Test 1 Flashcards
Credulous / adj /
Cred- believe
Easily believing ( easily fooled ) Eg. A credulous customer
Reasonable and likely to be true ( probability )
Eg. Credible report
[ syn ] believable, plausible
[ ant ] implausible
Credulous ( Galli lai main bato bhanda patyaune )
Easily believable, easily fooled
Gull / n/
A type of bird
Gull /v/
Dupe ( to make fool or deceive )
Eg. He was gulled by the shopkeeper
Incredible 3
1) unbelievable
Eg. The report was incredible
2) so wonderful that it is hard to believe even if it is true
Eg. The student has incredible determination
Incredible India
3) wonderful
Eg. Incredible smile
Wastrel 2
1) extravagant person
2 ) an immoral person ( who isn’t accepted by the society )
To prove something as false
Overshadow 3
1) To cast shadow
2) fig meaning- to minimize the importance or something or somebody
3) to confuse or obscure
Eg. To overshadow the description
Discredit / v/
To defame
Eg. The staff discredited the office
[ syn ] vilify
Eg. He was vilified by the press
To reject
Eg. He repudiated the charges of crime
[ syn ] refute
Cur -run ( sarsari)
Eg. Cursory teaching
Pre-Early, crude - stop
Prevent from happening
[ syn ] preempt
Eg. To preempt war
Occlude / v/
To block
Eg. To occlude vision
Dis-Not ( aru ko passion bata afu prabhawit nahune )
Eg. Dispassionate judge / judgement
Unbiased or neutral
Eg. Disinterested observation
Passionate 3
1) strongly emotional
Eg. Passionate speech
2) having or showing strong sexual feelings
Eg. Passionate lovers
3) very hot
Eg. The passionate sun
[ ant ] improvident
Frugal meal / ph /
Inexpensive meal ( In order to save money)
Notorious 2
1) known by many people for -ve activities
Eg. A notorious crime / criminal
2) fig. Meaning - extremely negative
Eg. The question is notoriously difficult
Tantalize 2
1) to tease by not giving what was promised
Eg. The politicians are tantalizing the people
The question in tantalizingly easy but notoriously difficult
2) To excite or desire
Eg. Tantalizing flavor of wine
Apt 2
1) Quick to learn
Eg. Apt mind
2) appropriate
Eg. Apt name
Lying with your face down
[ ant ] supine
Eg. Supine position of yoga
Fig. Meaning- inactive
Eg. Supine politician
Half standing or half bending
Eg. Recumbent position of yoga
Recumbent state of a lion
Obligated to the job right now
Eg. The incumbent president
Incumbent /n/
A person who is obligated to the job rightnow
Cumbersome 4
1) cumber - burden
Eg. A cumbersome job
2) very heavy and difficult to move
Eg. a cumbersome table
3) very difficult to pronounce
Eg. Cumbersome name
4) long and complicated
Eg. Cumbersome process or visa application
Encumber /v/
To have burden ( mental or physical)
Eg. She was encumbered with heavy books
[ ant ] disencumber
Onerous 2
1) Oner - burden
2) fig. Meaning - irritation
Eg. Onerous job
Onus / n/
Inimical to / ph /
Harmful to
Eg. The tv program is inimical to the children
Very unfriendly or hostile
Eg. Inimical person / country
Inimical demonstration
preeminence /n/
Dominance or majority
Eg. The preeminence of French speaking students
I am preeminently happy ( extremely happy)
Tumult 2
1) loud and excited emotion
2) violence, confusion or disorder ( astabesta )
Easily to see or notice
Eg. The perceptible error
[ ant ] imperceptible
Eg. Imperceptible scar on face
Relent / v/
1) to stop
2) Give in ( to decline surrender)
Eg. The despot relented
Relentless 2
1) continuous
Eg. Relentless pressure
2) not declining or uncompromising
Eg. The relentless dictator
[ syn ] unrelenting
Eg. Neoteric method
Original 2
1) New or innovative
Eg. Original idea
2) of the first kind
Eg. Original fashion
[ ant ] unoriginal
Ortho- direct from the past
Conventional or traditional
[ ant ] heterodox ( unorthodox )
Eg. Heterodox teaching strategies/ medical treatment
Many and diverse
[ ant ] homogenous ( uniform )
Ameliorate 2
A- into, meli-sweet ( amilo bata ramro ma)
1) to improve or make better
2) To reduce the degree of something -ve ( mitigate)
Eg. To ameliorate damage
[ syn ] meliorate
Overlook 3
1) oversee (monitor)
*2) ignore as its insignificant
Eg. The teacher overlooked my mistakes
3) face downward
Eg. My village overlooks the river
Condone 2
1) to ignore as insignificant
Eg. To condone mistakes
2) to promote something -ve by ignoring
Eg. The government was accused of condoning racism
Ascertain 2
1) To make sure or certain
2) to find out
Eg. To ascertain a connection
Subjective 4
1) relating to subject
Eg. Subjective pronoun
2) theoretical
Eg. Subjective test
3) existing based on mind ( not based on test or experiment)
Eg. The subject of essay writing is highly subjective
4) personal
Eg. It is my subjective opinion’
Very different from others / very strange or unusual
Eg. Eccentric manner, dressup
Very courageous
Causing sleep
Eg. The teacher was soporific in the class
Soporific atmosphere
[ syn ] somniferous
somni- sleep, ferous-carry
Boring because something comes repeatedly
Eg. A monotonous job
To increase intensity
Eg. I have to intensity my study
Improvise /v/
To perform without planning, preparation or rehearsal
Eg. To improvise jazz
[ syn ] extemporize
Eg. To extemporize a speech
To cause delay for personal benefit
Eg. The PM temporized to resign
To cause delay
Notable 2
1) very important or significant
Eg. Notable change
2 ) well-known
Eg. Notable author
Prophecy / v /
To predict
Prophet 2
1) messenger of god
2) future teller
Prophetic 2
1) of the prophet
Eg. Prophetic life
2) indicating what will happen in the future
Eg. Prophetic statements of the Bible
Prophetic sign
Respite/ n/
Short break