3 Jan Flashcards
Innocuous 2
In- not, nocuous- harmful
1 ) harmless or safe
Eg. Innocuous medicine
2 ) not offensive
Eg. Innocuous remark/question
Offensive /n /
Eg. The military offensive
The offensive by insects
[ syn ] fiasco
Eg. The tv program was a fiasco.
Persist 2
1 ) continue in spite of difficulties
Eg. I persisted my study
2 ) to continue without lessening the intensity
Eg. The rain persisted for several days.
Orator /n/
Public speaker
Eminence 2 /n/
1 ) top of the hill
Eg. this house is on the eminence
2) fig meaning - professional success or fail
Eg. The eminence of the artist
Eminent / adj /
Professionally famous or successful
Eg. An eminent musician
Imminent / adj /
Happening soon or very soon (immediate)
Eg. Imminent danger / deadline / action
[ syn ] impending
Waiting for
Eg. Pending the decision, the journalist are standing outside.
Almost but not real
Understated but self-understood
Eg. Tacit subject / verb
Speaking little or tight lipped
Eg. A taciturn student
Reverse / To turn upside down
Foreground / n/
Foreground /v/
To highlight
Eg. His activities have been foregrounded
Gist ( theme)
Eg. What is the crux of the theory?
Fathom /n/
The measurement of 6’
Fathom 2 /v/
1) To measure the depth of ocean, lake or sea
2 ) fig. Meaning- to understand the depth or reason
Fathomable 2/ adj /
1 ) that can be measured
Eg. Fathomable ocean, lake or sea
2 ) that can be understood
Eg. Fathomable theory.
[ ant ] unfathomable
Small amount
To disclose
Explicate /v/
To explain with logic
Explicable / adj /
That can be explained with logic
[ ant ] inexplicable
Prolific 2/ adj /
Pro- further
1) producing much or many
Eg. A prolific author or woman
2 ) fertile
Eg. Prolific trees / land
Wane / v /
To decrease gradually
Eg. Waning moon
His popularity waned over the period
On the wane / ph /
Gradually decreasing
Eg. His popularity is on the wane
Wax and wane / ph /
Wan 2/ adj /
1) pale ( of unhealthy color)
Eg. Wan skin / face
2) fig. Meaning- not energetic
Eg. wan smile/laughter
Row / n/
Dispute or quarrel
Estimable 2/ adj /
1) that can be estimated
2) deserving esteem
Eg. Estimable chairperson
[ ant ] inestimable
Esteem / n/
Great respect
To some esteem / ph /
To some extent / to some respect
Venerable / adj /
Deserving deep respect
Eg. Venerable old people / culture / tradition
Heroes / n/
A person who does extraordinary and adventurous work
Lofty / adj /
Tall or high
Eg. Lofty trees
Aloft / adv/
a - into, loft - Air / height
In the air or in the height
Eg. The airplane was flying aloft
Myriad / adj /
Too many to be counted ( greatly many)
Eg. Myriad soldiers in china