6 Jan, 13 Jan Flashcards
Excruciating / adj /
Giving torture
[ syn ] torturous
Lacking energy
Eg. Flagging ambition
[ ant ] unflagging
Eg. Unflagging determination
Flag / v/
To decline or decrease
Eg. My interest flagged
Buoy 3 /v/
1) To float
2) to be cheerful
3) To maintain a high level ( of economy)
Eg. The economy buoyed
Opt / v/
To choose or select
From periphery
To make a roundabout journey
Peregrination /n /
Roundabout journey
Alarming / adj /
AI: all, arm: carrying weapons
Causing fear or worry
Eg. the unemployment is increasing in an alarming rate
Leery 2
1) cautious ( about future consequence)
2) fig. Meaning- casting doubt because you are cautious
Eg. Leery eyes
To look with sexual intention
Eg. Leering look
[ syn ] ogle
Influx 2
In- into, flux- flow
1 ) great flow
2) arrival in great number or amount
Eg. The influx of refugees
Departure in great number
Equity /n/
Fairness ( that is morally good )
[ ant ] iniquity ( lack of fairness that is morally bad)
Equitable / adj /
Fair ( that is morally good )
[ Ant ] iniquitous ( unfair or morally bad)
Fictional 2/ adj /
1) of the fiction
Eg. Fictional characters
2) unreal
Eg. Fictional address
[ syn ] fictitious
Based on test or experiment
Elegant 2
1) very impressive
Eg. Elegant dressup / performance
2) simple, direct and clear
Eg. Elegant solution to the problem
[ ant ] inelegant
Unsound 2
1 ) baseless
Eg. Unsound reasoning
2) structurally poor
Eg. Unsound building / bridge
Obviously true
Obviously true statement ( further verification
is not needed )
Tenet / n/
Ten - hold
Idea or principal
Eg. The fundamental tenet of the political party
Plutocracy 2/n/
Pluto - wealth
1) dominance by wealthy people
2) rule by wealthy people
Neophyte / n/
Neo - new
Beginner ( lacking experience )
[ syn ] tyro, novice
Eg. The teacher is a neophyte
Novice / adj /
New ( lacking experience )
Eg. A novice writer
Very difficult but enjoyable (Requiring much time and effort )
Eg. A challenging job
Challenge /n/
A difficult task that requires much time and effort
Eg. The research topic is a challenge for me
Challenge /v/
To have doubt
Eg. The students challenged the teacher’s quality
Unchallenged / adj /
Eg. the premise is unchallenged
Fledging 2/n/
1) A bird that is about to fly
2) fig. Meaning - neophyte
Fledging 3 / adj /
1) about to fly
Eg. A fledging bird
2) beginning to grow but not fully developed
Eg. A fledging democracy
3) New ( lacking experience)
Eg. A fledging teacher
To spend recklessly
Unaware of future consequence
Eg. A reckless driver
Squalor / n /
Poverty and dirtiness
Eg. The squalor of the slum
Squalid / adj /
Poor and dirty
Eg. Squalid life of the shim
Obstreperous / adj /
Very noisy and difficult to control
Eg. Obstreperous class
Placid 2/n/
1) calm or peaceful
Eg. Placid mind
2) slight or no movement
Eg. Placid water of the lake
Negative attitude
[ ant ] positivity
Show clearly
Eg. He evinced an interest in arts
Candid / n/
Frank with honesty
Candor /n/
Frankness ( with honesty )
Eg. I appreciated candor
Candid photograph / ph /
A natural photograph ( you are unaware of being photographed )
Imperative 2/ adj /
1) commanding
2) very necessary
Exploit / v /
To get maximum advantage of
Eg. Students must exploit lectures
Exploit / n/
Hard mental or physical work
Eg. He has been successful through exploit
Reveal ( usually unintentionally )
→ sometimes positive
Eg. His eyes betrayed innocence
Clear at expression ( therefore easy to understand )
Eg. Teacher is articulate
[ ant ] inarticulate
Articulate 2/v/
1) to express clearly
2) to link or connect with a joint so that it can be moved
Eg. Articulated limbs
Logical connection ideas
Eg. From a to b, b to c
Cohesion 2
1) unity
Eg. Social cohesion
2) the unity of paragraphs
Lack 2
1 ) without
2) not sufficient
Recount 3
1) to count again
2) To tell an amusing story in a friendly environment
3) to report
Something that is considered as true even if there is no evidence
Regardless of
Inspite of
Pay under obligation
To think or discuss a subject ( it provides abundant information)
Arbitrator /n/
A person who settles the dispute officially (judge)
Sway /n/
un - not , warrant - reason
Baseless ( not justified)
Eg. Unwarranted assumption
Warrant 2
1) reason for doing something
2) A legal document that gives authority to arrest somebody
To provide reason
Unreal or pretended ( Bahana garnu)
Strong dislike ( lack of respect for others) Eg. The contempt of court
To change appearance ( to hide identity)
Real ( not pretended)
Eg. Undue praise
Deeply respected
Outwardly ( The reality may be different )
Intended to mislead
Set somebody apart / ph /
Isolate or separate
Crude 3
1) unrefined
Eg. Crude alcohol/oil
2)( unrefined language ) vulgar ( not accepted by the society)
Eg. Crude language
3) of basic value
Eg. Crude tools
Demanding 2
1) requiring much time and effort
Eg. A demanding job
A demanding reader
2) expecting much time and effort from others
Eg. A demanding leader
A demanding student
A demanding manager
Rich 2
1) very expensive and impressive
Eg. Rich furniture / dressup
2 ) very impressive
Eg. The forest is richly green
Requiring much time and effort
Eg. A taxing job
[ syn ] difficult, exacting,demanding (+1)
Bihana dekhi beluka taxi chalaune
Arduous / adj /
Ard- hard
Very difficult ( requiring much time and effort) Eg. Arduous job / journey
Gruelling / adj /
Requiring much time and effort that makes you feel tired
Eg. Preparing for the GRE is a grueling process.
Gruel /n/
A type of semi-liquid meal