Term 1 Exam: Chapter 1 Course Objectives Flashcards
Define Anatomy
the study of the structures of the body and the relationships among them.
There are eleven major sub-disciplines of anatomy, name at least 5:
- Embryology
- Developmental Biology
- Cell Biology
- Histology
- Sectional Anatomy
- Gross Anatomy
- Systemic Anatomy
- Regional Anatomy
- Surface Anatomy
- Imaging Anatomy
- Pathological Anatomy
How is the body organized into levels?
From least complex (chemical level) to most complex (organismal Level).
What is the Chemical Level of organization
Where Atoms are organized into molecules
What is the Cellular Level of Organization
Molecules are organized into cells - the smallest living units in the human body
What is the tissue level of organization?
Cells are organized into tissues (groups of similar cells and the material surrounding them)
-usually have similar embryological origins and perform specialized functions
What are four major families of tissues?
- Epithelial
- Connective
- Muscular
- Nervous
What is the Organ Level of Organization?
Two or more different types of tissues are organized into organs, which have specific functions and (usually) recognizable shapes
What do we see at the system level of organization?
Related organs are organized into systems - which are functionally related groups of organs that cooperate to perform a common general function
Name the 11 Systems in the body:
- Integumentary System
- Skeletal
- Muscular
- Cardiovascular
- Lymphatic System (Immunity)
- Nervous System
- Edocrine S
- Respiratory S
- Digestive S
- Urinary
- Reproductive
What do we see at the Organismal Level of Organization?
All the systems are structurally integrated and function cooperatively to constitute the total organism
What is anatomical position?
a standard position that ensures directional terms are clear so that any body part can be clearly described relative to any other part
Describe Anatomical Postion:
Body erect
Feet flat on the floor
upper limbs at the sides with palms facing forward
What is Prone Postition?
Body lying face-down
What is Supine Postition
Body lying face UP
What is the regional name for the Head?
What is the regional name for the Neck?
What is the regional name for the trunk and upper limbs?
What ist eh regional name for the lower limb?
What is a plane in regards to Anatomy?
an imaginary flat surface that passes through the body in order to provide an informative view of a specific region of the body
What are 7 important examples of the planes
- Sagittal
- Midsagittal (or median)
- Parasagittal
- Frontal (or Coronal)
- Tranverse
- Oblique
What are body cavities?
Enclosed spaces within the body that help protect, separate and support internal organs
Name 4 Body Cavities?
- Cranial
- Vertebral (spinal) Canal
- Thoracic Cavity
- Abdominopelvic Cavity
The Thoracic Cavity includes four cavities within it, what are they?
- Pericardial Cavity
- and 3. Pleural Cavities
- Mediastinum
What lines the walls of the cranial cavity and vertebral canal?
Protective Meninges
What lines the Viscera (organs) and walls of the thoracic and abdominal cavities?
Serous Membrane
What are the serous membranes of the
- pleural cavities,
- pericardial cavity
- abdominal cavity
- Pleura
- Pericardium
- Peritoneum
How many abdominopelvic regions is the abdominopelvic cavity divided into? Name 3.
- epigastric region
- right lumbar region
- left inguinal (iliac) region
For clinical purposes, rather than nine divisions, the abdominopelvic cavity is divided into 4 regions or quadrants; what are they?
- Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
- Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
- Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
- Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)