T3-Cancer Group Work Flashcards
What cancer is radiation contraindicated in young children and why?
CNS tumors; contraindicated in children under age 3 since the radiation can cause severe developmental problems in the future
What cancer does a fundus examination and why?
Retinoblastoma; the fundus allows visualization of the entire retina in both eyes to determine the extent of the tumor
What is the goal of chemotherapy?
To destroy as many cancer cells as possible without sustaining severe damage to normal cells
What is the first sign of Hodgkins disease?
Unilateral, nontender enlargement of a cervical node
What is the most common site of metastasis for osteosarcoma cancers?
The lungs
Chemotherapy principles: What are antineoplastic drugs?
Cancer drugs that are most destructive to rapidly reproducing cells (both normal and malignant)
Chemo principles. What are rapidly reproducing cells and in turn, what would the effect of antineoplastic drugs be on these cells?
- Epithelial cells of GI tract–> Stomatitis, mucositis
- Cells in bone marrow–> Bone marrow supression
- Immature reproductive cells in pubescent children
- Cells in hair follicles–» Alopecia
What are the 4 most common sites of involvement for Rhabdomyosarcoma?
- Head and neck
- GU track
- Extremity
- Trunk
What age group and gender are most affected by Wilms’ Tumor?
Age: Under 5, greatest frequency before age 3
Gender: Boys and girls affected equally
What cancer primary affects the SNS?
Where do neuroblastoma cancer cells originate from?
Neural crest cells that are present in fetal development
What is the most common type of leukemia?
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
What cancer has the CNS body system especially targeted for prophylaxis?
What are the 3 treatment stages for ALL?
What are the 2 types of aplastic anemias?
4 early warning signs of Wilms’?
Abdominal mass
What is the definitive diagnosis for rhabdomyosarcoma?
Biopsy of the lesion