied or frantic
friend in a net with the tick
Discomfit / v /
To confuse, disconcert, make uneasy or embarrass
Eg. An unemployed person would often be discomfited when asked the question of his employment.
Accolade /n/
An award, praise or expression of approval
Eg. Oscar is the accolade for the actors
Abdicate /v/
Formally give up power
Eg. I’m going to abdicate my laundry duties to my younger brother
Misanthrope /n/
One with hate or distrust for humankind
Prescient / adj /
Having knowledge of events before they occur
Eg. Prescient dream of instagram
Cloying / adj /
Excessively sweet or emotional
E.g. Some of the Korean artists are so cloying that I would be shy even to watch their MTV
Disdain /n,v/
To look upon with contempt
Eg. I was the object of disdain for saying internet website
Lumber /v/
To move in a clumsy, heavy way; to rumble
Celerity /n/
Speed, rapidness of movement or action
Eg. you may not want to study for the GRE with celerity, instead, you should take your time to prepare yourself
Dregs 2 /n/
1) The sediment or grounds at the bottomm of a liquid
2 ) least desirable part
Eg. You left me with the dregs at the party
Exhort /v/
To urge or give warning to
Eg. Airport announcement is exhorting you not to leave the suitcase unattended
Loll /v/
To lie around lazily
Extenuate / v /
To lessen the seriousness of an offense
Eg. Logan’s and other instructors word of the day videos extenuates the fear of vocabulary.
Rabble 2/n/
1) A disorganized, tumultuous crowd
2) considered lower by people in power
Welter /n/
A confused jumble or mass
Rancor /n/
Bitter, deep, persistent resentment or ill-will
Convivial 2/ adj /
1) Festive
2) sociable and friendly
Peruse 2 /v/
1) to read or examine with great care
Eg. I will peruse the apples before I buy them
2) to examine or look over something casually
Odious / adj /
Offensive, repugnant, despicable or abhorrent
Eg. Lack of knowledge and culture can result in odious behaviour in people
Exult / v/
To rejoice or express great joy
Eg. I would be exulted without any worries if I were to win the lottery. 💵💵💵
Alacrity /n/
Cheerful willingness or promptness
Prosaic / adj /
Ordinary or mundane
Lachrymose / adj /
Tearful, weepy, likely to cry
Eg. I was lachrymose for a week after my breakup
Lambent / adj /
Softly bright or flickering light
Eg. Lambent candle
Lambent eyes
Hallow /v /
To make holy, to revere or worship
Halcyon / adj /
Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy, peaceful or prosperous
Winsome / adj /
Sweetly or innocently charming
Brassy / adj /
Bold, loud, showy or brazen
Doughty / adj /
Courageous, resolute, valiant
Guile /n/
Cleverness or cunning
Eg.The crafty fox is often associated with guile, he could easily use his wit and resourcefulness to solve his problems. 🦊🦊🦊
Languid / adj /
Weak from exhaustion
Eg. After completing my 24 km route march, I was languid and collapsed onto the ground, totally devoid of any energy to move again.
Harrowing / adj /
Very distressing or troubling
Eg. From the emergence of Covid-19 and spreading throughout the world we’ve all experienced a harrowing time ever.
Stilted / adj /
Stiff, self-conscious, or overly formal
Eg. John was stilted standing in front of the audience and could not remember his speech.
Balk /v/
To stop short and refuse to go on
Eg. I balked at continuing with the film after it bored me to the extent that I slid off the sofa.
Gossamer / adj /
Extremely light, delicate, or sheer
Eg. Gossamer spider web
Gossamer veil
Indefatigable / adj /
Untiring or unyielding to fatigue
Eg. You need to be indefatigable while preparing for the GRE
Equanimity /n/
Calmness; mental or emotional stability under stress
Eg. As a staff, you need to have equanimity while executing the evacuation plan
Dolor /n/
Sorrow, grief, or anguish
Temper /v/
To soften or lessen
Eg. I had a little bit of snack to temper my appetite
Coda /n/
a concluding remark or section
Eg. P.s at the end of the letter is a coda
Verdant / adj /
[syn] fecund
Green and rich with vegetation
e.g. Central park is the verdant get away from the concrete jungle of New York City.
Implore /v/
To beg, beseech, or appeal to
E.g. The Government implored its citizens to practice safe distancing and wear a mask outdoors amid the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Doggerel /n/
Crude verse;often irregular in measure, and risque
Ferment 2 /v/
1) To undergo or cause fermentation
2 ) to excite or agitate
Gild 2/v/
1) to cover in a thin layer of gold
2) to give an improved or deceitfully pleasing appearance
Eg. Verbal section is daunting, but Manhattan academy gilds the contents to grasp simply.
Quail /v/
To feel or show fear
Eg. I quailed at the thought of going on the roller coaster ride and yet, I had to do it as I had paid for it.
Obeisant / adj /
Deferential, paying homage to
Eg. During the Japanese Occupation, the citizens were expected to be obeisant to the imperial soldiers or else there would be dire consequences.
