17 Jan, 19 Jan Flashcards
A word or phrase that describes something
Very old and outdated
Encompass 2
1) to include or cover
Eg. The list encompasses all items
2) surround
Eg. The city was encompassed by a ringroad
Including all
The state of being credible
Lend credibility to / ph /
Reasonable and likely to be true
Invasion 3
1) attack ( insects)
2) illegal entrance in order to attack
Eg. Americas invasion into Iraq
3) the activity of spreading in a harmful way ( medical)
Eg. The invasion of cancer
Admonished 2
Ad - plus, monish - warn
1) to warn in a gentle way
2) strongly encourage or advice
Eg. He admonished me to study meticulously
Pro- further, life - life ( of number)
Rapid growth or multiplication
Eg. The proliferation of nuclear weapon industries
Happened at an unfavorable time
Eg. Ill-timed journey
Exacerbate 2
EX-express, acer-bitter
1) worsen( from bad to worse )
[ syn ] aggravate
2) To cause anger
Dramatic 5
1 ) of the drama
Eg. dramatic characters
2) sharp
Eg. The price increased or decreased dramatically
3) vulnerable or sensitive
Eg. Dramatic person /animal
4) sentimental on emotional
Eg. he is representing a dramatic role
5) attracting others emotionally or unusually
Eg. Dramatic woman/ gesture
Fig meaning - a person who causes irritation
Spreading in an uncontrollable way
Eg. Rampant corruption
Sweeping 2
1) great or drastic
2 ) making a long curve
Eg. Sweeping edge of the river
A battery of / ph /
A large powerful amount of
Resilient 3
1 ) elastic
2) tractable or manageable
Eg. Resilient child / student
3) that can return to the previous normal stage
Eg. Resilient competition/ economy/ patient