31 Jan, 2 Feb Flashcards
Acute 3/ adj /
1 ) sharp
Eg. Acute teeth
2) quick witted
Eg. acute mind
3) severe
Eg. Acute crisis / pain
Obtuse / adj /
Slow witted ( understanding something only partially) Eg. obtuse mind
Reclusive / adj /
preferring to live in isolation ( avoiding company)
[ ant ] gregarious
Eg. my neighbors are reclusive - a recluse
Recluse /n/
A person who prefers isolation
aboveboard / adj /
honest and legal
Eg. Aboveboard counseling
intriguing / adj /
Extremely interesting
Intrigue 2/n /
1 ) conspiracy
2) Fig meaning- something that causes extreme interest
Intrigue 2 /v/
1 ) To make secret plans or conspire
2) To cause extreme interest
quisling / adj /
(Name of army officer)
Fig meaning- a person who betrays his or her own country by providing secret information to the enemies.
Cleaved to / ph /
Cling to
Flimsy / adj /
Weak / uncertain / easily damageable, breakable
Propitious / adj /
lucky; favorable
[ ant ] unpropitious
Caustic 2/ adj /
1) that burns or destroys
2) harsh or biting
Eg. Caustic remarks
to discourage
shallow / adj /
Fig.m - not from serious study or observation
Eg. Shall response
[ syn ] glib
Eg. Glib teacher/response
obriate / v /
to make unnecessary or eliminate
copious / adj /
abundant; plentiful ( more than necessary)
[ syn ] profuse
Eg. Copious fruits and vegetables
cornucopia 2 / n/
1) symbol of abundance
2) Fig.m- an abundance ( I.e more than needed )
That meets your requirement
Acerbic / adj/
Acer- soul or bitter
bitter or sour ( taste / remarks / relationship )
[ syn] Acrid, acidulous, acidic [ + 1 ], Acremonious, Acetic
Acidic / adj /
Containing acid
Eg. Acidic soil
Scathe /v/
Hurt ( sentimental or physical)
Eg. Scathing remarks
Unscathed /v/
Not hurt ( sentimental or physical) Eg. The soldier got back unscathed from the battlefield
Lacerate 2/v/
1 ) to cut or tear into skin
Eg. His legs were lacerated
2) To hurt
Eg. Her feelings were lacerated
Laceration 2/n/
1) cut or tear into skin
2) hurting other’s feelings
Meticulous / adj /
extremely careful; particular about small details
Eg. Meticulous analyses / teachers / students
Fastidious 3 /adj /
1 ) meticulous (+ ve )
Eg fastidious analysis
2) too particular or choosy about neatness on quality ( - ve )
Eg. A fastidious eater
3) difficult to please ( - ve)
Eg. The fastidious manager
The object of / ph /
Target of
[ syn ] The subject of
Contemporary 2/ adj /
1) Modern
Eg. Contemporary music
2) belonging to the same time
Eg The contemporary politicians
Frantic 2
1 ) conducted in hurried, excited, disorganized way
Eg. Frantic test preparation
2) anxious, worried or annoyed
Eg. Frantic call from home
Great skill
Very skillful
To speak angrily and forcefully
Harangue /n/
Angry and forceful remarks or speech
Pristine 3 / adj /
1) natural/ untouched/ virgin
Eg. Pristine forest
2) clean and spotless
Eq pristine t-shirt / table
3) unspoiled
Eg. My car is still pristine
Lackluster 2
1) dull / not bright
Eg. Lackluster face
2) unexciting or uninteresting
Eg. Lackluster performance
At best / ph /
To the greatest degree ( usually + ve)
Sanguine 2
1) healthily reddish
2) fig.m- optimistic or cheerful
Circum-round, spect-see
Cautious (sometimes - ve )
deferential / adj /
Formally respecting ( The reality maybe different) Eg. Deferential attention to the teacher
Formal respect
Eg The party was organized in deference to the president
Intransigent 2/ adj /
1)(+ ve) resolute ( having strong determination)
Eg. I am intransigent in my judgement
2)( -ve ) uncompromising
Eg. Intransigent politicians
lax 3
1) loose
Eg. Lax muscles
2) not strict
Eg. Lax security of the airport
Lax management
3) negligent ( remiss)
Eg I am lax about my studies