Nonpareil / adj /
Unparalleled, without equal
Eg. My mom’s brownies are nonpareil
Catharsis /n/
A release of strong emotions, and corresponding feeling of relief
Eg. The man experienced catharsis when he shouted out loud into the Canyon. 😱😱😱
Latent / adj /
Existing but not apparent or active
Eg. Latent talent
Lambaste / v /
To criticize harshly
Listless / adj /
Lacking energy or enthusiasm
Fetid / adj /
Eke /v/
To obtain narrowly or barely support yourself
Eg, Being unemployed, I was eking out a living and would only walk as far as my legs would take me in order to save on travelling expenses.
Harbinger /n/
One that foreshadows or suggests something approaching
Zealot /n/
Someone who is excessively zealous or enthusiastic
Amortize /n/
To gradually and systematically pay off
Eg. My loan amortized after 5 years
Laggard / adj /
Slow, sluggish, or lagging behind
Maudlin / adj /
Tearfully sentimental, sometimes due to drunkenness
Eg. She usually avoids alcohol as she knows that she would turn maudlin after a few drinks and make a scene.
Inveigle / v /
To lure, induce, or win over by using flattery
Eg. I inveigled my way to the pub
Voluble / adj /
Talkative, constantly flowing words
confabulate /v/
To chat or converse
Diatribe /n/
A very strong, negative verbal attack
Aspersion /n/
An attack on something’s reputation publicly
Eg. The media is casting aspersion on the actor
Specious / adj /
Plausible but untrue or misleading
Eg. Specious reasoning
Rapport /n/
a relationship with affinity and trust
Amorphous / adj /
Without a clearly defined form
Eg. My schedule currently is amorphous
Finagle /v/
To get something through unusual and dishonest manner
Eg. The man was as cunning as the snake and could finagle his way through any obstacle
Harried / adj /
Stressed and overwhelmed by tasks
Eg. Prince Harry was harried by the aspersions cast against him on social media with regards to his relationship with Meghan Markle
Flippant / adj /
Not serious or respectful enough
Eg. Flippant response
Pugnacious / adj /
[ syn ] belligerent
Belligerent, quarrelsome and quick to fight
Badger /v/
To persistently harrass or irritate
Perquisite /n/
Perk, bonus
Machination / n/
A crafty scheme, plot, or intrigue, often underhanded and secretive
Eg. The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Accrete /v/
To grow by gradual addition
Eg. The value of my stock is accreting
Dulcet / adj /
Melodious or pleasant in sound
Choleric / adj /
Hot-tempered or easily angered; irritable
Fracas /n/
a noisy, loud quarrel, brawl or disturbance
E.g. A scintilla of fracas during meditation distorts the mind.
Sylvan / adj /
Living or located in the woods; characteristic of the woods or forests
Jaunty / adj /
Lively, sprightly
Eg. He saw his report card and rushed home in a jaunty way
Bile /n/
Il humor or inclination to anger
Eg. He was full of bile when he found that his sandwich was eaten
Madcap / adj /
Impulsive, reckless, and foolishly wild
Penchant /n/
A pronounced tendency
Eg. He has a penchant for chatting
Vitriolic / adj /
Filled with bitter criticism
Eg. The cafe got many vitriolic reviews
Gesticulate /v/
To gesture dramatically while speaking
Nascent / adj /
Beginning to develop, coming into existence
Eg. They have a nascent singing career
Withering 2/ adj /
1) shrinking or drying up
2) intended to shame or humiliate
Eg. when I see someone litter on the street, I give them a withering look
Ferret / v /
To search out or discover
Eg. The journalist doggedly chased down the story ferreting out the truth
truncate /v /
To shorten, as if by cutting
Eg. Truncated version of pie (3.14 )
Skimping / adj /
Giving insufficient or barely adequate attention, effort, or funds
Eg. Skimping on sleep is a bad idea before the GRE test
Gambit /n/
A calculated move or strategy designed to gain advantage
Eg. While negotiating your salary, your opening gambit might be throwing out the big number
Blanched / adj /
Whitened or made pale; bleached
Nadir /n/
Low point ( physical or metaphorical)
Euphony /n/
The quality of being pleasant to the ear, especially in regard of words
Deign /v /
To do something one considers beneath oneself
Eg. The reigning king deigned to talk to the peasants
Carp / v/
To constantly complain or find fault
Eg. That carp likes to carp so much that even Nemo avoids her
Gadfly 2 /n/
1) A biting fly
2) A person who deliberately irritates or provokes
Enigma /n/
A mystery
Bellicose / adj /
[ syn ] belligerent, pugnacious
Aggressive, willing to fight
Eg. The character, Maze, in Lucifer was bellicose and in fact she enjoyed fighting
Static / adj /
Stationary, not changing
Eg. A static stockmarket
Sequester / v /
To isolate or seclude
Eg. Being unemployed for so long,I sequestered myself at home so that I didn’t have to update anyone about my current status
Hackneyed / adj /
[ syn ] trite, banal, commonplace
Unoriginal, overused
Eg. Many low budget B movies have a hackneyed plot that could bore me to sleep
Protean / adj /
Able to assume many forms or meanings
Eg. Protein is protean as it comes in various forms such as chickens, nuts, eggs and beans
Apprise / v /
To inform, tell or give notice to
Eg. Although the chief was always in the office, he expected his detective to apprise him of all the developments in the cases
Prattle /v /
To babble or chatter idly or foolishly
Eg. Sometimes I don’t feel like socializing as many friends like to prattle incessantly on mundane things