20 Dec, 24 Dec Flashcards
Premise /n/
Immediate outcome of research
Data, example, evidence, reason, cause, fact
How to treat premise?
1) you can’t doubt or challenge the premise
2) you can’t twist the theme of the premise
3) you must trust it
4) you can indicate that the premise is incomplete
Assumption /n/
Thinking in order to draw a conclusion ( there are good as well as bad assumptions)
Grounds of a good assumption-
1 ) complete premise
2) some other associated factors such as future risk or advantage or present condition
Note: the assumption is always implied
Imply /v/
To express indirectly (it is self understood)
Contention /n/
Strong disagreement
Eg. The contention on the nuclear program of Iran.
Position /n/
Argument 2/ n/
1 ) a short passage which includes visible premise, invisible assumption and visible conclusion
2) conclusion or a logically true statement
Intermediate conclusion /n/
Conclusion based on incomplete evidence (the final conclusion yet to come)
Support /n/
Premise or ground
More than 2 but not many
Classify 2 /v/
1) to divide into classes
2) to keep secret
Eg. Classified documents
[ ant ] declassify, reveal, disclose
Reveal /v/
Disclose, divulge
Eg. He denied to divulge his salary
Buoyant 3 / adj /
1) floating
Eg. Buoyant object on water
2) cheerful
Eg. buoyant expression
3) (of economy) able to maintain a high level
Eg. Buoyant economy
Substantial / adj /
Large or significant
Eg. Substantial income/salary
Instigate 2/ v/
1 ) to start something formally or officially
Eg. The police department is going to instigate an investigation
2) to cause or develop something negative
Eg. To instigate an investigation
To instigate violence / riot
Majority, not all
Rising / v/
Uprising /v/
Landmark 3/n/
1) a building or structure of historical or cultural importance
Eg. the clocktower is a landmark
2 ) a famous building or structure which helps you identity the location
3) important activity or achievement
Eg. The invention of a Covid vaccine is a landmark (milestone)
In concert with
Together with
Concerted / adj /
Done together
Eg. concerted project
Concerted effort
Disconcert / v/
To make somebody feel ashamed or embarrass
Eg. The teacher was disconcerted in the classroom
[ syn ] discomfort, abash (a-into) (bash-shy),