The activities of funeral ceremony
Eg hundreds of people participated in the obsequies
obsequious 2/ adj/
1) too much willing to serve
Eg. Obsequious workers Of the political party
2) flattering
Eg. Obsequious language / behavior
[ syn ] servile
unpredictable or changeable
Eg erratic behavior
Erratic gold prices
1) deserving esteem
Eg. Estimable chairperson
2) possible to estimate
Eg. Estimable cost
[ ant ] inestimable
Not having determination
quintessence 2
1) perfect example ( paradigm)
2) The most important part of something
Eg. The quintessence of the music is its melody
Eg indigent farmers
Laud containing praise
a song or speech of praise, joy
Benevolent/ altruistic
timid 2
1) fearful
2) not confident
Eg. A timid teacher
Implication 2
1 ) indication of blame
2) implied conclusion from evidence
To happen at an earlier date
[ syn ] predate
Eg. my antedated habit
Antedated check
cloak /n/
a type of outer garment
cloak /v/
To hide or cover ( disguise) / pretend
Eg. I tried to clock my fear
The mountain was cloaked with snow
Portray /v/ 3
1) To sketch
2) To communicate or represent
Eg. The chart portrays the unemployment rates of different countries
3) To play a part
Eg. He was portrayed as a poor farmer
Pre- early, cede-happen
1)to come or happen earlier ( time, order)
Eg. My preceded habit
Preceding lectures
- 2) go further
Eq. Let him precede
Ante-early, cede-happen earlier
To happen earlier ( time, order)
an earlier event or happening
[ syn ] antecedent
- precedence
Eg. 1st precedence
To give up under pressure or admit under pressure
never having happened before
Eg. Unprecedented failure / success
Fresher or more energetic
To try to win favor
Eg To woo the voters
to intimidate
Eg. The teacher cowed the students into silence
court popularity
To try to get popularity
1 ) uneven, hard And rough
Eg. Rugged surface
2) very strong and determined
Eg. Rugged individualism is the essence of the American society
defy 2
1) refuse to obey
2) To cause displeasure or dissatisfaction
Perfect example or representation
Eg. He is the epitome of laziness
1) not taking responsibility
Eg. Feckless son / daughter / bird
2) fig. M- ineffective
Eg. The feckless government
a self-centered person
A boastful person about success and achievement
Very careful at doing something
Eg. The student is punctilious about grammar
He is punctilious about following the doctor’s advice
BolYO ki Polyo
Verbally attacking ( by writing orspeaking) Eg. Polemical writing / speech
polemic /n/
Verbal attack
( + ve /- ve )
misleading (the outward and inward reality is different)
Eg. Deceptive appearance/ advertisement
That can be replaced by another
Eg. Interchangeable words / phrases
vocal 2
1) relating to the voice
Eg. Vocal test / chord
2) loud and forceful
Eg. Vocal protest in the parliament
Unaware of future consequence
Eg. A reckless driver
Bureaucracy 3
1) strong influence by officials over the govt.
2) A group of officials who influence the govt. Strongly
3) The long and complicated system of the govt.
Eg. The passport wasn’t issued timely because of bureaucracy
Aware of future consequence ( cautious )
[ ant ] unwary / reckless
1) contradict; give a false impression or disguise
Eg. Then smart appearance belied her age
2) To contradict ( between subject and object)
1 ) Peaceful and pleasant
2) A poem which describes a peaceful and pleasant place
Peaceful and pleasant
Eg. Idyllic lifestyle / childhood / village
overshadow ( high degree- low degree) 3
1) To cast shadow
- 2) To confuse or obscure
Eg. to obscure the description
*3) To minimize the importance of something or somebody
Eg. The development of the country has been overshadowed by political crisis